[vim/vim] Can't disable line wrapping in terminal window output (#5769)

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Mar 11, 2020, 6:47:19 PM3/11/20
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Not sure what to classify this as, bug or feature request. Or if this existing functionality is in the tool, and I'm just unable to configure vim properly.

When I run a command in a terminal window, like :term find or :term grep, the output of the window is strangely wrapped when the command completes. By this I mean that lines returned by find or grep contain line feeds where the original shell output had none. In particular, if a line is longer than Vim's current terminal width, a linefeed is inserted into the command output.

This causes a ton of frustration when I attempt a :term find or :term grep and the line containing a path is longer than this limit: the path is now broken into two lines by a newline. If I want to open it with gf (how I typically interact with the contents of this window), I must make the window modifiable, edit the line, split the window (otherwise vim won't switch files due to "unsaved changes"), and close the old window. Perhaps there's a simpler way to accomplish this, but the point remains: if I could simply turn off the wrapping of the output, none of this would be necessary.

I've tried all the options I can think of. set nowrap has no effect, set formatoptions-=t, set wrapmargin=0, set textwidth=0, to no avail. I've tried setting setterm -linewrap off before running the command. No dice. No matter what I do, the output gets wrapped to the size of the output window. Running the same command to a temporary file shows no line wrapping.

The only workaround I have is increasing the size of my window temporarily before running the command. That's not a permanent solution for obvious reasons,

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Bram Moolenaar

Mar 12, 2020, 2:43:43 PM3/12/20
to vim/vim, Subscribed

> Not sure what to classify this as, bug or feature request. Or if this
> existing functionality is in the tool, and I'm just unable to
> configure `vim` properly.
> When I run a command in a terminal window, like `:term find` or `:term
> grep`, the output of the window is strangely wrapped when the command

> completes. By this I mean that lines returned by `find` or `grep`
> contain line feeds where the original shell output had none. In
> particular, if a line is longer than Vim's current terminal width, a
> linefeed is inserted into the command output.

How do you see this? A terminal window works like a terminal, thus
obviously lines will wrap when running into the right border. A
terminal doesn't support horizontal scrolling.

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/// Bram Moolenaar -- Br...@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
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Mar 12, 2020, 7:52:49 PM3/12/20
to vim/vim, Subscribed

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 1:43 PM Bram Moolenaar <notifi...@github.com>

> > Not sure what to classify this as, bug or feature request. Or if this
> > existing functionality is in the tool, and I'm just unable to
> > configure `vim` properly.
> >
> > When I run a command in a terminal window, like `:term find` or `:term
> > grep`, the output of the window is strangely wrapped when the command

> > completes. By this I mean that lines returned by `find` or `grep`
> > contain line feeds where the original shell output had none. In
> > particular, if a line is longer than Vim's current terminal width, a
> > linefeed is inserted into the command output.
> How do you see this? A terminal window works like a terminal, thus
> obviously lines will wrap when running into the right border. A
> terminal doesn't support horizontal scrolling.
> maybe if he pipes his command through cut or fmt he'd be happy

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Mar 13, 2020, 10:56:40 AM3/13/20
to vim/vim, Subscribed

I think there might be a misunderstanding here. The output of the tool does not contain linefeeds. I'm not upset with the fact that the terminal scrolls. That's not the issue.

The issue is that the resulting text in the buffer that Vim uses to display the command's stdout contains linefeeds.

Open up a Vim window and shrink the terminal so that the width is around 80 characters, and then type :term echo "This is an incredibly long line that will cause the screen to scroll and insert a linefeed where the should not be one, because there wasn't one in the command's actual output. It is artificially inserted into the text." (or something of that nature).

What you will see is something like

What I want to be able to see (with some kind of configuration of vim)

At present, it looks like my only option to cause Vim to output the latter is to set termwinsize so that the width of the terminal is artificially much longer. While this does achieve the desired effect, it has the unwanted effect of causing the lines to not visually wrap while the command is running. Also, I have to set termwinsize back to something reasonable (via set termwinsize&) when I want to use the terminal window interactively. I can live with it if I have to, but I'm just surprised this behavior isn't configurable.


Mar 13, 2020, 11:21:14 PM3/13/20
to vim/vim, Subscribed

I took a look at what I think is the relevant code here (in terminal.c). I think now perhaps I understand the issue. If my reading of the source is correct, Vim creates a buffer from the terminal's output row by row, and hence if the terminal emulator visually wraps (due to termwinsize), then the output will appear as though a linefeed was inserted simply due to the action by which Vim fills the buffer. Is that relatively correct?

Bram Moolenaar

Mar 14, 2020, 3:39:01 AM3/14/20
to vim/vim, Subscribed

> I took a look at what I think is the relevant code here (in
> `terminal.c`). I think now perhaps I understand the issue. If my

> reading of the source is correct, Vim creates a buffer from the
> terminal's output row by row, and hence if the terminal emulator
> visually wraps (due to `termwinsize`), then the output will appear as

> though a linefeed was inserted simply due to the action by which Vim
> fills the buffer. Is that relatively correct?

Right. If you want to grab the output from a command as it was sent to
the terminal, you need to use another way. Displaying the output on the
terminal will split it up in visible lines.

There might be a trick to detect the auto-wrapping of text (xterm uses
that for when text is selected), but then the relation between terminal
lines and buffer lines is lost, which causes other problems.

