Concerns after cleansing

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Dec 15, 2009, 7:34:42 AM12/15/09
to Vibrant Health
Have been having a problem I've noticed since after I cleansed this
summer. Every time I get close to my monthly menses I have a big
problem with acne. I have had before, but nothing like this! Usually
there is one large blemish that is almost boil like- painful and takes
nearly the next 3 weeks to heal. This time I have one (?) on the side
of my nose that is so swollen with lymph it extends up to the corner
of my eye and out to about the middle of my eye. Has anyone had this
problem after cleansing? I have started taking my raspberry/red clover
tea yesterday. Also I have recently had a kidney infection, which with
the Kidney Formula and the Infection formula and a little cayenne
cleared up nicely and within a week. I figured my kidneys are working
fine. Didn't want to take the either formula longer than about of the
week and a half, because of the Goldenseal. An direction to look for
what might be wrong? Not on a mucucsless diet, but do avoid dairy and
have lots of veggies and sprouted grain prouducts like tortillas
breads etc. No pop and very little sugars. Very rare for me to be sick
and I take the Vital Herbs and Calcium regularly.



Dec 16, 2009, 3:13:21 AM12/16/09
to Vibrant Health
Hi Jamie,

When one does a cleanse much of the cleansing continues on long after
the initial cleanse process. You may think about doing another
cleanse. Or just doing a cleansing diet. This is why the Mucusless
diet is recommended after the cleanse, it supports the continued
cleansing of the body. Totally cleansing the body system takes quite a
bit of time and in layers of the body's systems. YOUR DOING GREAT! And
you will get on the other side of this. It just takes time.

I would definitely say the break outs are a part of the cleansing
process that you started. The skin is one of the avenues that the body
uses to rid toxins from our system. All skin conditions are the body
cleansing itself! However, I know this is unpleasant.

Red Raspberry tea alone should help this clear up by speeding up the
cleansing process with the skin. Drink it everyday if you can and give
it a month or so and you should notice a difference. My husband use to
have adult acne and he would even drink red raspberry ice tea and it
I'd say we noticed a big difference just after 6 weeks.

Also, you may consider Hormonal Changese formula. This is great for
regulating hormones.

If one is cleansing and experiencing symptoms of any is
all related to the cleanse. Many kinds of symptoms, some common are,
re-occuring previous symptoms, feeling down right sick, fatigue, skin
breakouts of all kinds including acne and rashes are very common. And
all this can go on for days, weeks, or longer. In other words, if you
have cleansed then what ever your body is experiencing it is related
to the cleanse process.

Well, I hope this helps you. I encourage you to not give up. Herbs
are all cleansing and help the body to do what it needs to do.
Cleansing Blessings!


Dec 16, 2009, 8:50:56 AM12/16/09
to Vibrant Health
Well this has developed into a (very BIG) boil ( making my third this
year). It is swollen over the top of my left eyelid and my tear duct
is acting like an overflow valve and weeping. The corner of my other
eye is also swollen as well as the bridge of my nose. I can't find the
bfc ointment and Im not sure I'd be able to keep a poultice of it on
very well where it was sitting. Id have to be laying down (which with
four children is nigh to impossible). Would plain comfrey ointment
have any significant effect to ripen this boil to get rid of it? I've
digressed to some motrin and tylenol for the pain as the sinus
pressure and burning are so intense. I might go get some ointment from
the *****acy that is to ripen the boil to speed it along. I believe it
is mostly plant based- I looked it up before with the last boil I

Guylene, when do you know how long to take a formula for. I know with
the formulas with Goldenseal that it is about two weeks, as well as
the echinacea. How long for the change ease? How do you know when
something hormonal is taken care of.. is it something you take like
once a year or once a month?

Also I am worried that this will leave a black blood spot under the
skin like Ive had on my other two boils. Is there anything to prevent
this? I don't want to look like I've been beaten up!

Rebecca Cason

Dec 16, 2009, 9:35:54 AM12/16/09
Another consideration is the liver. The skin is a channel of elimination but should not be that much. Acne, skin infections, boils are a sign of a conjested liver. Dr. Christopher said that the skin is the window to the liver. This can happen espcially during menses becasue the body needs to get rid of the excess estrogen it will not be using to get pregnant. The liver is what does takes the estrogen and neutralizes it and dumps it into the intestines.. If the liver is conjested it cannot get rid of the estrogen efficiantly. It will not dump estrogen into the intestines unless it can neutralize it, resulting in higher than normal estrogen levels. When the liver is conjested to begin with (possibly not enough support during cleansing as happend to me becasue i was on daily medication for so many years.) the estrogen and other toxins can build up over time - kind of a toxin snowball effect. Estrogen itself can cause acne.

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Rebecca Cason
Cason Naturals
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Dec 17, 2009, 11:32:58 AM12/17/09
to Vibrant Health
Would parsley tea be sufficient for the swelling around my eye?
Something internal? I look like The Hunchback of Notre Dame!


Dec 17, 2009, 1:52:23 PM12/17/09
to Vibrant Health
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here. I was having
trouble signing in???? I think the problem is fixed. And I can only
sit for so long at the computer before my back says NO MORE! :)

I would highly suggest Black Ointment! This stuff is the best! If you
can, apply it heavily over the whole area and leave it on as long as
possible. Yes it is messy and smells like a BBQ but this stuff works
for boils or swelling and is amazing! It will either be absorb back
into the body or come to a head. Whatever the ointment does with this
is what the body needs to do.
If you need to go out take it off then put it back on as soon as you
can again and leave this on until you get results. Even try to sleep
with it on. Just use an old pillow case or towel.

