Peaceful Rebellion

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Bernie Leibman

Jul 5, 2009, 9:24:22 AM7/5/09
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Where have all the good people gone! Abraham, Martin and
John........where are all the people who believe in America and the
constitution...who believe in freedom from oppression and excessive
government control...who beleive that we have the right to bare arms
and to express our opinions freely.......who believe in the free
enterprise system and that companies have to right to succeed or fail
based on their ability to create a viable business........who believe
that if you work hard and make a lot of money, you should be able to
keep that money............and if you are lazy and have no ambition to
work, you should be poor
Wake up good people, are we going to let one man and his gang of
misfits on capital hill destroy our dreams, our country, everything we
have worked so hard for....I should say not
It is time for a peaceful rebellion, all the good Tea party folks and
the 912 ers and everyone regardless of political affiliation,
regardless of your religion, race or social beliefs......all the good
folks who believe in basic freedom, the constitution and the premise
that for over 200 years, The United States of American has been the
best country in the world and should remain such. Let us rebellion at
election time and rid ourselved of the rotten apples in Congress. Let
us start a boycott campaign to reform corrupt media and get them back
to the old days, where they reported all the news fairly and
impartially so that we can trust them again
I have boycotted CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC news since the start of the
2008 campaign, help me get rid of the cancer in the not
watch them any longer, and chose other programs they air wisely. Only
Fox reports the news fairly, support them. Stop buying the New York
Times, let them quietly go our of business, it would not be a big loss
of our country. Stop supporting corrupt companies like General
Electric. Stop buying gas from station who keep raising their price,
for no good reason except to satisfy their greed. This is just a good
start, I am sure that you can think of others and pass their names
around to the rest of us.
If we unite and do this, changes will come very rapidly
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