Setting Extruder Speed in Sailfish

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Paul Höfler

Jun 2, 2016, 7:36:46 PM6/2/16
to Vintage Makerbot
I recently upgraded my CupcakeCNC with the 3G5D Shield and bought this Extruder
I set the Pololu(copy bought in bulk because my first one got fried quickly) up right AFAIK and the motor turns nicely. Also I had to put a relay (with flyback diode) between the heater cartridge and the extruder board because the heater drew to much power and the board quickly overheated.
Now when trying to start extrusion through the control panel the extruder motor turns much to quickly.
I tried different settings in the cupcake-3g5d-sailfish.xml but except the motor_steps (which I have to set to 3200 because it is a 17hd40005 with 200 steps per revolution and I have set the pololu clone to 1/16 stepping) I couldn't get a hang on what the right settings could be.
Any help is much appreciated!
Best Regards, Paul

<name>3G 5D Cupcake (Gen3 XYZ, Polulu Extruder, Sailfish)</name>
<geometry type="cartesian">
<!-- different pulleys on X and Y axii -->
<axis id="x" length="100" maxfeedrate="9600" stepspermm="11.767463" endstops="min"/>
<axis id="y" length="100" maxfeedrate="9600" stepspermm="11.767463" endstops="min"/>
<axis id="z" length="100" maxfeedrate="450" stepspermm="320" endstops="min"/>
<axis id="a" length="100000" maxfeedrate="7200" scale="100.470957613814818"/>
<tool name="Mk5/6/6+" type="extruder" material="abs" fan="true" valve="false" heater="true"  heatedplatform="false" motor_steps="3200" stepper_axis="a" index="0" motor="true"/>
<driver name="makerbot4gsailfish">
<!-- optional, defaults to first serial port found.    <portname>COM1</portname> -->
<!-- required: we need 8 bit and 38400 baud. -->
<!-- optional, defaults to 1.                          <databits>1</databits> -->
<!-- optional, defaults to N.                          <stopbits>N</stopbits> -->
 (Turn off steppers after a build.)
<bookend start="machines/cupcake/start+HBP+Sailfish.gcode" end="machines/cupcake/end+Sailfish.gcode"/>


Jun 3, 2016, 7:40:00 AM6/3/16
to Vintage Makerbot
By the machine type you have chosen "Pololu Extruder" implies 1/16th stepping.

So do NOTHING to the software XML, it's correct for you machine.

The problem is likely you do not have your driver setup in 1/16th mode. You need to ensure all 3 MS (Mode Swich) pins are high (3.3-5V) on the driver itself per the data sheet for 1/16th stepping. This is an electrical setting build issue, not a software side issue at this point.

Paul Höfler

Jun 3, 2016, 11:32:59 PM6/3/16
to Vintage Makerbot
This part of the machine file was made by myself because there are no preset machine files for gen3 electronics + pololu extruder, but I think you brought me on the right trail. It might be that I attached the Mode Switches to Low instead of high which would explain a lot... Gonna check that out tomorrow morning!
Thanks a lot!
Best regards, Paul

Paul Höfler

Jun 9, 2016, 3:49:53 PM6/9/16
to Vintage Makerbot
Thanks a lot I was really that stupid to connect MS1-3 to ground when trying to pull them high...
Whats kinda odd is that when I connect them to RST/SLP it won't work so for now I've connected MS1-3 to 5V.
Best regards, Paul
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