And to answer your question on how long to take formulas.
There is no set time or even suggested time for taking formulas. I
don't even pay attention to the goldenseal timing of 2 weeks. Not if
it's in a formula. Maybe by itself.....Here is how I personally
believe and suggest to my friends and clients............Our body
innately knows what it needs. If you listen to your inner voice or
feeling if you will, you will know when to stop. I have done this for
myself for many years.
If you really stop and take a moment to go will know.

I believe our healing from various conditions etc. is for us to learn
more about ourselves during this life. It just takes a moment to go
within and pray or meditate. And don't forget to BREATHE during this
process! Dr. Christopher always recommended deep breathing exercises.
It is calming to the soul as well as the body, mind and spirit! It
just takes a few minutes or however long you choose.

Take care Jamie and we are all here for you!
Loving Blessings,


Dec 17, 2009, 4:36:51 PM12/17/09
to Vibrant Health
Guylene, It so funny that you mention BBQ my kids say that too!. I did
find my black ointment and yes it is helping a lot. I've been able to
extract a lot of that gooey mess- eeewwww and ooooowwww! My concern
now is how swollen the tissue around my eye is. I had a cup of parsley
tea earlier and I need to try some more, but I haven't noticed much
change yet. In face every time I manage to purge it a bit more it
seems to get a bit more swollen. Now it has extended out to the cheek
bone right below my eye, and my entire eyelid is sitting on my lashes.
Will continue to update you as the progress goes.
Also I had the good fortune of digging up a massive poke root this
fall and made a good amount of tincture from it. Started taking some
of that today as well with the RCC.
I am still taking the ibuprofen and tylenol and occaisionally an aleve
(sp?) because the swelling and hardness and burning after purging it
is almost unbearable, it makes my eyes and my mouth water. I usually
don't take anything but this pain is just nuts!

Smiling anyway,



Dec 17, 2009, 6:13:38 PM12/17/09
to Vibrant Health
Oh Jamie,
I feel your pain! ooooowwww! :) You are a tough cookie!
You may want to try a cold pack or ice poultice on the areas you can't
get the Black ointment on. Like the eyelid. Or even some cold cucumber
slices would help. This is always great for swollen morning eyes! Or
you may even consider a parsley poultice over the eye lid.

You are dealing with inflammation here. Also, lots of Immuncalm would
help. Like 4 capsules every hour. This formula helps the immune system
from over-reacting! Like excessive swelling etc.

Wow! on the poke root! That is great.
I just thought of another idea.....Warm compress on the wound will
help relieve the hardness. Like a washcloth soaked in very warm water.
Not too hot to burn your skin, but to tolerance. And then re-apply the
Black Ointment afterwards.

YOUR DOING GREAT! Keep trusting the process!
BIG HUG to you!


Dec 18, 2009, 9:47:57 AM12/18/09
to Vibrant Health
Talked to my friend in OR and am now concerned that this might be
MRSA. Went out to Walmart last week (1st time in over 8 months). My
husband says I shouldn't listen to her (though her husband lost a golf
ball size amount of flesh from it and was hospitalized with drip
antibiotics). It is concerning because I have the feverishness at
times and chills the next. Also have the typical Boil symptoms
hardness redness heat in the area, swollen-ness and such. I had a boil
under my arm and I am concerned because I didn't have this much
swelling. Also the fact that this is starting to have multiple exit
points, which is a symptom of the MRSA. ???? Any suggestions or



Dec 30, 2009, 2:27:53 PM12/30/09
to Vibrant Health
Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I was having trouble
'reply-posting' and our dear Addison I think has fixed the problem.:)

I trust you are hanging in there and healing. My suggestion at this
point is to go ahead and treat this as a staph infection whether MRSA
or not. If this is your third one this year it does sound concerning.
AND... not getting better with the herbs you are taking is a sign to
change the direction.

I just want to say, sometimes I find it is difficult to work with
conditions over the internet like this through this way of
communication. Only worded explanations and no visuals or more
thorough health history etc.

Here is what I would do and for that matter have done.

Briefly, LOTS OF GARLIC! every hour of the day. Fresh, or if only
capsules of garlic powder, but lots!
Infection formula ( Lymphatic formula same thing)
X-ceptic formula, or even Super Garlic Immune
All immune strengthening formulas (Immune System formula ( this is a
great one), Echinacea, Astragulas) Either/Or on these.
All cleansing formulas, Bowel, Kidney, Liver, and Blood especially.
Jurassic Green 2-3 times daily (Or fresh wheatgrass juice)
Incurables program for "at least" a week (Or even the 3 day juice
cleanse to clear the lymphatic system!)
Topically...Black Ointment applied if even just around the site if
possible. 24-7 until no feeling of the sore, which could take a while,
could be weeks.

If you could do this for at least a week I think you will notice a big
difference and turn this around. But I would caution you to continue a
maintenance regime for months to clear this from your body. That is
"if" this staph.
And if not harm done here.

I would like to pose a question to you for you to answer ONLY TO
YOURSELF......"what does your gut tell you this is and what may be
going on internally?" And what natural herbal therapy do you need to
take or do for the healing?
If you could just take a few quiet moments (and I know your have
little ones needing you) but just a few moments, it doesn't take long
to go within and then your answers will come to you.

Taking time for ourselves to help ourselves first, to heal, prepares
us then to help in the care and healing of others. Dr Christopher
shared he always went to a prayerful state of mind when dealing with
healing issues. It is the first thing he did.
I truly hope I have helped out here.
Healing Blessings to you Jamie, Be Well!

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