LVC e-Newsletter January 2014 | Women Farmers to teach Agroecology

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Via Campesina

Feb 6, 2014, 2:01:30 AM2/6/14

Imágenes integradas 2

Chile : Women Farmers To Teach The Region Agroecology

An organisation that brings together some 10,000 peasant and indigenous women from Chile is launching an agroecology institute for women campesinos, or small farmers, in South America. For years, the National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women (ANAMURI) has been training thousands of people through La Vía Campesina, the international peasant movement, working on the basis of food sovereignty, which asserts the right of people to define their own food systems. read more...

France : Everyone to Nantes on February 22nd

The french state and those defending the project of the airport of Notre Dame des Landes threaten to come back in force all over again. They presume they will begin the destruction of protected species and the construction of the airport in the coming months. A new wave of evictions could arise. We won’t let is happen! The construction will not begin! The movement on the ground is even more alive than last autumn of 2012, the connections are stronger, the fields more cultivated and the houses more numerous. read more...

Brazil: The time for the Peoples’ Land Reform

We arrived to our VI National Congress as the Landless Workers' Movement (MST). We arrived after more than two years of studies, debates, reunions, assemblies and discussions carried out by our grassroots organizations and representatives from all over Brazil. We are celebrating our 30th anniversary, making us the oldest peasant movement in the history of Brazil. read more...

Farmers mobilize in Brussels: “Reclaiming peasants' rights over our own seeds”

At the start of the year devoted to family farming, which is being called on by the UN to feed the world, peasants from all over Europe are demonstrating before the European Parliament on Monday January 20 2014. We have come to reclaim recognition of peasants' rights to select, preserve, use, exchange and sell our own seeds. We declare that our seeds are essential if we are to feed the world. read more...

Farmers Rights to Seeds and breeds under threat!

Today, the Landworkers’ Alliance mobilise alongside 27 other European farmers’ organizations during the agricultural commission’s meeting at the European Parliament. At stake are the rights of 40 million European farmers to have control over maintaining, improving and trading their seeds and livestock breeds. read more...

Mobilisation to defend Farmers' rights

The European Parliament will be voting on legislation on the marketing of seeds, animal and plant health and official controls on food production.  The European Coordination Via Campesina is calling to organize action in Brussels or in your own country before the vote on this regulation. read more...

2014, international year of family farming: Is it all put on or a true opportunity?

On last November 22nd the international year of family farming (YFF) was launched and EU Commissioner for agriculture Dacian Ciolos organized an international conference on November 29th in Brussels. At the same time, Commissioner for external trade Karel de Gucht was packing up for the WTO ministerial conference in Bali. read more...

La Via Campesina 
Via Campesina is an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers. We are an autonomous, pluralist and multicultural movement, independent of any political, economic, or other type of affiliation. Born in 1993, La Via Campesina now gathers about 183 organisations in 88 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

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