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Viewing many neurons on the updated site

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May 27, 2020, 4:54:11 PM5/27/20
to VFB support
To whoever can help,

I have had some trouble navigating the newly updated website and was wondering if what I am looking for is not there, or if I am just unable to find it.

I am attempting to view all of the fruitless expressing neurons in the male brain together. So far anything I have found will just label a subset of the neurons I am trying to look at, and it does not seem super feasible to keep overlaying all the ones that are individually available. (Under 'fruitless expressing neurons', there is a list of over 2,000, of which many are multiples of about 4 or 5, an example of this being the labeling of only 'adult fruitless aSP-f (male) neurons and no others).

If anyone could help point me in the right direction of someway to visualize all the fruitless expressing neurons (or, even better, all those expect the mushroom body), that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
University of Michigan
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