resubmission of license

瀏覽次數:19 次

miqueias santos

2022年8月12日 晚上7:13:102022/8/12
收件者:Video DownloadHelper Q&A
Hi! I bought the license, but I saved it only in gmail, but I ended up deleting the message you send with the license, can you send me the license I bought again, please.

email :

Wild Willy

2022年8月12日 晚上10:28:242022/8/12
收件者:Video Download Helper Google Group
Well . . . You may have caused yourself a problem on a certain level. Let's start here:

You'll probably want to bookmark that one for easy reference. I recommend you read that
thread all the way through, if not now, eventually. As you read through that thread,
you'll come across a couple of references that are relevant to your situation.

You can skip quickly to the first reference by doing a string search on "lost" in that
thread. That will reposition the web page on the relevant reference. There is a link in
there that you should click. That should get you your license number.

However, there is another issue. If the E-mail you deleted is not even in your Trash
folder, that is not good. The E-mail you receive when you buy a license is an important
document. You can read more about that by doing another string search in the other
thread, this time with "philosophy" as your search key. That will give you another link
you should click. It explains, among several other things, what is in that E-mail you
deleted & why it is important to keep it safe. Since I don't work for VDH, I can't send
you a copy of your original E-mail. Perhaps Jérôme, who does work for VDH, can do that.
He lives in France & he is in the habit of looking in here in the morning his time, which
would be about 3-4 hours from now.

Good luck!
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