[vim/vim] Termdebug8 (PR #15027)

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Jun 16, 2024, 4:34:04 PM (10 days ago) Jun 16
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Copy from last legacy version before vim9 port.
Rename legacy termdebug commands to Termdebug8.
With this one can more easily explore differences between legacy and vim9 termdebug and for emergency use.

Use like

gvim -c "set co=220" -c "packadd termdebug8" -c "Termdebug8 $cmd $cor

There's no expectation that this can run concurrently in same-instance with vim9 termdebug.
It uses the same configuration setup.

It's expected that this will fade as Termdebug becomes more robust.

Note: this is two commits. The first is the copy, the 2nd renames the commands.

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Commit Summary

  • 3fdaacd Copy from last legacy version before vim9 port.
  • de94e26 Rename legacy termdebug commands to Termdebug8.

File Changes

(1 file)

Patch Links:

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Jun 16, 2024, 5:01:37 PM (10 days ago) Jun 16
to vim/vim, Push

@errael pushed 1 commit.

  • a95888f Rename legacy termdebug commands to Termdebug8.

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Yinzuo Jiang

Jun 17, 2024, 12:27:16 PM (9 days ago) Jun 17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Should we add some documentation to explain

  1. the difference between termdebug and termdebug8
  2. when we will deprecate temdebug8?

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Christian Brabandt

Jun 17, 2024, 12:34:22 PM (9 days ago) Jun 17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

That is the thing. What can you do with the legacy plugin, that is not possible with the current termplugin? I rather spend time to get the vim9script plugin fixed rather than having to include 2 versions of the same plugin

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vim-dev ML

Jun 17, 2024, 12:45:51 PM (9 days ago) Jun 17
to vim/vim, vim-dev ML, Your activity

@errael perhaps, let it be~ if no further outstanding huge change/break, let's just turn to use vim9 version of termdebug now..
// this tmp switch operation was too late.. :sweat_smile:
// thank you anyway~


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Jun 17, 2024, 2:17:21 PM (9 days ago) Jun 17
to vim/vim, vim-dev ML, Comment

Should we add some documentation to explain

1. the difference between termdebug and termdebug8

At this point, a short paragraph for Termdebug8 that references the Termdebug
docs would be in order. Something that basically says that termdebug is under
construction and that Termdebug8 will go away when things stabalize. If needed
at some point the docs associated with legacy script termdebug could be copied.

But since it looks like this won't be merged...

2. when we will deprecate temdebug8?

There's substantial refactoring, changes, and new features proposed for termdebug.
I haven't seen a plan or estimate. After things stabalize, I think it could be
deprecated; or even have the command Termdebug8 point the Termdebug.

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Jun 17, 2024, 2:19:45 PM (9 days ago) Jun 17
to vim/vim, vim-dev ML, Comment

That is the thing. What can you do with the legacy plugin, that is not possible with the current termplugin?

There's substantial refactoring, changes, and new features proposed for termdebug.
The testing for termdebug seems to be weak; consider that it makes heavy use of
BufRead and a few other autloads, but it seems they are not tested.

I don't use termdebug frequently; I just got lucky this time fixing something
in the vim "C" code used by the vim9 port of termdebug. (remember CHECKME?)

When I go to use termdebug, I'm generally in the middle of something. Having to
stop what I'm doing and shift to debugging the debugger is less than desirable. I
don't know how many people use termdebug and how often or how comfortable they
might be with digging around for a working version and using that. termdebug
uses advanced vim features and I'm lightweight when it comes to them.

Anyway, even if this PR isn't merged, I have a changeset I can rebase and include
with my local version so I'll always have termdebug available when needed.


I rather spend time to get the vim9script plugin fixed rather than having to include 2 versions of the same plugin

Are you saying, with "spend time", that including this PR is an equivelent effort
to fixing vim9 termdebug issues?

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Jun 17, 2024, 2:24:20 PM (9 days ago) Jun 17
to vim/vim, vim-dev ML, Comment

Closed #15027.

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Jun 17, 2024, 2:24:23 PM (9 days ago) Jun 17
to vim/vim, vim-dev ML, Comment

@errael perhaps, let it be~ if no further outstanding huge change/break,

There's substantial refactoring, changes, and new features proposed for termdebug.

let's just turn to use vim9 version of termdebug now..

I plan to use the vim9 version. But when I need a debugger, I need a debugger now.

I'll keep this changeset around for my own use.

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