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Using Vi-Suite to Simulate Long Wave Infrared in Outer-Space

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Feb 13, 2024, 6:00:23 PM2/13/24
to VI-Suite
I am trying to simulate the space lighting environment as it would be seen by a long wave infrared camera. Through playing around with Vi-Suite and doing some simple renders, I saw that Vi-Suite has some ability to provide thermal simulations, but I don't know if it can be configured for my purpose, and I'm not sure what details would need to be configured if it can. Hopefully someone can tell me if this is even the right tool for the job and how to get started.

  • The first objective is to do a sun-lit render of an object, using the long wave infrared wavelength.
  • The second objective is to make parts of the object glow as though they are hot and render both.
  • The third objective is to somehow simulate things like lens-flares, glare, and bloom.

For this experiment, I’m keeping some things simple by assuming the object being rendered is a metal box floating in the vacuum of space, lit only by the sun and heaters modelled on its surface.

What’s important is that the results could be verified by real-world experimentation.

Thank you all! Looking forward to hopefully getting some sage wisdom and guidance at the beginning of this project.

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