Dear friends
finding and trying everything that supports unicode in gvim in windows xp or 2003. No fonts, no digraphs, no countless encodings help to display
unicode symbols from 10d0 to 10f0 (georgian)
may be somebody have any idea?
i little programming in c/c++ so if it will be good i can try to help
thanks beforehand
You received this message from the "vim_multibyte" maillist.
For more information, visit
About fonts in gvim, see
On Windows, the command
:set gfn=*
allows you to choose a font by a menu. It's been too long since I've
left Windows to remember, but maybe the display on the bottom of that
dialog is actually an input area, where you can paste any text (e.g.
Georgian text) from the clipboard and see how it would be displayed in
that font.
About using Unicode in Vim (in General), see
To input Georgian characters, you can:
- use a keymap (and create your own if there is no satisfactory one), see
:help 'keymap'
:help keymap-file-format
- use digraphs (and create your own if there are no satisfactory ones)
:help :digraph
- and if nothing else avails, you can always use the method described under
:help i_CTRL-V_digit
Best regards,
ARTHUR: Right! Knights! Forward!
ARTHUR leads a charge toward the castle. Various shots of them
battling on,
despite being hit by a variety of farm animals.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)
i find very simply solution
when i install gvim 7.3.386 then i can type Georgian(from 10d0 to 10f0) in input mode without more changes. _gvimrc is same for both.
but when install gvim 7.3.42 Georgian is seen only in digraph method
i dont deeg deeply, maybe experts can see reason easy, i'll be gratefull for explantion
--- On Sat, 1/7/12, Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:
Well, maybe tou'll find something "interesting" between the lines
7.3.042 (excluded) and 7.3.386 (included) in
Best regards,
O give me a home,
Where the buffalo roam,
Where the deer and the antelope play,
Where seldom is heard
A discouraging word,
'Cause what can an antelope say?
RE: gvim, Unicode, Georgian mxedruli
Here's how I have implemented Georgian mxedruli in gvim. Corrections and suggestions
would be welcome.
For displaying Georgian mxedruli, the DejaVu Sans Mono font has the glyphs (and is a good
general Unicode mono font, suitable for gvim). You will have to install this font (or a similar
Unicode mono font) on Windows wherever you install fonts so that they are visible to gvim.
I assume here that you want to use a keymap, which allows you to type Roman letters,
and simple sequences (bigraphs, trigraphs, etc.) of Roman letters on your keyboard. These
are intercepted by the keymap and turned into mxedruli characters before being entered
into the buffer. You type an unambiguous Roman _transliteration_ of mxedruli, so the keymap
(below) is titled mxedruli-translit_utf-8.vim. This mxedruli-translit_utf-8.vim file should be
installed in your ~/.vim/keymap/ directory (or the equivalent for Windows).
Key points:
1. You have to tell gvim to use DejaVu Sans Mono (or another Unicode-encoded
mono font that contains the mxedruli glyphs).
2. You want gvim to store/encode text internally in utf-8 (a default encoding of Unicode)
3. You want gvim to save buffers to file in utf-8 and read files in utf-8
4. You want easy ways to activate and de-activate the mxedruli keymap when you type
You do this via commands in your .gvimrc file.
I'm not a Windows user, but something close to the following should work for you.
In your .gvimrc file, add the lines:
if has ("multi_byte") " i.e. compiled for multi_byte, needed for Unicode
if &encoding !~? '^u' " if encoding does not start u or U
if &termencoding=='' " don't clobber keyboard locale
let &termencoding=&encoding
set encoding=utf-8 " how vim should represent text internally
" fileencodings, tried in order when opening an existing file
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,iso-8859-1
setglobal bomb
" fileencoding is the encoding vim will use to write files
setglobal fileencoding=utf-8
echomsg 'Warning: Multibyte support not compiled in.'
set anti guifont="DejaVu Sans Mono:h14
" input sequences to activate the mxedruli keymap
nmap ,m :setlocal keymap=mxedruli-translit_utf-8<Enter>
imap ,m <Esc>:setlocal keymap=mxedruli-translit_utf-8<Enter>a
" toggle keymaps (to previous and back) N.B. <C-^> works only in Insert mode
" and in command-line mode
nmap ,. i<C-^><Esc>
imap ,. <C-^>
cmap ,. <C-^>
" return to the neutral keymap
nmap ,, :setlocal keymap="neutral"<Enter>
imap ,, <Esc>:setlocal keymap="neutral"<Enter>a
" end of additions to .gvimrc
Put the mxedruli-translit_utf-8.vim file (below) in your ~/.vim/keymap/ directory
(or equivalent for Windows).
