To whom it may concern,
I am a graduate student in Monica Dus's lab at the University of Michigan, and we are completing revisions on a manuscript. One of the finishing touches for our paper is to compare brain expression patterns of a few split-Gal4 lines from JRC, for which Virtual Fly Brain is the perfect tool! However, one of these lines, MB109B, seems to have a glitch when it is added to the 3D brain "scene", in that it aligns outside the brain proper (seems to be too far posterior, though by cross-referencing it seems that it's placed correctly along the other two axes).
I have attached a couple of screenshots which show the problem, along with screenshots of another split-Gal4 line which is properly aligned.
I write to ask if this glitch can be fixed, and hopefully soon, as we would like to submit our revised manuscript in the next week?
Thank you for your help! Respectfully,
Christina May
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Dus Lab
Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
The University of Michigan