Hello Vim users!
The list of features has not been changed for quite a while, but there
are several outdated items and new items have been asked for.
The main reason to not update the list often is that users who have cast
their votes will have to update them. We don't want to cause that too
The list is also quite long. I have removed a few items that are
outdated and items with very few votes that are hardly relevant.
You can adjust your votes here, if you are a sponsor:
The voting results are here:
Items that have been added now:
- "add multiple cursors, edit text in more than one place at the same time"
- "add scrolling per screen line, first line can start halfway"
- "reduce flicker by avoiding to clear the screen"
Edited items:
- "improve syntax highlighting speed"
changed to: "improve syntax highlighting speed by adding a parser"
- "add IDE features (debugger integration, shell window)"
changed to: "improve IDE features (terminal debugger)"
- "add diff/merge capability for CVS, like in emacs"
changed to: "add diff/merge capability for git, mercurial et al."
- "improve the performance of Vim scripts (pre-compile them)"
changed to: "improve the performance of Vim script"
- "improve searching in the on-line help, add more tags"
changed to: "improve searching in the builtin help, add more tags"
- "improve the on-line help reference manual"
changed to: "improve the builtin help reference manual"
- "improve the on-line help user manual"
changed to: "improve the builtin help user manual"
- "translate the on-line help to German, French, Spanish, etc."
changed to: "translate the builtin help to German, French, Spanish,
- "improve the remote server functionality"
changed to: "improve the client-server functionality"
- "add option not to move the cursor when using a scrollbar"
changed to: "add option not to move the cursor when scrolling the
Items that have been removed, either because they have already been done
or they will never happen:
- "improve the support for X Window with the Athena toolkit"
- "add an "open" mode, like the original Vi"
- "add editing of a hidden buffer (useful in scripts only)"
- "improve the support for MacOS 9 and earlier"
- "make Vim available as a .net object"
- "add better support for editing files in projects (with ID utils)"
- "create a vim-script maillist, for announcements about new and updated
- "add autocommand events for Insert mode, before/after inserting a
- "add vertical mode for operators (e.g., delete word in five lines)"
- "add flexible tab stops, can be used for tables"
Happy voting!
GUARD #1: What, ridden on a horse?
GUARD #1: You're using coconuts!
GUARD #1: You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em
The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Br...@Moolenaar.net --
http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// \\\
\\\ sponsor Vim, vote for features --
http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims --
http://ICCF-Holland.org ///