vim's MatchParen hightlighter and curlybraces around hash keys

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Dr Bean

Aug 7, 2009, 11:41:10 PM8/7/09
In around 7.3 vim started highlighting matching curly braces
with a lightblue-like background on both the brace the cursor
is on and the matching one.

So you can see braces around blocks which are black for the
perl.vim I have (Nick Hibma's?), but not braces around hash keys,
which are light blue.

The cursor flashes. The other one doesn't. But it flashes not to
white but the color of the brace under it, which is the same
color it already was.

The upshot is I can't tell which character the cursor is on.

It's not so bad not being able to see the brace under the
highlighting. I know it is a brace from the context.

The problem is different. I have to move the cursor around to see where I

I am experimenting with

:hi MatchParen ctermbg=blue guibg=lightblue

I am not really happy with MatchParen. (But vim's perl syntax
highlighting is pretty good.) It's difficult to
distinguish the cursor in other matching parens contexts too.

But in this case of braces around hash keys it is impossible.

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