Coding Dojo event for techies! For free!

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Skaiste Kriksciunaite

Mar 19, 2015, 4:13:30 AM3/19/15
A free-of-charge programming workout for senior JAVA EE and .NET developers to learn more about writing good quality code and gaining tremend​ously valuable insights into the way other people solve problems. Two hours in Coding Dojo will grow your code-muscle more than lifting Model-view-controllers for two weeks in a row. 

Please register here:

Coding Dojo is open to all software craftsmen, who love to code, play, learn, improve, drink beer and eat pizza! As it is after work, pizza&beer are provided. 

It would be great if you could bring your laptop with you, provided it already has a suitable development environment set up for you to practice: Java and JUnit, C# and NUnit, JavaScript and Jasmine or any other combination of a programming language and a unit testing framework for it. 

We have limited number of seats, so hurry up! Coding Dojo location will be specified for selected Coding Ninjas. Let's meet up in order to practice code katas, clean code, software craftsmanship, pair programming, Test-Driven Development and learn to each other

If you have any questions regarding registration, the running of the event, location or any other organizational or technical matters, please contact us ( or just find us on Facebook or LinkedIn
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