LVC e-Newsletter October-December 2013 | The WTO pushed through bad deal in Bali

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Via Campesina

Dec 18, 2013, 1:02:38 AM12/18/13

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The WTO pushes through bad deal in the final hours; Developed countries and TNCs are the big winners


Social Movements for an Alternative Asia (SMAA), Gerak Lawan and La Via Campesina

The 9th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) pushed through a Bali Package in the final hours, extending the Conference to December 7, but at the cost of the developing countries, the poor and the hungry. read more...

Demands increase for international mechanisms to punish transnational corporations� crimes

Geneva (Switzerland), Bali (Indonesia) December 3, 2013 � Social movements, networks and organizations from the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity - who protested today in Bali and in Geneva against the corporate capture of the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations and the United Nations (UN) Human Rights system - are demanding binding regulations to punish corporate crimes. read more...

Social movements remind the WTO about the death of Korean farmer Lee Kyung Hae inside the official ministerial conference through a powerful action

(Dec 5, Denpasar, Bali) Representatives of social movements from around the world carried out a dramatic silent procession inside the ministerial venue in Nusa Dua to commemorate the self sacrifice of their comrade, the Korean farmer Lee Kyung Hae. Lee lives on in their struggle. Lee Kyung Hae took the extreme step of stabbing himself to death outside the conference halls of WTOs 5th ministerial in Cancun in 2003. read more...

18 years of the WTO is enough: Trade rules have favored TNCs and deepened poverty

(Bali, Dec 3, 2013) As the official World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations opened today on the 3rd of December in Bali, Indonesia, peoples� movements took to the streets. Gerak Lawan, an alliance of Indonesian Peoples Movements against Neocolonialism and Imperialism, along with the Social Movements for an Alternative Asia (SMAA), a newly formed coordination of Asian social movements along with La Via Campesina demonstrated in Renon Square in Denpasar from 9am until 2pm. read more...

Typhoon Haiyan exposes the reality of climate injustice � We strengthen our resolve to struggle for an end to the climate madness

PRESS RELEASE - La Via Campesina

(Jakarta, 3 December 2013) On November 8, 2013, the strongest super typhoon ever recorded in history, with winds as high as 314 kilometers per hour, slammed into the Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan devastated several cities in the islands of the Visayas, leaving in its wake, more than 5,000 dead, more than 1,000 still missing and millions impacted with thousands of families left without food, water or shelter. read more...

Dec 3- People will take to the street on the inauguration of the WTOs 9th ministerial in Bali

(Dec 2, Bali) As the official WTO talks open on the 3rd of December in Bali, peoples movements will take to the streets on the same day. The Gerak Lewan- an alliance of Indonesian Peoples Movements against Neocolonialism and Imperialism, along with the Social Movements for an Alternative Asia (SMAA), a newly formed coordination of Asian social movements along with La Via Campesina will demonstrate in Renon Square in Denpasar from 9 am until 2 pm.� read more...

La Via Campesina� in Bali to call for an End to the WTO and the Free Trade Regime

(Bali, 28 November 2013) The international peasants' movement -La Via Campesina, with over 200 million members in 70 countries, will organize in a massive way from Dec 1-6 2013 at the upcoming World Trade Organization 9th Ministerial meeting in Bali, Indonesia. It will bring in a large delegation of peasants from around the world to Bali in order to demonstrate its opposition to the World Trade Organization (WTO). read more...

Honduras : La Via Campesina as international observer of the electoral process

Declaration of the Delegation of Election Observers of V�a Campesina about the electoral process 24th of November in Honduras

(Tegucigalpa, Honduras, November 25, 2013) La V�a Campesina participated with 60 national and international observers in the Honduran elections which took place the 24th of November 2013, in order to support and sustain the Human and Citizen Rights of the people of Honduras as well as the Honduran Peasants movement. read more...