" mxedruli-translit_utf-8.vim
" Maintainer: Kenneth R. Beesley krbeesley ATT gmail DOTT com
" Created: 2008-09-21
" Last Changed: 2012-01-09
" vim keymap (input method) for entering Georgian mxedruli
" Installation: place this file in ~/.vim/keymap/
" Selection inside gvim
" :setlocal keymap=mxedruli-translit_utf-8
" or, in your .gvimrc file, include the commands
" nmap ,m :setlocal keymap=mxedruli-translit_utf-8<Enter>
" imap ,m <Esc>:setlocal keymap=mxedruli-translit_utf-8<Enter>a
" nmap ,. i<C-^><Esc>
" imap ,. <C-^>
" cmap ,. <C-^>
" nmap ,, :setlocal keymap="neutral"<Enter>
" imap ,, <Esc>:setlocal keymap="neutral"<Enter>a
" so that you can activate the mxedruli input method by typing ,m
" toggle back and forth by typing ,.
" and return to the "neutral" keymap by typing ,,
" **************************************************************
" this short name is for display in the status line
let b:keymap_name="mxedruli-translit"
" change the lCursor color (the color when this keymap is active)
highlight lCursor guifg=NONE guibg=Cyan
a <Char-0x10D0>
b <Char-0x10D1>
g <Char-0x10D2>
d <Char-0x10D3>
e <Char-0x10D4>
v <Char-0x10D5>
z <Char-0x10D6>
t <Char-0x10D7>
i <Char-0x10D8>
k' <Char-0x10D9>
l <Char-0x10DA>
m <Char-0x10DB>
n <Char-0x10DC>
o <Char-0x10DD>
p' <Char-0x10DE>
Z <Char-0x10DF>
r <Char-0x10E0>
s <Char-0x10E1>
t' <Char-0x10E2>
u <Char-0x10E3>
p <Char-0x10E4>
k <Char-0x10E5>
G <Char-0x10E6>
q' <Char-0x10E7>
q <Char-0x10E7> " no q vs. q' distinction
S <Char-0x10E8>
tS <Char-0x10E9>
ts <Char-0x10EA>
dz <Char-0x10EB>
ts' <Char-0x10EC>
tS' <Char-0x10ED>
x <Char-0x10EE>
X <Char-0x10EE> " x and X the same
dZ <Char-0x10EF>
h <Char-0x10F0>
" literalize with preceding backslash
" (seldom needed)
\p <Char-0x10E4>
\t <Char-0x10D7>
\k <Char-0x10E5>
\d <Char-0x10D3>
\s <Char-0x10E1>
\S <Char-0x10E8>
\z <Char-0x10D6>
\Z <Char-0x10DF>
\' '
" literalize the backslash itself
\\ \
" end of mxedruli-translit_utf-8.vim
With this setup, when you launch gvim, you just need to type
i.e. a comma followed immediately by an m, to activate the
mxedruli keymap. While this mode is active, you just type
a, e, i, o and u to enter the obvious vowels, and (as far as
possible) you type the obvious Roman equivalents for the
consonants. Ejectives are entered with a roman consonant
followed by a single quote: e.g. p', t', k'. See the keymap
above for other mapping details.
for the Unicode code point values.
You can of course modify the keymap to your taste by changing
the input sequences on the left side, as long as each input sequence is unique.
To toggle between the mxedruli keymap and the previous
keymap, just type ,. (i.e. comma followed immediately by
a period).
To return to the default/normal keymap, just type
i.e. two commas together.
Good luck,
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_multibyte" maillist.
> For more information, visit
Kenneth R. Beesley, D.Phil.
P.O. Box 540475
North Salt Lake, UT
84054 USA
i check your keymap and setting and, of course, it works for gvim73-46
i also changed keymap (put in attachment) to coincide it with windows georgian keyboard, for that people who use georgian keyboard in windows. It came from old (befor computers) georgian printing press keyboard. So for 73-46 users everything is ready.
the good side of this keyboard is that it's possible to type one key for one georgian letter. Hope it will be usefull for georgian keyboard users.
let me repeat that most easy is install gvim-7-3-386 and in it directly switch keyboard layots
--- On Mon, 1/9/12, Kenneth Reid Beesley <> wrote: