NoEinstein's Reply to Gaby de Wilde

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Feb 11, 2009, 12:55:59 PM2/11/09
to Views
Dear Gaby: Clearly you are an activist motivated for good and better
things. Many corrections are needed to the status quo. The problem
is: Most of those people that you would like to rally for correcting
world problems just don't give-a-damn. They are only interested in
their sports; conspicuous consumption; and being able to make the next
month's payments. They have too willingly deferred—to corrupt groups
and unconstitutional political parties—their needed personal
involvement in solving our problems.

Governments have the mistaken idea that if they can just pull-all-of-
the-strings, everything will be fine. Actually, the converse is
true! Barack Obama duped the voters into believing that government
can "give" to those who voted for him, while taking from those
(Republicans) who didn't. We are a nation divided. And more than
half of the population is looking for handouts.

The USA passed the threshold of survivability as a nation when more
than 1/3 of our population was expecting to get things from
government. There are too few people willing to carry their own
weight! Essentially, we are a nation of cry babies. And those in
Washington keep pretending that they can be all things for all
people. They do so because... promises generate votes; telling the
cold hard facts does not.

It is interesting that today's news is about who should be the next
head of FEMA. There is this notion that if bad things (like storms)
happen, government will be there to save us. But FEMA can't save our
nation from a disaster as large as Washington keeps cooking up. Only
this one fact can save us... IF enough people will realize it:
Armistead, AKA — NoEinstein —


Feb 12, 2009, 11:43:31 AM2/12/09
to Views
On Feb 11, 6:55 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> Dear Gaby:  Clearly you are an activist motivated for good and better
> things.

Thanks, I'm just following my instincts. Seems it is time for some one
to get up and clean up the mess.

>  Many corrections are needed to the status quo.  The problem
> is: Most of those people that you would like to rally for correcting
> world problems just don't give-a-damn.  They are only interested in
> their sports; conspicuous consumption; and being able to make the next
> month's payments.  They have too willingly deferred—to corrupt groups
> and unconstitutional political parties—their needed personal
> involvement in solving our problems.

Yes, but the flip side of the coin looks almost the same, people can
be indoctrinated quite easily. I have the truth on my side AND my
propaganda tech is so much superior to that of the benevolent desk
pods the game almost isn't fair.

> Governments have the mistaken idea that if they can just pull-all-of-
> the-strings, everything will be fine.

Yes, but again the string has 2 ends.

>  Actually, the converse is
> true!  Barack Obama duped the voters into believing that government
> can "give" to those who voted for him, while taking from those
> (Republicans) who didn't.  We are a nation divided.  And more than
> half of the population is looking for handouts.

Yeah, but you are still following the doctrine. Unemployment is just
great. We need 95% of it. We only need for 5% of the population to
work, the rest is just running in circles to earn coupons and breaking
stuff in the process. Get the idiots out of the work place and have
them sit at home entertaining themselves.

Like educating their kids, they might not know what they are teaching
they can coach like no other, kids are just like their parents.

> The USA passed the threshold of survivability as a nation when more
> than 1/3 of our population was expecting to get things from
> government.

Yeah, well so be it, lets make it so. We can just invent our way out
of this, string terrorists in our governments cant stop it. But first
people need to suffer enough to wake up. Bit sad but that is how
evolution works.

>  There are too few people willing to carry their own
> weight!  Essentially, we are a nation of cry babies.  And those in
> Washington keep pretending that they can be all things for all
> people.  They do so because... promises generate votes; telling the
> cold hard facts does not.

I'm currently trying to manipulate the Eurocrats into farming the
Sahara with hemp and solar irrigation.

If you look at you can no longer deny we need this
technology. We need the people to get behind it, support it, kill
those who stand in the way.

The days where people will cheerfully crush the technology are over.

Boy did they have fun killing Stanley Allan Meyer's work.

but it was Andrija Puharich who discovered the frequencies and build a
vehicle to run on it, Meyer only implemented the technology.

Today there is an xogen pilot plant! If the public again wants to kill
the technology they really deserve to die. No more mercy for the
lobotomized debunkers, the future Tesla promised us is going to happen
and the debunkers are going to suffer just enough to get out of the

With clean drinking water based on this technology the age of Aquarius
isn't far away. We can have unlimited energy, if we don't want it we
deserve the consequences.

Of course the scientists aren't going to support this, they would
rather die than to support something that contradicts their ancient

This is why I'm suggesting a giant hemp farm. We can bio fuel our
ancient combustion chariots with that. "NO" is not an acceptable
answer nor are there any good arguments against it.

The technology is as simple as putting seeds in the ground then
pissing and pooping on it. This is the stuff humans are actually very
good at by nature.

The oil lobby is going to oppose it of course, but like in all good
stories, Frankenstein is eventually killed by his own monster.

The audience of minions running around the globe are all to happy to
do what ever their bankers and politicians ask them to do up to the
point they know for sure they are going to die from it.

At that point the peasants will revolt and the king would do smart to
get out of the way.

It would be neat if our scientists would study the work of people like
Karanev in the meantime.


In my view government is just a set of minions, like all minions they
can do labor and assist in my penta euro hemp farming project.

They are making problems at the moment but when they see how much
death they cause there will be those among them who find it

The instinct of wanting to stay alive is much to strong for the
psychopaths to win their game.

Remember, they are just people, they can be indoctrinated quite

Let me hear ok?



Feb 12, 2009, 12:14:01 PM2/12/09
to Views
I am replying for the purpose of attaching Gaby de Wilde's direct
emailed to me. I have informed him that this present post could be
'a' forum for his ideas. As time allows, I too will consider
commenting, here, further. *** I wish to express my appreciation to
all who read my, or the related, ideas. Let's work together toward
positive ends for all of humanity! ***

...Yes, I'm aware of this.

The reality of FEMA is far more horrible than you can imagine.

Katrina was most likely created by the US government, the idea was not
to save people but to kill them, it was clearly visible in the lack of

They also de-contaminated caravans then moved in the people straight
afterwards, they didn't allow the poison to wear off, they put people
in those containers who got ill and died.

The EU is also a nation of cry babies, the economy isn't dead jet but
for example the town where I live has a gigantic plastic factory in
the center of it with all kinds of diseases no one dares to associate
with it.

You wrote that the USA passed the threshold of survivability as a
nation when more than 1/3 of our population was expecting to get
things from government. There are too few people willing to carry
their own weight!

Exactly, but we need to start working at rebuilding everything after
the total collapse. People will wake up, not to offend you but you to
will be more awake. There are solutions!

You correctly state those in Washington keep pretending that they can
be all things for all people. They do so because... promises generate
votes; telling the cold hard facts does not.

Strange as it may seem this was exactly the point of my message. The
harshly debunking cold fusion doesn't mean there aren't 100 different
ways to make hydrogen gas for free. This will be a shot in the back of
the head for the Governmental loony toons in Warsington.

How are they going to tax something that is free? They will not,
because they can't!

Obama was moved in for the lawyer kill. The whole thing is one giant
hoax. I made some of the posters aware of the other
applications of hemp. They initially complaint about their relatives
being locked away for owning a joint. The reality is that hemp was
outlawed during the last great recession. It was the last straw people
tried to hold onto.

After something like 10 000 people posted the same information Obama
wrote "I don't think that is a good idea"

Not to offend you, but I'm not a nihilist NoEinstein, I remember
clearly who spend his effort to inform the pot heads and bio fuel
freaks of the other applications.

And when they figured out it grows without aid and has 25 000
applications they became furious. (read "awake")

I'm now contacting you because I know you got a good set of brains,
you have a good technical background and you haven't been successfully
indoctrinated by the educational system.

A rare find, my compliments.

I need for you to help find investors to get the Russian professor to
finish his miracle generator. There is nothing worth investing in on
the market right now. It shouldn't be hard to create a fund.

He is the man for the job because he did his physics homework. Any
scientist should be able to grasp what he is talking about. He cant be
brushed under the carpet for being an engineer.


In 1995, we began our investigations of the water electrolysis process
in order to obtain additional energy. It has been determined that
there are such modes of plasma electrolysis of water when up to 100%
of additional thermal energy takes place, but a thousandfold increase
of energy, which was announced by the Americans, was not confirmed.
The calculations have shown that an increase of thermal energy by 100%
with the unstable reproducibility of such a result has no prospects
for industrial implementation. At least 300% increase of thermal
energy is necessary, but such result cannot be obtained still.

But if we take into consideration energy of hydrogen and oxygen, which
are released from water together with additional thermal energy, it
will be possible to get more than 300% of additional energy.

Modern industrial installations require 4 kWh for production of 1
cubic meter of hydrogen from water. When this hydrogen is burnt, 3.6
kWh of energy is released. If the energy expenses for production of
hydrogen from water are reduced by twofold or threefold, it becomes a
competitive energy carrier. If it is possible to reduce these expenses
of hydrogen tenfold, it will become the cheapest energy carrier. In
this case, coal, oil and natural gas fail to compete with it.

Our investigations have shown that there are some plasma electrolytic
devices and modes of their operation, which reduce energy expenses for
obtaining one cubic meter of hydrogen up to 0.40 kWh. In this case,
more than 1000% of additional energy is obtained. A laboratory device
with such indices was made one year ago.

Modern fuel elements use potential possibilities of hydrogen by 0..6%.
There is every reason to believe that the fuel element will improve
this index at least by an order of magnitude if it operates together
with the plasma electrolytic reactor. There are great reserves in the
discovered direction of the energy problem solution.

The transition from a laboratory installation to the industrial one
requires additional investigations with the use of rather expensive
spectrometers, gas analyzers, electronic sets for simultaneous
registration of more than 10 induces of the plasma electrolytic
process. As hydrogen is an explosive gas, it is impossible to ignore
the investigation stage for making the laboratory installation the
industrial one. During the scale operation, dangerous radiations can
take place, which accompany the transmutation process of the chemical
element nuclei.

Five patents have been received for the investigation results; three
positive decisions concerning the issue of the patents and three
claims are in the process of consideration. Three editions of the book
"Water as a New Source of Energy" are available with the detailed
theoretical description of plasma electrolysis of water and the
quantitative calculations of the experimental results.

The author of these elaborations was invited to deliver a lecture
concerning this problem at the European congress on "New Hydrogen
Technologies and Space Drives", which took place on June 23-24 in
Weinfelden near Zürich.

As the author has kept walking along the corridors of the Russian
power without success for five years in order to get financing, the
last hope remains – to find a foreign investor. The author is busy
with this problem as it is clear that a delay in financing is equal to
a loss of priority in this topical field of investigations, which
solves two global problems of the mankind: the energy problem and the
environmental problem.

Ph. M. Kanarev,

Doctor of Tech. Sc.., Professor, head of Theoretical Mechanics Chair
of the Kuban State Agrarian University.

I know you don't believe in government. Lets try kill it?

Why not try kill it?

I don't know how much time you have, but you could try to absorb his
books; the science goes beyond my skills.

I'm focusing my propaganda on this at the moment:

Big, but this is something simple, I'm going to rub it in their
political faces till it kills me. There is no way they can avoid the
point. But it would be even better to start building or even
converting hydrogen generators.

I use to have contacts who had working contraptions, some vanished,
some have been forbidden to use the internet. Some don't reflect
being the same person they use to be.(fakes)

Our governments are staging this recession to wake people up from
retardation and to assure their wealth. The only way out is though
engineering a financial Armageddon device.

I have flabbergasting lists of successful corporate manipulation
trickery on my name. I have more control over what happens on this
planet than anyone.

This is why I'm contacting you! I don't know who you know but I do
know you can explain we can finance a hydrogen project which is good
for practically infinite ROI. The whole world could be at the demand
side of the equation.

Let them do their recession without us? Who cares about them? If we
can make unlimited energy everything will be just fine for those who
care. When the cry babies start dying off they will be awake.

But I need for you to stop crying and help me here. If you don't, I
will be forced to cry along. The truth behind the government is far
more sick than you can imagine; let's focus on the solutions. We can
do this. You know we can.

Let me hear ok?


Feb 13, 2009, 5:30:20 AM2/13/09
to Views
Dear Gaby: I certainly admire your passion! The world needs people
like you; and it needs technological solutions. But I don't think it
is... "ideal" to have 95% of the people wasting away doing nothing.
Efficient work is the best recreation!

Please, readers out there, leave your comments. People like Gaby need
to stay pumped up! — NoEinstein —
> If you look athttp://xogen.cayou can no longer deny we need this
> > Armistead, AKA — NoEinstein —- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Feb 13, 2009, 11:23:05 PM2/13/09
to Views
If we keep high moral standards we can have 95% unemployment. The
reason people become fat and lazy in the US is in the corn syrup and
the poor nutrition. The reason life in Europe and in the US evolves
around bullshit is because we are surrounded by bullshit. This
bullshit was specially engineered to make people that way.

We went from the A-Team, knight Rider and The Dukes of hazzard to
Friends and Seinfeld. From Superman and The HULK to The Simpsons and
Beavis & But-Head. We went from low standards to no standards at all.

Imagine putting people on the tube who actually know something?


I'm not saying Doctor Phil isn't interesting, the problem is that he
is a moron and an idiot. I'm not saying the news journalisms aren't
interesting, the problem is that journalists are the far most experts
in no direction at all.

Sure, people will tend to get even more lazy than they already are but
we can fight that. The current generations are kinda lost but those
still to come can be raised to be serious people who care about their
own lives.

We may have to make some weird jumps in how we treat people who want
to spread the genes of shallow mindedness. If we are serious we can
see those are the kind all wars are made of. It should be dealt with
harshly but with care.

If we dont aim education towards making people ignorant about the
world they live in everyone will be naturally interested in the things
around him. Kids don't need an excuse to investigate something. This
is a skooled "skill". Take Darwin playing with his beetles? You think
he had some predetermined goal of some kind?

We are living in a time where a kid can learn how to use a 3d drawing
application, soon we can have home factories and produce any part or
tool we can imagine.

Like clay but it instantaneously looks good and it can have any
application. One can have the robot weld, solder, replicate. Safe to
say they can make more than the astray.

If we look at language we can clearly see adults are demented and lack
all learning ability. Learning a language is fun when you are 10-12,
this obviously goes for programming languages just the same.

We older people like to flatter ourselves pretending we are all that.
Tell a kid he is "just a kid" often enough and he will believe it.

It doesn't make it true however.

They tell me to behave like an adult - they didn't seem very happy at

The same way we need 95% unemployment because people are pretending to
be productive.

They work in advertisement, they work in banking, or even worse, they
do the work of machines.

In our current economic paradigm automation is the main source of
poverty! It's something to laugh about, we don't benefit from any of
our machines. We keep looking for jobs but all jobs have been taken by
robots. The calculator use to be a job description, same goes for the
computer, a printer, the dish washer etc!

Why is there no medical database where we can consult a computer? What
is that doctor doing behind his desk and why the hell does he have to
work his ass of and why does he earn so much money? Didn't they kill
enough people with their handwriting alone?

People in all sectors have to live the lie in order to make a living,
it's all liars. Ask your insurance agent if you need life insurance
and you know the answer already. What else can he do?

Doing an MIR scan the cancer glows up light, this is because the
particles are smaller, it vibrates at a higher frequency. So why not
shatter them?

Look at the liars!

It's unbelievable!

Look how they deleted the article!

The liar industry needs to be stopped ASAP!

Let them go home and rethink their lives.

I'm reposting the text here because the archive will soon be deleted:

'''Non-invasive RF cancer treatment''' is an experimental method of
cancer treatment that employs a combination of either gold or carbon
[[nanoparticles]] and radio waves to heat and destroy cancer cells
while ignoring healthy cells.

[[Radio waves]] in given wavelengths and up to certain intensity
levels are generally recognized as being harmless to living tissue,
but can cause metals to undergo heating at such levels. If, in theory,
[[nanoparticles]] of [[carbon]] or [[gold]] were bound to cancer
cells, and only cancer cells, then radio wave exposure could
[[Inductive heating|heat]] the bound cells enough to destroy them,
while having much less of an effect on neighboring healthy cells.

The major technical problem is making sure that the nanoparticles bind
only to the cancer cells instead of healthy cells. If the
nanoparticles are delivered by a targeting molecule that binds only to
the cancer cells, then this may be achievable.

According to a presentation by Dr. Steven Curley, the types of cancer
that might be treatable using Kanzius RF therapy include essentially
all forms of cancer.<ref>[
erieapril2007.pdf RF-Induced Thermal Destruction of Cancer Cells
Presentation by Steven Curley], accessed [[November 2]], [[2007]]</

In 2003 and 2004, [[John Kanzius]] was undergoing [[chemotherapy]]
treatment for [[non-Hodgkins lymphoma]], and while undergoing
treatment he began to think of how he could employ what he knew to
battle what he suffered from. John Kanzius is a retired radio and TV
engineer, and an FCC licensed amateur ('ham') radio operator. It is
from this expertise that John theorized that radio waves could be
utilized in the fight against cancer. Based on a lifetime of
experience with radio equipment, he engineered the first model of the
Kanzius RF Machine. At first, John Kanzius had nothing to go on but
that little bits of metal could be heated after applying radio waves,
but [[Richard Smalley]], nanotechnology pioneer and creator of the
buckyball, heard about the theory from colleagues in 2005 and
contributed the theory that carbon nanotubes could be heated when
radio waves were applied.

The medical community first took notice in the spring of 2005, when
experiments were done at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Since then, ongoing research has also been done at the [[MD Anderson
Cancer Center]] in Houston, Texas, led by Stephen Curley, a professor
of surgical oncology.

Kanzius founded Therm Med LLC to develop his invention.<ref
name="UPMC set to test cancer treatment"/>

==The Kanzius RF Machine==
The Kanzius RF Machine was invented by John Kanzius. As described in a
[[Associated Press]] article, the Kanzius RF Machine, as used during
animal experimentation at the [[University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center]], "uses a capacitor to focus radio waves in a transmitting
head to send them to a receiving head. Between the two machines is a
space of several inches where a rat will be placed so the radio waves
can be sent through it".<ref name="Center to Test Radio Wave Cancer
{{cite news
|title=Center to Test Radio Wave Cancer Treatment
|publisher=Associated Press

The receiving head contributes to the focusing of the microwave
energy: as explained in patent WO2005110544, ''"The RF signal
transmitted by larger transmission head is received by reception head
in such a manner that the RF signal is more concentrated near the
reception head than it is near the transmission head. The more
concentrated the RF signal, the higher the amount of energy that can
be absorbed by the specific area... Optionally, one or more of the
tuned circuits in the RF receiver are tuned to have a high [[quality
factor]] or high 'Q'. Providing a [[resonant circuit]] with a high
"Q" allows the tuned head to pick up larger amounts of energy."''

The device first used by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
was built and donated by Energy-Onix, a [[Valatie, New York]]-based
company that manufactures radio transmitters.<ref name="Center to Test
Radio Wave Cancer Treatment"/>

The nature of the machine can be further illustrated when looking at
the graphics in the patent applications seen below.

Four units are currently in service at the [[MD Anderson Cancer
Center]] and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center received their first unit in
May 2005, and MD Anderson Cancer Center received their first machine
in January 2006. John Kanzius' predicts a near term demand of 3,000 to
5,000 units with long term expectations at 50,000 to 100,000
units.<ref name="Kanzius Sees Success">
{{cite news
|author=Steven Sweeney
| year=2007
|title=Kanzius Sees Success
|publisher=Erie Times-News

Until targeting is fully viable, Kanzius is considering making the
machine available to only a few well-renowned medical centers.<ref
name="Kanzius treatment gets world's attention">
{{cite news
|title=Kanzius treatment gets world's attention
|author=David Bruce
|publisher=Erie Times-news


