Cannot load Coc Extension only in MacVim

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Aaron Hayman

Sep 14, 2022, 9:54:01 AM9/14/22
to vim_mac
I've been using Coc for a while to handle linting/autocomplete/etc for a variety of languages.  I recently installed `coc-ltex` to handle grammar checking in markdown files. This works fine if I use vim on a markdown file from the command line. The extension activates, downloads the appropriate language server, and runs just fine.

If I open a markdown file with MacVim, nothing happens. When I check `:CocList extensions`, the extension is listed but not active.  Attempts to activate it fail with no displayed error message.  However, if I `:echo errmsg` after I try to activate the extension, I see: `E716 key not present in dictionary: "2"`, although that's not much help.

I suspect that something in MacVim is preventing the extension from downloading the language server, but I don't know what it could be.

Note: `:version` display the exact same version in both command-line vim and MacVim:

VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Jul 25 2022 08:23:03)
macOS version - x86_64
Included patches: 1-65    

Yee Cheng Chin

Sep 15, 2022, 5:50:39 PM9/15/22
I don't have Coc installed and this plugin requires some set up. Are others seeing this as well? Can you file a GitHub issue with more detailed steps for a minimal repro? Otherwise it could be hard for me to know how to start reproducing this.

You could also consider filing an issue at coc-ltex. They should know the codebase a lot better and able to pinpoint where the issue is (or at least add a more descriptive error message). Otherwise it would be a lot more work for us to dig through things.

Other than that, it could be a permission issue. You could go to System Preferences → Security Settings → Privacy and see if there is a category where MacVim is not checked. macOS usually only asks once so if you rejected a permission before it may just be silently blocking things.

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Yee Cheng Chin

Sep 15, 2022, 6:01:40 PM9/15/22
Another thing that I can remember off the top of my head is to check whether this plugin works in GVim for Windows or Linux. For example, the behavior for ":!" was changed recently for (POSIX-based systems) GVim (see which could cause spawned background processes to immediately exit after the command is done (compared to terminal Vim where it would run in the background). If coc uses that command to spawn processes (and don't check the results) that could make a difference between terminal and GUI Vim.
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