Indonesia, Registration is now OPEN for EndWTO-Bali Week of Action

Gerak Lawan (People�s Movement against Neocolonialism and Imperialism), the Bali WTO Network and the Social Movements for an Alternative Asia (SMAA) invite all those who want to End the WTO, Stop FTAs and believe that the time is now for Economic Justice, to come join us in the EndWTO-Bali Week of Action from December 1-6 in Bali, Indonesia.

As you may already know, Gerak Lawan, a national coalition in Indonesia, formed in 2005, which includes peasants, migrants, fisherfolk, women, youth, human rights lawyers, and many others, has joined forces with the Bali WTO Network. read more...

Deal a decisive blow to Neoliberalism

Call to Action on behalf of Social Movements for an Alternative Asia and Gerak Lawan (Peoples Movement Against Neocolonialism and Imperialism)

The capitalist system is in a deep crisis. Since the 2008 financial crisis where the system nearly imploded, it has yet to fully recover. And instead, the crisis has spread and has deepened the food, economic, energy and climate crises. The deep systemic crisis is crystal clear evidence that the neoliberal regime must come to an end. read more...

November 25th: End violence against women

(Harare, November 25, 2013) Throughout these 20 years as La Via Campesina, we have recognized the role of women in all aspects of life. In that sense, we have denounced capitalism and patriarchy as the main generators of all types of violence - physical, ethical, psychological, political and economic - which increase discrimination and violence against women, both young and old. read more...

A year for agricultural policy to radically support small-scale family and peasant farming

( 21 November 2013 -Brussels) This Friday 22nd November, the United Nations will be launching the International Year of Family Farming for 2014. Since 1993, the Via Campesina has been the only international organisation to daily defend small-scale family and peasant agriculture throughout the world; it does so with 160 organisations in 79 countries and over 200 million peasant farmer members, both men and women. read more...

The global struggle for peasants seeds : a struggle for our future

As countless farmers, farmworkers, urban growers, and consumers across the globe celebrated the International Day of Action for Food Sovereignty in October, an overwhelming number are celebrating seeds as pilar for food sovereignty. Afterall, according to ETC Group, 80-90% of seeds are sourced outside of commercial markets, that is to say through peasant seed systems, and farm-saved seeds. In the new publication, Our Seeds Our Future La Via Campesina chronicles ten experiences of peasant seed selection, saving, improvement, and re-use. read more...

Stop the corporate takeover and expansion of carbon markets now!

COP 19 statement signed by la Via Campesina among 155 signatories

Stop the corporate takeover and expansion of carbon markets now!

For almost 20 years, multilateral climate policies have served to create profitable financial schemes that maintain fossil fuel dependent systems that are responsible for the climate crisis. November 11-22 in Warsaw, Poland, the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be no exception. read more...

Defending peasant seeds is fighting for our right to life

- African Declaration on Peasant Seeds

We, African men and women farmers, members of La Via Campesina, have gathered at the Fambidzanai permaculture centre in Zimbabwe from the 12th to the 14th November to discuss and prepare our work for the defence of African peasant seeds against the current corporate and institutional attacks. For us, small-scale farmers, seeds are the foundation of life. They are a key part of cultures developed by past generations and carry the acquired knowledge of farming communities worldwide. read more

African peasants reject corporate seed laws and assault on peasant seeds and food sovereignty

(Harare, November 14, 2013) At the African seeds meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe, November 12-14, peasant farmers held rich discussions about the growing threat of external investment in African agriculture, including multinational seed companies and ongoing efforts to exploit African land and resources for the production of food for other parts of the world. Participants at the meeting expressed alarm about the push for industrial agriculture throughout Africa by corporations and their partners, including initiatives such as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the G8 New Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition. read more...

We are not backward. Our seeds and knowledge are crucial for our survival

(Harare, November 13, 2013) Seed diversity, created by peasants over centuries, is in danger of disappearing and the diversity of seeds that remain is increasingly threatened by large international corporations, most of them coming from the agrichemical sector. In Africa, different forces are converging to grab peasant seeds and undermine their diversity and the knowledge and practices associated with them. read more...