According to Dr. Steven Curley, [[gold]] [[nanoparticles]], which are
already FDA approved, would be likely the first nanoparticle
candidates in clinical trials of Kanzius' RF treatment. Further
experimentation confirmed that the gold nanoparticles are not
[[cytotoxic]] and that they are able to be heated by an RF Field,
resulting in cell death. The conclusion of the experimentation was
that gold nanoparticles are viable candidates for the Kanzius RF
cancer treatment.<ref name="In vitro gold nanoparticle targeting
enhances non-invasive radiofrequency destruction of human
gastrointestinal malignancies">[
In vitro gold nanoparticle targeting enhances non-invasive
radiofrequency destruction of human gastrointestinal malignancies],
accessed [[November 2]], [[2007]]</ref>

==Targeting molecules==
***The listed reference does not mention anyone named Long Nguyen.
***You need to provide a PUBLISHED REFERENCE that says he did these
***Otherwise, we'll keep deleting your changes as vandalism.
According to Dr. Steven Curley, the first targeting molecule will be
c225, also known as [[Erbitux]] or [[Cetuximab]], a "monoclonal
antibody" or "single transduction inhibitor". This molecule is already
FDA approved.<ref>[ RF-
Induced Thermal Destruction of Cancer Cells Powerpoint Presentation by
Steven Curley], accessed [[November 2]], [[2007]]</ref> This molecule
targets and binds to the epidermal growth factor receptors ([[EGFR]])
on the surface of a cell. This molecule is expressed in normal and
cancer cells and when it binds to a cell, it inhibits cell growth and
results in cell death.<ref>[ c225
Information Page on], accessed [[November 2]], [[2007]]</
ref> This molecule doesn't appear to be a candidate for targeting only
cancer cells.

Noted collaborators include the late [[Richard Smalley]], credited
with creating the [[buckyball]] of [[nanotechnology]] fame. Smalley
believed that [[carbon nanotubes]] could be heated when exposed to
radio waves, introducing the nanoparticle component of Kanzius RF
Therapy.<ref name="Cancer Therapy Takes Next Step">
{{cite news
|title=Cancer Therapy Takes Next Step
|author=Peter Panepento
|publisher=Erie Times-News

Another notable collaborator is Stephen A. Curley, M.D., a professor
of surgical [[oncology]] at the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the
University of Texas in Houston. Curley heads a research team at MD
Anderson. The MD Anderson team is collaborating with a [[Rice
University]] research team.

On [[April 28]], [[2007]], a symposium at the Mary D'Angelo Performing
Arts Center at [[Mercyhurst College]] was held on the cancer research
of John Kanzius. In attendance were a reported 700 people,<ref>[http:// CBS Article Citing
Turnout at Symposium], accessed [[October 31]], [[2007]]</ref>
including John Kanzius, Dr. Stephen Curley, Erie Mayor Joseph E.
Sinnott, Erie County Executive Mark DiVecchio, Joyce Savocchio, and
Bishop Donald W. Trautman of the Catholic Diocese of Erie. At this
symposium, city officials stated that they would attempt to tap Erie
casino tax revenues to provide additional funding for the cancer
research. <ref>[
event_id=7410&month=04&date=28&year=2007 Event Listing on], accessed [[October 31]], [[2007]]</ref>

==Fundraising and support==
In December 2005, [[Rick Santorum]] and [[Arlen Specter]], Republican
Senators from Pennsylvania, secured $200,000 in federal funding for
the project. Specter had requested that the [[NIH]] and NIH Cancer
Institute assist with funding the needed animal testing. It is this
funding that allowed for initial University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center animal testing.<ref name="Novel cancer treatment demonstrated
at UPMC lab
{{cite news
|title=Novel cancer treatment demonstrated at UPMC lab
|author=David Templeton
|publisher=Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

