Conference JavaDay Kiev

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Vaidas Pilkauskas

Oct 6, 2015, 12:45:03 PM10/6/15
Info from our friends in JUG Ukraine:

The 5th JavaDay Kyiv conference - ask James Gosling

As you know, this year is significant for Java. The JUG Ukraine has held community-driven JavaDay Lviv ( and JavaDay Kharkiv ( conferences devoted to Java’s anniversary.
Now the JUG UA team is working hard on the 5th JavaDay Kyiv, which will be held in Kyiv on 6th-7th of November

Thanks to Jelastic, the Father of Java James Gosling will speak online at conference. The JUG UA has started to collect questions for James on Facebook. So don't hesitate and post or like questions
This year's conference will have deep focus on Java-core platform (Java 8 & Java 9), microservices and Java Enterprise technologies. Preliminary conference program is available here

Also, after the conference at October 8th, Venkat Subramaniam will give training "Essence of Agility - The Key Technical Practices"

Anniversary JavaDay Kyiv facts:
— 2 days of deep Java talks
— 5 parallel tracks
— 40+ world-known speakers
— 60+ remarkable talks
— modern venue for 800+ participants

Our speakers:
— The Father of Java (online)
— Java Champions and JavaOne Rock Stars
— JavaOne and Devoxx speakers
— Java books’ authors

Conference topics:
— Core JVM platform and Java SE (Java 8, Java 9)
— JVM languages and new programming paradigms
— Web development and Java Enterprise technologies
— Software engineering practices
— Architecture & Cloud
— BigData & NoSQL

Among our speakers are James Gosling (online), Venkat Subramaniam, Arun Gupta, Bruno Souza, Robert Field, Marcus Lagergren, Maurice Naftalin, Patrycja Wegrzynowicz, Baruch Sadogursky, Kai Waehner, Mohamed Taman, Oleg Šelajev and many others.

Looking forward to seeing you at JavaDay Kyiv!
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