[vim/vim] fix(swayconfig): floating_modifier (PR #14827)

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James Eapen

May 22, 2024, 4:40:38 PMMay 22
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Restores correct highlighting of swayconfig's floating_modifier with the normal and inverse options. Both i3 and sway have this keyword, but i3 does not have the normal|inverse. When this match was set as contained in 679f5ab, it prevented the sway options from being recognized.

Added the none option which was not supported but is a valid option in sway config.

Ideally floating_modifier would be a keyword as it is in i3config.vim, but I'm still working that out.

Fixes #14826

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Commit Summary

  • 971d77b fix normal|inverse not being allowed in sway
  • 42aa58f fix: allow none as standalone floating_modifier option

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(1 file)

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James Eapen

May 22, 2024, 6:00:39 PMMay 22
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setting as draft since some issues remain:
image.png (view on web)

The first two lines should show bad normal as errors but do not.


syn match i3ConfigKeyword /floating_modifier \(none$\|$[a-zA-Z0-9+]\+ \(normal\|inverse\)\)$/ contains=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey,swayConfigFloatingModifierOpts

with the $ outside the alphanumeric match gets
image.png (view on web)

Here it looks better except that Mod keys aren't allowed anything following them.

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James Eapen

May 22, 2024, 7:40:16 PMMay 22
to vim/vim, Push

@jamespeapen pushed 1 commit.

  • dbdf3e1 make floating_modifier option matching more precise

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James Eapen

May 22, 2024, 7:50:10 PMMay 22
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Made the capture groups a little more explicit:
image.png (view on web)

Let me know if you have any suggestions @JosefLitos. Otherwise I'm happy with this. Since both i3 and sway don't share too many different options for the same keyword like floating_modifier, I'm okay with the current fix.

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Josef Litoš

May 23, 2024, 1:24:48 AMMay 23
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This is a workaround to the issue, not actually fixing the root of it. The reall source of the problem is a change in i3config.vim floating_modifier implementation. I went from a match to a keyword, which takes precedence.

To make them work both, I'd suggest leaving the contained keyword in the swayconfig part and replacing i3config part with:

" 4.7 Floating modifier
- syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword floating_modifier contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey
+ syn match i3ConfigKeyword /floating_modifier [$a-zA-Z0-9+]\+$/ contained contains=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey

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James Eapen

May 23, 2024, 10:34:03 AMMay 23
to vim/vim, Push

@jamespeapen pushed 1 commit.

  • 53cde3f fix: support floating_modifier none; revert broken highlighting

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James Eapen

May 23, 2024, 10:36:33 AMMay 23
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@jamespeapen pushed 1 commit.

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James Eapen

May 23, 2024, 10:36:50 AMMay 23
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Thanks! I've reverted the i3 change that caused the issue @hiqua. For the precise matches, I think its more consistent to be precise since other syntax elements are precisely matched, but you have a point that its not going to be used more than once and vim needn't act as a sway linter. I'll go with the simpler option for now but will keep trying to see if there's another way to get that precision.

For a start I did notice two of the errors are recognized if there are any leading spaces:
image.png (view on web)

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Christian Brabandt

May 23, 2024, 11:49:14 AMMay 23
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Thanks. So is this good to be included? Or are you still working on it? @JosefLitos can you please ACK as well please?

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James Eapen

May 23, 2024, 11:52:39 AMMay 23
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Yes its good to go.

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Christian Brabandt

May 23, 2024, 2:50:41 PMMay 23
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Closed #14827 via 22ac941.

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Josef Litoš

May 24, 2024, 3:32:51 AMMay 24
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@JosefLitos commented on this pull request.

In runtime/syntax/i3config.vim:

> @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ syn keyword i3ConfigBindKeyword bindsym bindcode contained skipwhite nextgroup=i
 syn region i3ConfigModeBlock matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/mode\ze\( --pango_markup\)\? \([^'" {]\+\|'[^']\+'\|".\+"\)\s\+{$/ end=/^}\zs$/ contained contains=i3ConfigShParam,@i3ConfigStrVar,i3ConfigBindKeyword,i3ConfigComment,i3ConfigParen fold keepend extend
 " 4.7 Floating modifier
-syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword floating_modifier contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey
+syn match i3ConfigKeyword /^floating_modifier [$0-9A-Za-z]*$/ contains=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey

I may have miscommunicated the changes in i3. The reverted changes in i3 introduce back the issue for which they were made - leading spaces.
We didn't need to put back the start-of-line anchor, but we should have kept in the contained keyword. I wrote the exact changes in the original comment, but a revert was probably not the best way to describe them.

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Josef Litoš

May 24, 2024, 3:44:44 AMMay 24
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For a start I did notice two of the errors are recognized if there are any leading spaces...

The reason leading spaces play a role is the inclusion of ^ in the i3config regex. Otherwise it would be also recognized as valid syntax. That is because of the simplified highlighting. Since that could be quite a common mistake to write it that way, a small simple change could be made for detecting the first character ->


syn match i3ConfigKeyword /floating_modifier [$A-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*$/ contained contains=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey


syn match i3ConfigKeyword /floating_modifier \(none\|[$A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+]\+ \(normal\|inverse\)\)$/ contained contains=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey,swayConfigFloatingModifierOpts

(added [$A-Z] before the rest of the key/var match)

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James Eapen

May 24, 2024, 8:27:35 AMMay 24
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Ah I did focus more on the revert and the sway suggestion than the i3 diff. Thanks @JosefLitos, and apologies @chrisbra the new pull request should supersede this one.

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