On October 25th of 2007, a press release on Arlen Specter's government
home page announced approval for additional funding of $100,000 to go
to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center to advance the cancer
treatment research of Kanzius and company. According to the press
release, the funding is hoped to be used "...for tests to advance
potential submission of radiowave technology for FDA approval to
initiate a clinical trial". This funding is still pending full
congressional and Presidential approval before it will be final.<ref>
bac8-144b1ded7054 Arlen Specter Press Release], accessed [[October
31]], [[2007]]</ref>

Actress [[Sharon Stone]] has expressed interest in helping support and
finance the research involving Kanzius RF Therapy. Sharon Stone has
been fundraising in an effort to fight [[HIV]] and [[AIDS]], and is
interested in finding out if this new method can be used to fight
those diseases as well. Kanzius' corporate board, Therm Med LLC, has
convinced her that his treatment may be effective against these
diseases as well.<ref name="UPMC set to test cancer treatment">
{{cite news
|title=UPMC set to test cancer treatment
|author=David Templeton
|publisher=Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Former Erie Mayor [[Joyce Savocchio]], of the Community United for a
Cancer Cure, announced the organizations goal to raise $3 million to
fund research at the MD Anderson Cancer Treatment Center and
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.<ref name="Cancer research
inspires Erie community">
{{cite news
|title=Cancer research inspires Erie community
|author=David Templeton
|publisher=Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
|date = 2007-05-02

On June 12th of 2007, there was a fundraiser held at Erie Insurance
Group's headquarters, which was expected to raise more than $150,000
dollars for the cancer treatment research.

From August 10th to the 12th, in Erie, Pennsylvania, there was hosted
a motorcycle rally called "Roar On The Shore", with all proceeds going
to the John Kanzius Cancer Research Fund. The event charged a one-time
five dollar entrance fee for the event. According to the homepage of
the City of Erie, over $50,000 was raised for the cancer fund at this
event.<ref>[ Roar on the Shore Event Web
Page], accessed [[October 31]], [[2007]]</ref>

On May 31st of 2007, IAFF Local 293, a group of Erie Professional
Firefighters, presented a $1000 dollar donation to aid in funding
Kanzius' research. Firefighters are at an elevated risk for several
different cancers, and the organization recognized this with the
donation aimed at helping fight the disease that had claimed or
afflicted many of their own.<ref>[
unionactive/view_article.cfm&HomeID=58876 IAFF 293 Present Donation to
Aid John Kanzius' Research], accessed [[October 31]], [[2007]]</ref>

==Notable experiments==
===Pre-clinical trials===
An experiment was done at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
by Dr. David Geller, who tested the radio wave treatment on rats with
liver tumors. Dr. Geller is co-director of UPMC's Liver Cancer
Center.<ref name="Houston cancer center starts testing radio-wave
{{cite news
|title=Houston cancer center starts testing radio-wave theory
|author=David Templeton
|publisher=Erie Times-News

Dr. Steven Curley, of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, has performed
experiments on human pancreatic and liver cancer cells showing that
when the cancer cell cultures were "spiked" with gold nanoparticles,
then exposed to an RF field, up to 100% of the cancer was destroyed.
Additional experimentation, in which these nanoparticle "spiked" cell
cultures were mixed with healthy cells, resulted in complete cancer
cell death, while not affecting the healthy, "unspiked" cells.<ref
name="In vitro gold nanoparticle targeting enhances non-invasive
radiofrequency destruction of human gastrointestinal malignancies"/
><ref name="Studies on using radio waves against cancer are
{{cite news
|title=Research on local man's cancer treatment idea shows it has
|author=David Templeton
|publisher=Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

