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Hotmart site made some changes and i can't download anything

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Zult markulin

Oct 23, 2023, 9:51:11 AM10/23/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
Lately, hotmart, a site for paid courses made some changes and the extension doesn't recognize anymore on both edge and chrome. Any tips?printscreen hotmart.jpg

Danilo Chrystian

Oct 23, 2023, 10:49:35 PM10/23/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
the same problem

Wild Willy

Oct 24, 2023, 12:41:25 AM10/24/23
to Video Download Helper Google Group
I would be curious to know (as a fellow user, NOT an employee of VDH) if VDH for Firefox beta with CoApp 2.0.4 work on Hotmart (and Udemy, but you're not on that one,
but I'm still interested in that as well). You can find countless posts in here of
people on both those sites complaining that VDH doesn't work. Those reports go back a
few years. It is not a new problem. I must say, in light of that, that I am surprised
to hear that you have been successful getting VDH to download stuff from Hotmart, at
least until recently. You are a rare case. I wish you would have been around to help
all of those other users who have had problems with the site over the years. We have
asked several of those users to try some things on those sites but the problem reports
have ended up being drive-bys. We get the report, we ask people to try something, &
that's the last we hear from them. I hope this is not yet another drive-by problem

Since I make no assumptions, I will give some details. You may already know these. You
may not. I don't know. So ignore this if you know it. Otherwise, I hope this is

To find the latest beta of VDH & the latest CoApp, click this:

Then expand the thread so the complete text of every post is visible. Then search for
"various pieces" within the text of that web page. That will give you another link to
click. Click it & read what you find. It gives instructions, complete with screenshots,
of how to find the beta version of the VDH browser extension & the CoApp. You will
discover that the CoApp is hosted on Github. On the Github page, be sure you click the
item that reads:

Show all xx assets

A successful installation of the beta of VDH ends with a congratulations screen. It's
not just a congratulations screen. There is important documentation on that screen that
you need to read. You will read something about an extra step you need to perform. To
get more complete instructions on that extra step, search this forum for a thread with
the title, "How to download from YouTube." Open that thread & scroll down to a post dated
July 17. That shows screenshots of the extra step you need to perform. Before now, the
advice about that step has been that you only ever needed to do it once. But apparently, requires that you do it again, even if you've done it before.

This lateset beta of VDH offers a new way of downloading called Side Download. Use that.
From now on, if you see the Side Download icon on the VDH menu, always use it. Don't use
any variant that does not have the Side Download icon. (It is still possible that you
might find a site on which VDH does not offer the Side Download option. Oh well. Tough
luck. Use whatever VDH offers, but always prefer the Side option when it's available.)
The major change with this release of VDH is that it uses ffmpeg to download content.
That's what a Side Download does: it downloads using ffmpeg. VDH did not used to use
ffmpeg for downloads. This is a great improvement since a lot of problems people have
reported in the past are cured. It is a question perhaps you can answer whether this new
VDH with this new CoApp (you need BOTH) cures problems on Hotmart. If you're using
Chrome or Edge, there is no VDH beta for you. You can install CoApp 2.0.4 but you won't
have the Side Download option. So it would be really great if you tried Firefox to get
your content from Hotmart. Even if you don't have a license for VDH for Firefox, VDH beta should still work the same except you'll have a watermark on whatever you

Please try this & tell us your results. Be a pioneer. Be the first to actually give us
any feedback at all after following advice you've gotten here.

Zult markulin

Oct 24, 2023, 12:10:23 PM10/24/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
Went to firefox and companion app 1.6 and its working just fine. The issue is with edge and chrome. no changes at the moment

Zult markulin

Oct 24, 2023, 12:13:16 PM10/24/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
Gotta check if it works with the companion app 2.0 but i guess it will. Hotmart is showing all videos on firefox

Wild Willy

Dec 2, 2023, 7:47:47 AM12/2/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
It seems I must remind people yet again of something I have posted on here many times.  I do not work for VDH.  I am just another user.  Do not send me E-mails about VDH.  That means do not use Reply to author when you want to participate in a discussion.  Reply to author sends me an E-mail.  I'm the only one who sees it.  That defeats the purpose of this forum.  I will ignore all E-mails I receive on the subject of VDH.  I will not pursue problem resolution via E-mail.  If you want to participate in a discussion, you must use the Reply all button.  That will place your comments here within the discussion as a new post.  Do that.  Never use Reply to author.  Always use Reply all.