Climate Summit: Don't turn farmers into 'climate smart' carbon traders!

7 November 2013. Farmers produce food, not carbon. Yet, if some of the governments and corporate lobbies negotiating at the UN climate change conference to be held in Warsaw from 11-22 November have their way, farmland could soon be considered as a carbon sink that polluting corporations can buy into to compensate for their harmful emissions. �We are directly opposed to the carbon market approach to dealing with the climate crisis,� says Josie Riffaud of La V�a Campesina. read more...

African Farmers meet in Zimbabwe to give more strength to the struggle for seeds sovereignty

Harare, 06 November 2013 � More than 40 farmers from several African countries, members of La Via Campesina, together with allies, will meet in Zimbabwe on 12-14 November 2013, to discuss the threats posed to smallholder farmers� seed systems on the continent. In particular, it will discuss the changes to African seed laws, and responses to such threats. The seminar will be hosted by the Zimbabwe Organic Smallholder Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF),an organisation member of La Via Campesina. read more...

Peasants' rights at Organization of American States

(October 29, 2013, Washington) In the light of the continuous violations of the human rights in Latin America�s rural sector, the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo, CLOC - V�a Campesina, is going to present in an audience before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, CIDH, a report on the situation of the human, social and cultural rights in the peasant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. This report intends to link the research and monitoring processes at continental level, and denounce the issues that take place in the peasantry�s context. read more...

Mozambique's ProSavana programme � "Open your eyes, you'll lose your land," warns a Brazilian �sem-terra�

One of the central figures of the Brazilian �sem-terra� (landless) movement, Augusto Juncal, was in Maputo as a �heavyweight reinforcement� for the campaign by Mozambican small-scale farmers against ProSavana. Juncal left the warning: "Open your eyes, you'll lose the land". ProSavana, an agricultural development programme by the governments of Mozambique, Brazil and Japan� is being challenged by the Uni�o Nacional dos Camponeses de Mo�ambique (UNAC - National Union of Small-scale Farmers of Mozambique), the largest organisation of its type in the country. read more...

The True Food Prize Goes to the Haitians

The Iowa state capitol is vibrating with activity this week in preparation for the World Food Prize Laureate Award Ceremony that is set to take place on Thursday. The 2013 World Food Prize credits Monsanto in the fight against hunger through sustainable agriculture -- yet there is a disconnect between the spirit of the prize and the U.S. agrochemical giant's actual practices. Organizers of the Food Sovereignty Prize aim to bridge this gap by honoring grassroots social movements in their own ceremony that will take place on Tuesday in New York City. read more...

Malawi: Small Scale Farmers and Rural Women Share Experiences in farmer-to-farmer exchange visit to defend food and seed sovereignty[1]

Over 100 small-scale farmers and rural woman came together in Lilongwe during the August SADC Heads of States Summit as a regional collective of the People's Dialogue, the Rural Woman's Assembly and Via Campesina Africa to come up with alternatives and �practical solutions to end rural poverty and promote people-driven development in the Southern Africa Development Community region (SADC). �One of the key demands was the adoption of Food Sovereignty by our governments as a policy in all SADC countries, which means the right of countries to control what, how and where they produce, and to control the policies and programmes under which they produce. read more...

Statement on the 2013 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum

The 2013 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) hosted and chaired by Indonesia this year, met in Bali from 5-7 October 2013. The APEC has no enforceable agreements like ASEAN�s, but it continues to serve as a platform for economic and political leaders to come together and mainly push the agenda of investments liberalization and free trade, and address security issues in the region. read more...

October 16: La Via Campesina celebrates World Food Sovereignty Day, demands real solutions to end hunger

La Via Campesina celebrates the world food sovereignty day. People around the world will carry out actions to celebrate the need of a people's food system. The global peasants' movement will make its voice heard loud and clear reaffirming that peasants- led agro-ecology is the real solution to global hunger. Not only do peasant farmers feed communities, they also cool the planet and protect mother nature. Unlike agribusiness, peasants do not treat food as a commodity for speculation profiting out of hunger. They do not patent nature for profit, keeping it out of the hands of the common man and woman. read more...