On October 31, 2007, it was reported that the RF treatment was tested
on rabbits with liver cancer successfully. According to the report,
and cited as coming from the recently published article "Carbon
nanotube-enhanced thermal destruction of cancer cells in a noninvasive
radiofrequency field", in the Journal "Cancer", Kanzius' RF therapy
completely destroyed liver tumor cells in the test rabbits with no
side effects. In the experiment there were three groups of animals.
One group was treated with only the radio waves, which had no effect.
Another group was treated with only the nanoparticles, also with no
effect. The third group, treated with both radio waves and
nanoparticles survived with the cancer cells destroyed. According to
Dr. Steven Curley, and the abstract of the article, during the next 12
to 18 months, the authors of the article will be working to develop
SWNTs (Single-Walled Nano Tubes) coupled with cancer targeting agents
to further enhance cancer specificity.<ref name="Kanzius Sees Success"/
><ref name="Carbon nanotube-enhanced thermal destruction of cancer
cells in a noninvasive radiofrequency field">
{{cite journal
|first=Christopher J.
|coauthors = Cherukuri, Paul; Yakobson, Boris I.; Cognet, Laurent;
Kanzius, John. S.; Kittrell, Carter; Weisman, R. Bruce; Pasquali,
Matteo; Schmidt, Howard K.; Smalley, Richard E.; Curley, Steven A.
|title=Carbon nanotube-enhanced thermal destruction of cancer cells in
a noninvasive radiofrequency field |journal=Cancer
|volume=Dec. 2007
|doi = 10.1002/cncr.23155

It is reported that Dr. David Geller will be presenting findings
regarding the viability of gold nanoparticles in the Kanzius RF
treatment at the 3rd Academic Surgical Congress, being held from
February 13th to the 15th of 2008.<ref name="Research on local man's
cancer treatment idea shows it has promise">
{{cite news
|title=Research on local man's cancer treatment idea shows it has
|author=David Templeton
|publisher=Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
</ref><ref>[ Association for Academic Surgery,
2008 Academic Surgical Congress, accessed [[November 2]]</ref>

===Clinical trials===
Clinical trials have neither been approved, nor performed yet. It is
reported that Kanzius is working with the Lee Memorial Health System
(LMHS), a provider of health care in southwest Florida, to coordinate
tentative clinical trials when approval is granted. Clinical trials
may not begin for another three to four years.<ref name="The cure to
cancer could be in your radio!">{{cite news
|title=The cure to cancer could be in your radio!

==Published works ==
===Concerning cancer treatment===
At the 2007 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, Christopher J. Gannon,
referenced below, presented a poster regarding the use of gold
nanoparticles in the non-invasive RF cancer treatment method Kanzius
Abstract presented as a poster presentation by Christopher Gannon at
the 2007 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium], accessed [[October 31]],
Website and description of 2007 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium],
accessed [[October 31]], [[2007]]</ref>

On October 24, 2007, an article titled "Carbon nanotube-enhanced
thermal destruction of cancer cells in a noninvasive radiofrequency
field" was published in an online version of the journal "Cancer".<ref
name="Carbon nanotube-enhanced thermal destruction of cancer cells in
a noninvasive radiofrequency field"/>

An animation of the process was shown on [[CBS]]'s [[60 Minutes]] in
the U.S. on April 13, [[2008]].<ref>
{{cite news
|title=The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?
|author=60 Minutes

==See also==
* [[Carbon nanotubes]]
* [[Nanoshell]]
* [[Colloidal gold]]
* [[Radio frequency]]
* [[Radiofrequency ablation]]
* [[List of oncology-related terms]]
* [[Bystander effect (radiobiology)]]


==External links==
{{Commons|Cancer (illness)}}
{{Commons|Carbon nanotube}}
* [ John Kanzius Cancer Research
Foundation Official Web Site]
* [ Therm Med LLC]
* [
cure/ Readers Digest Profile]
* [
cancer_therapy_takes_next_step/ Cancer therapy takes next step], 22
March 2006, 18:00 CST
* []
* []
* [
cancer2nov02,0,1017918,full.story Sending his cancer a signal], L.A.
Times, November 2, 2007

[[Category:Cancer treatments]]
> > If you look athttp://xogen.cayoucan no longer deny we need this


Feb 23, 2009, 7:16:39 PM2/23/09
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Dear Gaby: Individually, "lemmings" are smart. But collectively,
they all too willingly jump to their deaths off of cliffs. John A.
Armistead, AKA NoEinstein

On Feb 12, 11:43 am, gabydewilde <> wrote:
> If you look athttp://xogen.cayou can no longer deny we need this
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