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RADIANCE output window not interactive as shown in Basic Radiance Simulation YouTube

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Colin Young

Apr 13, 2023, 10:25:52 AM4/13/23
to VI-Suite
I'm attempting to follow the YouTube video for 0.6, but I'm using 0.7 (I know it's not released, but I like to live on the bleeding edge). Install went flawlessly as far as I can tell by the way.

I'm at the point where the output is shown for the first time. In the video it shows being able to click on the output image and the exposure is adjusted according to where it was clicked. In my display, nothing happens. The output window is showing "done:" so I assume it is ready.

Any suggestions where I should start looking? It's been a little while since I last used RADIANCE (1997 I believe), so "rusty" would be a charitable way of describing my skills.

I'm on MacOS Ventura 13.1. Blender is 3.5.0, but I don't think that's involved in my issue.


Apr 13, 2023, 10:27:21 AM4/13/23
to VI-Suite
On OS X press e then enter in the rvu window and it will say 'Pick point for exposure' and you can then click on the image to adjust exposure to that point.

Colin Young

Apr 13, 2023, 4:56:46 PM4/13/23
to VI-Suite
Thanks! i re-watched that section and tried the Windows command :) Also, found the man page for rview (which is what I assume is being used). The auto generated closed-captions on the video are interesting.
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