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Exporting simulation data

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Lars O. Grobe

Dec 3, 2024, 9:28:30 AM12/3/24
to VI-Suite
Dear all, dear Ryan,

I have tried to export the results of daylight simulation using the CSV
export node. However, I realised that this exports only spatial
summaries. I could not find a way to analyze e.g. the 95percentiales or
medians due to this early data-reduction. Is there any way to avoid
this? Analyzing e.g. according to EN17037 requires to test two different
requirements, target illuminance for 50% of the zone and minimum target
illuminance for 95% of the zone. Currently, I see no way to do so with

Best, Lars.


Dec 3, 2024, 8:35:32 PM12/3/24
to VI-Suite
Hi Lars.
I stopped LiVi storing hourly data on individual mesh points in Blender a while ago as it could result is so much data being stored, that Blender became distinctly unhappy.
You can however cheat. 
If you create a sensing plane and instead of sub-dividing it you create a 2 arrays to cover the room area in an effective grid. You can then separate the grid 'by loose parts' in Blender so that each plane becomes it's own object. Do a DA/UDI/ASE calc and in the resultant CSV you will get the hourly %area of each object that hits the specified targets. By default DA or UDI-supp is 300 lux and UDI-l is 100 lux. If the %area in the CSV file is 100, then that point hit either the 100 or 300 lux target for that hour. You can then process the CSV to calculate what percentage of the total area represented by the "grid" hit that target for each hour which should then give you what you want.
As EN17037 seems to be a new standard adopted by the EU I will add an automated, post-simulation calculation that can be viewed in the VI-Metrics node at some point.


Dec 3, 2024, 8:39:33 PM12/3/24
to VI-Suite
P.S. You'll need to apply the two arrays before separating the grid object by loose parts.


Dec 14, 2024, 12:16:07 PM12/14/24
to VI-Suite
EN17037 analysis is now included. More details available at and in the updated user manual.

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