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Re: Radiance Simulation - missing legend

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May 9, 2023, 1:00:01 PM5/9/23
to VI-Suite

5 minutes after sending - hotkey 'T' brings out the toolbar panel on the left side of the viewport where the legend was hiding. The toolbar needs to be active / viewable wen 'Radiance Display' is toggled in the VI Display panel.

Thanks again
On Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:51:37 PM UTC+2 Alex wrote:
I'm running VI-Suite v0.61 on Blender 2.93.17 LTS downloaded today.

The main issue I am having is there is no legend present in the 3D viewport post calculation. I have been working through the VI Display settings, reading the documentation and watching Youtube videos and I can't seem to resolve this issue.

Also just to clarify - referencing v0.6 documentation item 2 'The VI-Suite is packaged as an add-on for Blender and contains all the Radiance and EnergyPlus files required to
run analyses with the VI-Suite' - Radiance download is not required on local machine - please confirm if this is correct as the documentation indicates otherwise in later sections (I think this might remain from v0.4 documentation).

Many thanks in advance :)


May 9, 2023, 1:06:16 PM5/9/23
to VI-Suite
Thanks for the bug report.
I'd never noticed that the toolbar needed to be visible. I'll try and fix that in v0.7.


May 9, 2023, 1:08:08 PM5/9/23
to VI-Suite
And yes, Radiance & EnergyPlus are included. If you let me know specifically where the user manual says otherwise I'll correct that for the next version.

Alex Hampshire

May 9, 2023, 2:21:06 PM5/9/23
to VI-Suite

Hi Ryan,
Thanks very much for the quick response. I recently discovered VI-Suite and am excited about exploring it further - today was my first day diving in and there's a lot there!

I just referenced the documentation quickly and I remember being a bit confused in the two places below - I started researching how to download Radiance and link directory to VI-Suite before heading to the v0.4 documentation and concluded the steps to download weren't required for v0.6.

4.8.3 The LiVi Simulation node
'At least version 5 of Radiance is required to
use photon mapping. Photon mapping options include the number of global and caustic photons emitted, custom
photon map parameters and photon map preview. Refer to the Radiance photon mapping manual for more
information about these options.'

5.5 LiVi Lighting Analysis
A valid Radiance installation is therefore required on the host machine. Details
of the installation process can be found in section 2.

One other thing - I initially tried v0.6 with Blender 3.3 LTS - I got an error when activating the plugin so reverted to 2.93 LTS. Apologies I don't have a record of the error.

Many thanks,

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