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Update from the ICCF

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Christian Brabandt

Aug 23, 2024, 12:51:32 PM8/23/24
Dear Vim users,

I'd like to inform you of the current status of the ICCF charity since
Brams passing last year. Via the Paypal account mentioned at the
homepage money can still be donated for the children in Uganda. Don't
worry if the donation email still mentions Brams name, it's been taken
care of by Brams family and the money will be received by the ICCF and
forwarded to Uganda. Since last August, a total of € 11,670.35 has been
received via Paypal.

Altogether, the donations have totalled € 90,000. I am sure Bram would
have been very happy about those donations!

Half of the donations has been used to furbish 2 school libraries in
Uganda and the other half will be used to setup a study fund for
students that cannot afford to pay for university fees.

Having said that, I have been told that the ICCF plans some changes in
the future and will likely partner with the Canadian charity Kuwasha
that also supports the Kibaale Children Centre in Uganda. This also
means that the paypal donation button will likely change.

Whatever the ICCF will decide, I am fully supporting those changes and
don't plan to make any changes in the way Vim is supporting the Kibaale
Centre in Uganda.

This is the way Bram wanted the money raised for Vim being spent and I
therefore believe is in his interest.

I'd like this opportunity to thank everybody for donating and that the
Vim project is very grateful and proud of all the donations being made.
At the same time I want to encourage everybody to keep on supporting and
donating to Uganda in the future.

Thanks and Happy Vimming,
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