International Conference on Land and Seeds: Peasants of Mozambique United in Struggle in Defense of Land and Peasant Agriculture

Maputo, October 14, 2013 � The National Union of Peasants (Uni�o Nacional de Camponeses , UNAC), a member group of La Via Campesina, organized through unions and zonal nuclei, districts, and provinces throughout the county, holds the Second International Conference on Land, in Maputo on October 15 and 16, 2013. read more...

Gaining support for the peasant's way - La Via Campesina at UN's leading food security institutions

�Reforms at the level of international institutions like the CFS must be seized to advance the cause of peasants and family farmers. In truth no policy whether at the national or international level truly takes into consideration the interests of this group, so its up to us to say what we need�- Ibrahim Coulibaly, president of the National Confederation of Peasant Organisations (CNOP) of Mali. read more...

INDIA: Bihar's agroecological farmers host international farmers' delegation

Earlier this year, when Sumant Kumar and his 4 friends, all young farmers from the Nalanda region in Bihar,�made headlines�for breaking the world records in rice and potato production without using any chemicals, herbicides or GM seeds, it inspired farmers across the world. Through the global network of peasants' movements called La Via Campesina, farmers in the state of Karnataka in southern India got a call from Brazilian farmers, asking if they could go see this unbelievable feat together. read more...

People have the right to land and seeds to produce healthy food, and practice food sovereignty!

October 16 - Global Day of Action for Food Sovereignty

La Via Campesina calls for international support for the Global Day of Action for Food Sovereignty, this coming October 16, the same day that FAO celebrates as World Food Day. The peasant movement affirms that it is only possible to end the global food crisis and hunger through food sovereignty and agro-ecological production. Current economic policies hinder the development of peasant agriculture and favor agribusiness. read more...

FAO recognizes La Via Campesina's crucial role as the major international small food producer's organisation

(Rome, 4 October 2013) Today, during a meeting between La Via Campesina and FAO's Director general Jose Graziano da Silva an agreement of cooperation was formalized which acknowledged the essential role played by small holder food producers. Their role was recognised as most important in the eradication of world hunger. The cooperation will focus on various key areas: strengthening peasant based agro-ecological food production, protecting small holders rights to access land and water, as well as improving farmers rights over seeds in accordance with international and national seed laws. read more...

The International Seed Treaty: A resolution in support of Farmers' Rights

(Oman, September 30) La Via Campesina welcomes the adoption, on 28 September 2013, by the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, also known as the seed treaty, of a resolution calling on states to implement and support Farmers� Rights, ie the rights of peasants and farmers over their own seeds. read more...

Building a peasant revolution in Africa

The recent debate around the 2012 National Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill in Uganda and the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) it promotes elevated issues related to food access across the country. Although the bill was tabled in Parliament earlier this year, Ugandan peasants and small farmers still have reason to worry that control of their land and its resources could quickly slip further away�especially if they are not tightly organised. read more...

ZIMSOFF and the Shashe Agro-Ecology School in Zimbabwe

While it is now widely acknowledged that a smallholder-based, agro-ecological food production system is the best way to eradicate hunger and to reduce the impact of agriculture on climate change, less attention is given to the role farmers play in sharing the lessons they have learned. Building on a farmer-to-farmer approach, the Zimbabwe Organic Smallholder Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF) is interested in training community facilitators and trainers, helping them develop a horizontal and participatory learning system. read more...


Nyeleni newsletter: Smallholder agri-investments
Ny�l�ni Newsletter on Peoples struggle against WTO

La Via Campesina�
Via Campesina is an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers. We are an autonomous, pluralist and multicultural movement, independent of any political, economic, or other type of affiliation. Born in 1993, La Via Campesina now gathers about 183 organisations in 88 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

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