Python 3 support graph for the popular VFX packages

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Aleksandar Kocic

Oct 2, 2020, 1:52:52 PM10/2/20
to vfx-platform-discuss
Hi all,

I’d like to notify everyone here about the site I’ve set up to visually represent the current Python3 porting progress across the packages we use in VFX pipelines:

This is very much just a different way to see the same info that community has been collecting in the open spreadsheet for some time now.

Admittedly, my contribution here is not very significant one -- but I did go through all the items from the spreadsheet, checked the data, added some missing information and organized a few things here and there. I’ve also automated the way this is propagated and will do my best to keep it up to date. Please see a README for details:

The site itself is entirely inspired (ripped off?) by earlier works such as py3readiness and It is basically a fork repurposed for a similar effort.

My intent is simply to have an easily reachable place to go to when one wants to check out where we stand as an industry in this regard, much in the same way offers valuable information at a glance... Also, I'd think this to be self-evident, but I expect no financial gain or anything of sorts with this. I wanted to contribute in some way and this came to mind.

I see this as a long term engagement as we are in for a few years of certain... pains. :)

One worry I have is that the “original” spreadsheet will stop being updated -- though I keep an eye on most, I'm not involved with all listed packages in my day-to-day work. 

Feedback is very much appreciated!

Cheers and happy Friday :)

Larry Gritz

Oct 2, 2020, 2:42:00 PM10/2/20
to Aleksandar Kocic, vfx-platform-discuss
Wow, this is great!

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Larry Gritz

Nick Cannon

Oct 2, 2020, 3:21:30 PM10/2/20
to Aleksandar Kocic, vfx-platform-discuss
This is a tremendously helpful contribution, thank you Aleksandar!

Over the coming days we will update the web site to point to this site as the primary reference, with the spreadsheet only being referenced as the place to make changes.

Although you do reference the spreadsheet on your site, perhaps you could more clearly state that is the place to make changes.

There are regular updates to the spreadsheet, although I expect your contribution to do a better job of highlighting to software providers if their product's information is out of date.




Aleksandar Kocic

Oct 2, 2020, 5:18:25 PM10/2/20
to vfx-platform-discuss
Hi Nick,

I’ve made a change on the page (make sure you clear the cache to see).

Please let me know if it's any better now and if it’s close to what you had in mind.


Nick Cannon

Oct 2, 2020, 6:05:32 PM10/2/20
to Aleksandar Kocic, vfx-platform-discuss
On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 2:18 PM Aleksandar Kocic <> wrote:

I’ve made a change on the page (make sure you clear the cache to see).

Please let me know if it's any better now and if it’s close to what you had in mind.

Looks good, thank you for that change.

The improved visibility has triggered a few updates to the spreadsheet today so the site is making an impact already.


Aleksandar Kocic

Oct 2, 2020, 6:21:41 PM10/2/20
to vfx-platform-discuss
I'll be getting those changes as an aggregated change log in the morning so be sure they'll be making their way to the site in timely fashion.

P.S. I really did gave it a hard thought if I should simply push all changes automatically but decided against it. Perhaps overcautiously but it didn't seem wise.


Nick Cannon

Dec 14, 2021, 10:12:44 PM12/14/21
to vfx-platform-discuss
Just resurrecting this old thread after over a year to call out how much progress has been made on Python 3 readiness, and to thank Alex again for his great work on

62 of the 66 packages listed on the Python 3 Tracker are now listed as ready for Python 3. Many studios have started their Python 3 migration, and some have already completed it.

The consistent story I hear is that it's more straightforward than expected as there is so much support tooling available.

If your studio is not already well on the way to migrating to Python 3 then it's time to start raising the alarm with them. Support for Python 2 ended some time ago and new releases of the major DCC packages are unlikely to support it, particularly given the increasing security risks involved.

A huge thank you to everyone in the community who has worked, and many of you who continue to work, on this critical migration.



Aleksandar Kocic

Dec 15, 2021, 1:05:12 PM12/15/21
to vfx-platform-discuss
It's nice to see all that green, isn't it! :D

I'm going to use the opportunity and ask about about a couple of outliers that are left. I don't have any visibility on those and I'm not sure how likely they are to be released with py3 support or if they already are but have missed my radar.

  • cineSync
  • Flix
  • Massive Prime
  • Tractor
I'm finding it hard to find any information online, so any suggestions or extra info on where they stand would be appreciated. 

And, lastly, just because nothing beats the side to side comparison:


Gonzalo Garramuño

Dec 15, 2021, 1:08:29 PM12/15/21

El 15/12/21 a las 15:05, Aleksandar Kocic escribió:
I'm going to use the opportunity and ask about about a couple of outliers that are left. I don't have any visibility on those and I'm not sure how likely they are to be released with py3 support or if they already are but have missed my radar.

  • cineSync
cineSync ships with python3.7.

Christy Anzelmo

Dec 15, 2021, 1:48:45 PM12/15/21
to Gonzalo Garramuño,

The spreadsheet is accurate on Flix - Python 3 support is still in progress, planned for the Flix 6.4 release next year. There will most likely be a build of Flix 6.4 with Py3 support available in the new year if anyone is interested in testing ahead of the release. 


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Christy Anzelmo

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Aleksandar Kocic

Dec 16, 2021, 4:15:27 AM12/16/21
to vfx-platform-discuss
Ok, that's great! Thanks for the info Gonzalo and Christy.

Updated the site and spreadsheet for cineSync.

Mike Owen

Jan 19, 2022, 12:53:51 PM1/19/22
to vfx-platform-discuss

I'm pleased to announce that AWS Thinkbox Deadline v10.1.20.3 (shipped 21st Dec 2021) now uses Python 3.7.12 as the default for all applications and plugins. Please visit our Python upgrade guide for more information. Python 2 will be removed in a future release of Deadline (date: TBD).

I have updated the VFX Platform community spreadsheet earlier today.


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