In addition, there are 2 things you must do when you use Reply all:

1.  Click the ... indicator in the compose box.  That expands all the quoted text you probably didn't realize you were quoting.  Delete it all.  Then you can compose your post.

2.  Before you send your post, open the addressee list.  Make sure this forum is the ONLY addressee.  Remove all other addressees from the addressee list.  I do not need nor do I want your post echoed to me in an E-mail.  Your post on here is quite enough.  I don't need you cluttering up my inbox with duplicates of things I've already read here on the web site.

These are simply polite actions.  If you fail to perform these 2 steps, you are being rude.  You don't want to be rude, do you?


Dec 2, 2023, 8:05:54 AM12/2/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
I apologize , it was me. This is the first time I am using this forum and I honestly did not know. Thank you for pointing out the rules
I will post here again.

I have tried all these steps while using Vimeo. Using the latest beta versions on firefox , I am only getting audio.
Can you please help troubleshoot ?
There is full course which has over 100 videos (over 200 hours ) that I have purchased in the past. Vimeo has sent me a mail that the whole playlist is going to be removed in 30 days, about 20 or so days from now.
I really wish to have these videos as future reference and would appreciate help.
Thanks again.


Dec 2, 2023, 8:07:06 AM12/2/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
Also , before using the beta versions , I was getting very fast video in first couple seconds and then only audio.
with the beta , I am getting no video at all.
Please help.
Message has been deleted


Dec 2, 2023, 9:11:31 AM12/2/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
I am getting same results when using the chrome beta extension as well.

Wild Willy

Dec 2, 2023, 11:35:54 AM12/2/23
to Video Download Helper Google Group
No sweat. Everybody is a newbie at some point. But I see you removed the stealth quote
once but not after. It's annoying. Google didn't used to do this. But you have to do
it every stinking time you post. I hate it but that's how it is.

Vimeo indeed is still a problem. It's been a problem for VDH for a while & even the
latest VDH & CoApp don't handle it right. Unfortunately, the only solutions we've found
are in this discussion:

It's not short & it's not simple. But if you concentrate & take it slow, you can succeed
in downloading Vimeo content. And when I say we've found solutions, I do mean we. I was
not the only one in on the answer. But you'll see that when you read that thread.

Here's another link you will likely find useful:


Dec 6, 2023, 7:28:05 AM12/6/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
I went through the whole discussion. Problem is , with the new betas , I am not getting any video at all.

Wild Willy

Dec 6, 2023, 8:19:16 AM12/6/23
to Video Download Helper Google Group
One possibility comes to mind. Look for a thread in this forum with the title, "How to
download from YouTube." That is a tutorial that I came up with during the month or so
earlier this year during which VDH was entirely unable to download anything from YouTube.
It is an example of how to use the ideas in this thread, which I gather you have read:

But downloading from YouTube is not particularly relevant. Within that YouTube thread,
you need to look for a post dated July 17. It contains detailed instructions with
screenshots of something you must do once. You only ever need to do it once. But you
have to have done it on any version of VDH since the first 8.x releases came out. There
was a later beta version of 8.x at which you needed to do it again. It is something you
should make sure you do. If you can't remember whether you've done it, do it again.
It's something that can be done as many times as you like & it won't hurt anything. But
you do have to have done it once.

The original poster in this thread was successful in downloading from Hotmart using VDH.
He posted above that he had succeeded. He discovered that Firefox worked & Chrome did
not. If you're on Chrome, you have a choice. Wait for the features in the latest
version of VDH for Firefox to be made available for Chrome, which will take some unknown
length of time, or download from Hotmart today using VDH for Firefox. Don't get Hotmart
& Vimeo mixed up. The issues on the 2 sites are different. The issue on Hotmart is that
Firefox works & Chrome does not. Actually, Chrome might work now. Seems to me I read
something Michel posted saying the Chrome you can get from the Chrome store today is
actually equivalent to the VDH for Firefox beta. So you might get it to work.
I'm being a bit vague about this because I don't use Chrome, so I can only repeat what
others have said here in this forum. The issue on Vimeo has not yet been addressed at
all in any version of VDH.


Dec 14, 2023, 1:24:21 PM12/14/23
to Video DownloadHelper Q&A
I have the same problem, any prevision?
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