What a bad mistake.
Hunt discovered oil in Yemen in 1984, and opened a refinery at Maarib
in 1986. The refinery was inaugurated by then Vice-President George H.
W. Bush in April 1986.[12] In November 2005, the government of Yemen
attempted to nationalize the operation of the concession, which is
known as Block 18. Hunt Oil responded by filing arbitration against
the Yemeni government at the International Chamber of Commerce in
Read more here...
In the attempted downing of this US jetliner the FSB reports that the
CIA so bungled the operation that their ‘designated terrorist’, Umar
Farouk Abdulmutallab [photo 3rd left] failed to remember to bring his
passport to board the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit he was supposed
to destroy and had to be ‘openly assisted’ by his CIA handler in full
public view, and as we can read was further confirmed by the Detroit
Press News Service:
“Kurt Haskell said he and his wife, Lori, were playing cards near the
boarding gate in Amsterdam when he saw a well-dressed man who appeared
to be of Indian descent come to the assistance of the man he later
learned was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The 23-year-old Nigerian was
having trouble boarding the plane he is accused of trying to blow up
because he had no passport, Haskell said.
“I think what I saw was his handler ... getting him on the plane,"
said Haskell, who was returning from a safari in Uganda. The Indian
man, who looked about 50 years old, told ticket agents Abdulmutallab
did not have a passport but needed to get on the plane, the Haskells
The ticket agent told the man nobody was allowed to board without a
passport, to which the well-dressed man replied: “We do this all the
time; he's from Sudan,” Lori Haskell said, adding she and her husband
believe the man was trying to pass Abdulmutallab off as a Sudanese
The two were then directed down a corridor to talk to a manager, she
said. “This meant nothing to me until this man tried to blow up the
plane,” Kurt Haskell said.”
The FSB further states in these reports that Abdulmutallab’s CIA
Indian handler is ‘strategically connected’ to the rouge CIA agent
David Headley who was recently captured by US Federal Forces (FBI)
loyal to Obama and that India has linked to the catastrophic Mumbai
attacks. Also aiding Abdulmutallab, the FSB reports, were rogue agents
within the Netherlands Military Intelligence and Security Service
(MIVD), and whose country, and their role in the destruction of our
World, we reported on in our December 28th report “Slaughter Of The
Lambs Confirms 2010 Global War To Begin