Examples and widgets on viejs.org not working very well?

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François-Paul Servant

Aug 7, 2012, 8:52:51 AM8/7/12
to vi...@googlegroups.com

examples and widgets listed on viejs.org doesn't seem to work very well. I know that I got them working in the past (if not all, most of them) - maybe in a different setting. But today (and yesterday), using mac osx 10.7.4, safari 6.0 (7536.25) or firefox 14.0.1:

- capital of Mongolia : I don't get anything
(looking with firebug: everything seems OK (all GETs get 200))

- Eiffel tower: here's what I get - not a perfect result:
"Eiffel Tower, at 300.24m was undefined tall. We also know 60 other facts about the tower."

- text enhancement: seems to work (25 entities, including…)

- schema.org: nothing happens. Except in the console:

Erreur : Error: The attribute constructor needs 'range'.
Fichier Source : http://viejs.org/js/vie-2.0.0.js
Ligne : 1

- form generator widget: only a dark grey rectangle

Erreur : Error: The attribute constructor needs 'range'.
Fichier Source : http://viejs.org/js/vie-2.1.0alpha1.js
Ligne : 1

- autocomplete widget: works more or less (BTW: why is it using POSTs, not GETs?)

- create.js: OK

- image search
the text gets displayed, with some entities highlighted (shadow blue). In the console:

Erreur : L'encodage de caractères du document HTML n'a pas été déclaré. Le document sera affiché avec des caractères incorrects pour certaines configurations de navigateur si le document contient des caractères en dehors de la plage US-ASCII. L'encodage de caractères de la page doit être déclaré dans le document ou dans le protocole de transfert.
Fichier Source : http://neogermi.github.com/VIEwidgets/widgets/image_search/
Ligne : 0

Erreur : Error: The attribute constructor needs 'range'.
Fichier Source : http://neogermi.github.com/VIEwidgets/lib/vie-2.0.0.debug.js
Ligne : 2466

When clicking one of the service:
Erreur : TypeError: widget is undefined
Fichier Source : http://neogermi.github.com/VIEwidgets/widgets/image_search/
Ligne : 61

Nothing happens when clicking an entity.



Henri Bergius

Aug 7, 2012, 10:04:28 AM8/7/12
to vi...@googlegroups.com, rupert.we...@salzburgresearch.at

Thanks for reporting these!

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 2:52 PM, François-Paul Servant <f...@semanlink.net> wrote:
> - capital of Mongolia : I don't get anything
> (looking with firebug: everything seems OK (all GETs get 200))

In JS console I see:

Something went wrong while parsing the returned results!
Object { name="InvalidValue",
message="2010-01-01T00:00:00+02:...1/XMLSchema#gYear value"}
vie-2.0.0.js (line 1)

So, I suspect DBpedia has changed their return format. We need to fix
this in VIE ASAP and release a bugfix version. This is probably the
issue with the other ones as well.

Running the VIE unit tests I'm also getting errors from the IKS
Stanbol server. Rupert, could you look at that?

Stanbol connection error
[Object { readyState=0, status=0, statusText="timeout"}, "timeout", "timeout"]

> fps


Henri Bergius
Motorcycle Adventures and Free Software

Jabber: henri....@gmail.com
Microblogs: @bergie

Sebastian Germesin

Aug 7, 2012, 10:51:28 AM8/7/12
to vi...@googlegroups.com

Massimo and I will have a look at the DBPedia parsing error on Friday.

For the Schema.org error that Francois reported, Henri, could that have been introuced
because of your changed in the Type/Attribute API during the last hackathon in Berlin?

Best regards,

> --
> --
> VIE.js @ Google Groups
> web: http://viejs.org
> list: vi...@googlegroups.com
> More information can be found at
> http://groups.google.com/group/viejs?hl=de?hl=de

Henri Bergius

Aug 7, 2012, 10:53:09 AM8/7/12
to vi...@googlegroups.com

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Sebastian Germesin
<neog...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> For the Schema.org error that Francois reported, Henri, could that have been introuced
> because of your changed in the Type/Attribute API during the last hackathon in Berlin?

That was my first thought as well, but viejs.org is still running the
2.0.0 release version, so that can't be the case (note that the same
error happens with both 2.0.0 and the alpha build I run for the form

> Sebastian

François-Paul Servant

Aug 7, 2012, 11:32:23 AM8/7/12
to vi...@googlegroups.com
Dear Henri,

Le 7 août 2012 à 16:04, Henri Bergius a écrit :

> Hi,
> Thanks for reporting these!
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 2:52 PM, François-Paul Servant <f...@semanlink.net> wrote:
>> - capital of Mongolia : I don't get anything
>> (looking with firebug: everything seems OK (all GETs get 200))
> In JS console I see:
> Something went wrong while parsing the returned results!
> Object { name="InvalidValue",
> message="2010-01-01T00:00:00+02:...1/XMLSchema#gYear value"}
> vie-2.0.0.js (line 1)

sorry, I hadn't noticed this.

> So, I suspect DBpedia has changed their return format.

(a change in dbpedia return format? -- ins't it RDF? ;-) )

Hmm: an invalid date in dbpedia (if it is actually the case - or anything unexpected in the RDF) should not break (in particular, silently break) the result here -- please don't take it bad - just a remark of a novice user who doesn't know anything about the problems and the difficulties.

> We need to fix
> this in VIE ASAP and release a bugfix version. This is probably the
> issue with the other ones as well.
> Running the VIE unit tests I'm also getting errors from the IKS
> Stanbol server. Rupert, could you look at that?

(again, the opinion of a novice user who didn't think more about the difficulties): if something goes wrong in a service that you invoke, you probably should inform the end user ("Ah, it is not their VIE stuff that doesn't work, it is just a remote service that is experiencing problems. I'll try later")
> Stanbol connection error
> [Object { readyState=0, status=0, statusText="timeout"}, "timeout", "timeout"]
>> fps
> /Henri



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