IKS EA Contract

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John Pereira

Oct 4, 2012, 6:29:24 AM10/4/12
to Anil CASSAM-CHENAI, IKS Office, VIE Google Group

Attached is the IKS early adopters contract along with the description of work to be performed. Before signing please read carefully to ensure that everything is stated as agreed. If you have any questions please contact me before changing the document. 

The contract needs to be signed by a person with the authority to 'sign' on behalf of the company (check highlighted text). Please send 2 signed copies to the postal address below. You will receive an original copy in return for your files. 

Next Steps
1. Sign contract (2 copies) send to address below
2. Send invoice for pre-payment - cross reference to contract 
3. Send team member profiles for the website (see follow-up mail with details)
4. Blog on IKS site introducing the project, vision, objectives, current status, roadmap, demo (access details via email)
5. Send introduction message to Apache Stanbol and IKS mailing list -  iks-co...@iks-project.eu and VIE Google Group <vi...@googlegroups.com> 
6. For contribution of content and code to the IKS project please sign our Contribution Agreement

Looking forward to hearing from you

Best Regards,

John Pereira
Senior Project Manager | www.salzburgresearch.at


Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria


Mobile: + 43 664 8142003 


Current Projects: 

Interactive Knowledge Stack (IKS) is an open source community,
building a flexible technology platform for semantically enhanced 
Content Management Systems (CMS) 

ConnectME facilitates a new interactive media experience built on top 
of the convergence of TV/video and the Web.

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