Plugin cleanup and best practice

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Daryl Lee

May 4, 2023, 4:16:39 PM5/4/23
to vim_mac
In a galaxy long ago and far away, I struggled with installing plugins an used pathogen to simplify the process.  Now I am up to Vim 9.0 on both my M2 Macbook Air and on my Intel iMac.  Vim-Latex works nicely on the Macbook Air but not on the iMac.  When I did a side-by-side compare of the two .vim folders, they were grossly different.  I'm on the verge of wiping out all traces of Vim on both machines and starting clean with the two or three plugins I really care about.  Where do I find the best documentation for installing plugins under Vim 9.0?

Owajigbanam Ogbuluijah

May 6, 2023, 8:48:34 AM5/6/23
I've come to trust junegunn/vim-plug over the years. It's got guards as well to lazy-load if you need.

For the systems disparity you have, you can use Vim's has() function to guard what plugins go where.

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:16 PM Daryl Lee <> wrote:
In a galaxy long ago and far away, I struggled with installing plugins an used pathogen to simplify the process.  Now I am up to Vim 9.0 on both my M2 Macbook Air and on my Intel iMac.  Vim-Latex works nicely on the Macbook Air but not on the iMac.  When I did a side-by-side compare of the two .vim folders, they were grossly different.  I'm on the verge of wiping out all traces of Vim on both machines and starting clean with the two or three plugins I really care about.  Where do I find the best documentation for installing plugins under Vim 9.0?

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Yee Cheng Chin

Jun 29, 2023, 11:12:14 PM6/29/23
to vim_mac
You basically either manage plugins yourself, or use a plugin manager like vim-plug.

Managing it yourself isn't hard if you know how to use Git. Just make a folder ".vim/pack/myplugins/start/" and then you can git clone any plugins into that folder you want. "myplugins" can be substituted with any name you want. Benefit is that it's simple and you have full control. Annoying part is you have to manually keep them up to date. It's not a bad option if you only have a few plugins you use.

Otherwise if you use something like vim-plug the benefit is you have a vimrc that describes all the plugins you want and it will do the work for you in managing them and keeping them up-to-date and selectively loading them.

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