I am very sorry to get to know some time ago about Bram. As a vim user, I
kind of owe him more than my admiration. I learnt to code with vim, and as a
c developer. This amazing tool is more than suitable for such language.
Now my questions.
a) Where can I see the new address for registering and sending money?
I sent this morning money and PayPal showed me Bram’s mail. I am not
asking for my money back, rather some pointers to the new registering and
voting processes.
b) is there any database with all supported Platforms/OS?
For a side project, I am gathering such data formation.
c) What would be the future of Vim?
I believe that Bram has become an institution for the software community,
if he was not already. Therefore, what are the next steps for Vim? I really
do not want that due to politics, lack of ideas, over compromising, or simply
for whatever reason Vim falls apart.
Kind regards,
Jorge Ventura