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/// Bram Moolenaar -- Br...@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
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Mar 14, 2020, 6:14:45 PM3/14/20
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Yeah, I realize now what I'm asking might be more difficult than I imagined. I'll leave this issue open if you feel someone might want to take a stab at it (or could), but otherwise you can close it.

Simon Crosland

Feb 3, 2021, 5:26:55 AM2/3/21
to vim/vim, Subscribed

I would be interested in seeing this solved for vim :terminal.

I am used to using a terminal, Terminator, which does not wrap long lines, and it's a very natural behaviour. Terminator appears to advertise the actual window size (rows*columns) so viewport aware programs like ls, and visual programs like vim and less will size their output appropriately. But if a program writes long lines, e.g. cat, then Terminator does not enforce wrapping on the text. Instead it supports horizontal scrolling as a first class operation. See neovim/neovim#2380 (comment) for an example.


Feb 10, 2021, 4:34:45 AM2/10/21
to vim/vim, Subscribed

there are (or that is) 2 cases actually, IMO.

  1. what @leonerd trying to fix or that neovim is discussing was 'reflow-wise', that actually was a 'terminal' case when/if 'resize', we can see xfce-term, and you mentioned terminator, etc, worked like that; but libvterm looks more like a pure xterm, for now no such 'wise'.
  2. what I said (#7055) was more about ':term' when/if done or in normal state, it should (or if can) respect vim 'nowrap' option, translate previous buf content which came from term running result to a real normal buf content; but now looks it just 'copied' what exactly the content when state turning from running to normal. to make some vim native ex cmd to work same as others buf, looks that's the point, or mostly that's the users actually wanted, I Guess; though looks that's a bit not fair to vim, or saying it's difficult to 'translate'.

// well, though if item.1 solved, then item.2 looks not an issue too, or at least it can manually adjust the size.


Mar 2, 2021, 9:11:29 AM3/2/21
to vim/vim, Subscribed

@brammool One use case where I run into this use is when using termdebug. Often I need to copy off the output/contents from gdb (terminal) window like backtraces, etc. and it introduces new lines where they wrapped.
Currently I work around it by maximizing the window as much as possible (full screen), rerunning the gdb command so lines don't wrap and then copying the lines I want. Would be nice to have an option to not introduce real newline characters or to not split up the wraps somehow.

Simon Sobisch

Apr 23, 2021, 3:52:01 PM4/23/21
to vim/vim, Subscribed

@damnskippy it seems the way to prevent those wraps is to set the size of that buffer wider than it actually is (but I don't know how to achieve that). A workaround that may be useful for you instead of/additional to maximizing:

  • switch to the source buffer, close it with :q, now the GDB bufffer "window" is full-width and you the last window (gdb) is active
  • issue the command you want in gdb, copy with full width
  • switch the frame, easiest: up, down -> the source window is shown again


Apr 26, 2021, 9:05:26 AM4/26/21
to vim/vim, Subscribed

@GitMensch yes, that works (around this) too, thanks.


Nov 28, 2021, 3:30:43 PM11/28/21
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Upon closer inspection this seems to be the same as #2865 (maybe better expressed here?).

Indeed many terminal emulators handle wrapped lines naturally, by moving linebreaks on window resizes or ignoring them when copying text. vim does this naturally for its buffers, so it is reasonably easy to do this too for the buffer displaying a terminal’s contents.

PR #8365 implements that, so you can try to check out that code and compile vim with it to test the feature. Note that:

  • this doesn’t work if you resize the terminal window
  • it does however work if only the buffer is resized but not its window (e.g. when showing/hiding line numbers as in @Tyg13’s screenshots)
  • it also works for copying text
  • the specific way in which the soft-wrap information is stored and transmitted it is still under discussion, as it requires modifications in libvterm.

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Peter Benjamin

Jan 9, 2023, 1:15:51 PM1/9/23
to vim/vim, Subscribed

I can set termwinsize=20*2000 or something similarly large before I run the command, and then after run set termwinsize&, but this requires me to wrap every command I care about in a convenience macro that does this.

Another workaround is using channels.

For example:

:call job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, "for i in $(seq 1 1000); do echo -n \"$i \"; done"], {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'tmpshell', 'out_msg': ''})
:sbuffer tmpshell

Screenshot demonstrating channels (via job_start()) vs :terminal:

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 10 14 51 AM

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Tony O

Nov 26, 2023, 12:37:41 PM11/26/23
to vim/vim, Subscribed

:call job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, "for i in $(seq 1 1000); do echo -n \"$i \"; done"], {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'tmpshell', 'out_msg': ''})
:sbuffer tmpshell

Maybe this could be packaged as a convenience command?

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Mar 30, 2024, 5:36:31 AMMar 30
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Sadly the problem still exists after nearly 4 years.

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Simon Ney

Jul 21, 2024, 7:42:52 PM (13 hours ago) Jul 21
to vim_dev
Why when switched to normal mode with CTRL-W N , the nowrap option is still ineffective? 
The buffer has already inversible inserted linebreaks so resizing a vertical term window afterwards is also ineffective.
Physical terminals have also setup options to switch line wrapping off.
Nice would be a optional filter between the pseudo terminal master side and the reading end of vim.
 A non-buffering filter like "dd bs=1" would solve the problem.

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