Mac Miller Completely Transparent Mp3 Download

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Madelyn Grindel

Jul 4, 2024, 11:26:39 AM (22 hours ago) Jul 4
to vestnavsperpa

I've searched the documentation but only found this:Link. Which is used to make the bar translucent? What I'm trying to do is to make the status bar completely transparent (as shown in the image below) and make it backwards compatible for APK

Setting DrawerLayout having fitsSystemWindows to true isn't sufficient, you need to set both DrawerLayout and ConstraintLayout. Assuming transparent status bar, the status bar color is now the same as the background color of ConstraintLayout.

This solution is intended for those who want to have a completely transparent StatusBar and have the NavigationBar unaffected. Incredibly this sounds so simple that it has caused a headache to more than one, including me.

Detour tasks are commonly used to study problem solving skills and inhibitory control in canids and primates. However, there is no comparable detour test designed for rodents despite its significance for studying the development of executive skills. Furthermore, mice offer research opportunities that are not currently possible to achieve when primates are used. Therefore, the aim of the study was to translate the classic detour task to mice and to compare obtained data with key findings obtained previously in other mammals. The experiment was performed with V-shaped barriers and was based on the water escape paradigm. The study showed that an apparently simple task requiring mice to move around a small barrier constituted in fact a challenge that was strongly affected by the visibility of the target. The most difficult task involved a completely transparent barrier, which forced the mice to resolve a conflict between vision and tactile perception. The performance depended both on the inhibitory skills and on previous experiences. Additionally, all mice displayed a preference for one side of the barrier and most of them relied on the egocentric strategy. Obtained results show for the first time that the behavior of mice subjected to the detour task is comparable to the behavior of other mammals tested previously with free-standing barriers. This detailed characterization of the detour behavior of mice constitutes the first step toward the substitution of rodents for primates in laboratory experiments employing the detour task.

To motivate animals to perform the detour task, we used the water escape paradigm, which is one of the most successful approaches used in rodent behavioral models [27,28]. The apparatus consisted of a white circular tank (28 cm high and 96 cm in diameter) filled with water (24.5 1.5C) that was 5.5 cm deep. This depth of water allowed the mice to stand on their back legs and thus enabled a rest and decreased the stress associated with the test. The apparatus was painted white to enable automated video tracking that is based on the contrast between the tracked object and the background. The tank was placed in a corner of the experimental room so that two sides of the tank adjoined the walls of the room while two other sides were surrounded with open space. Additionally, there was a vertical wooden post (4 cm wide) that was attached to the wall (Fig 1). The post was used as a support for a video camera positioned above the pool but it also constituted a well visible landmark. Therefore, it was possible to distinguish between left, right, front and back side of the tank depending on the position of the barrier within the tank and position of the walls of the experimental room (Fig 1). The platform (Fig 2a, S1 File) consisted of a round plaster cast (5.5 cm high and 7.5 cm in diameter) that was painted black and covered with a square piece of dark gray polyurethane foam having a shape of a clipped pyramid (8.5 cm wide at the base, 5 cm wide at the top and 2 cm high). The part made of polyurethane foam protruded above the water and provided surface suitable for climbing. A black metal rod (1.2 cm in diameter and 38 cm long) was placed in the central part of the platform to ensure that the location of the platform was easy to notice for swimming mice. To prevent animals from reaching their goal, we used a transparent, semitransparent and opaque barrier depending on the experimental group. All barriers were made out of one piece of clear acrylic glass, which was bent at an angle of 90 degrees (Fig 2a, S1 File). Additionally, we painted vertical white stripes on one of the barriers to make it semitransparent. The stripes were 1.8 cm wide and were spaced 1.8 cm apart. The opaque barrier was painted white on the entire surface (Fig 2a). Each arm of the barrier was 20 cm high and 18 cm wide.

The experiment was divided into two parts. The first part was performed during 3 consecutive days and started with habituation of the mice to the pool with a platform located in the centre of the tank without any barrier (S1 File). During the habituation period, the mice were placed in the pool and were allowed to swim until they climbed the platform. This procedure was repeated 6 times for each animal. The habituation period was followed by 7 inward detour trials performed on the same day, 5 inward detour trials performed on the second day and 3 outward detour trials performed on the third day (Fig 3c). The first detour trial was performed 30 min after the end of the last habituation session. The inward and outward detour trials were based on the procedure used previously to test behavior of dingoes and domestic dogs [1,11]. During the habituation period and inward detour trials, the mice were placed in the pool always at the same location near the wall with their heads facing the platform, which was located 56 cm from the starting point and 46 cm from the left and right side of the tank. During inward detour trials, the mice were separated from the target with a barrier that touched the platform (S1 File). During outward detour trials, the position of the platform and the starting point were exchanged, while the position of the barrier was not altered (Fig 3c, S1 File). Depending on the group, the mice were tested with transparent, semitransparent or opaque barrier. Application of the inward and outward detour trials allowed us to distinguish between a strategy based on the position of environmental landmarks and a strategy based on the body-centered coordinates (Fig 1). The displacement of the target during outward trials allowed us also to check whether mice display a learned sequence of movements (swimming around the barrier) or orient towards the new position of the target.

The second part of the experiment started after about 2 weeks of rest (the median number of days between the first and second part was 12) and only employed the inward detour paradigm. On the first day after the rest period, the mice were retrained to detour the transparent, semitransparent or opaque barrier (Fig 2a and 2c). The retraining phase consisted of 3 trials and the composition of groups was the same as in the first part of the experiment. On the second day, all mice were tested three times with the transparent barrier to check whether the mice that have already learned to detour the opaque or semitransparent barriers will have difficulty in detouring the completely transparent barrier.

The latencies increased rapidly in all groups when the barrier was placed in front of the platform (Fig 3). At the beginning, the mice repeated the pattern of swimming toward the barrier and away until they found the open side of the platform (Fig 6a and 6b, S1 File and S1 Fig). During subsequent trials, the mice gradually learned the task and improved their performance as indicated by shortened latencies (Fig 3). Only 3 mice (transparent and opaque group) failed to detour the barrier during 1 or maximally 2 trials. In one case (one trial), the mouse managed to jump onto the barrier but never repeated this feat during subsequent trials. It is worth mentioning that no mouse managed to jump onto the barrier during the preliminary experiment that was done to test the experimental setup. Multivariate two-way ANOVA (calculated for the inward detour trials performed on the first and second day) revealed a significant effect of trial (F11,21 = 6.56, P = 0.0001) and experimental group (F2,31 = 5.53, 0.009) while the interaction was not significant (F22,42 = 1.34, P = 0.20). A post-hoc analysis (Dunnett's test) revealed that all groups improved significantly their performance although the mice needed different number of trials depending on the applied barrier (Fig 3). The mice trained with the semitransparent barrier improved significantly during the sixth detour trial performed on the first day (P = 0.0001) and maintained good performance during all subsequent inward trials (P = 0.00004 (7th trial, day 1), P = 0.00002 (1st trial, day 2), P = 0.00002 (2nd trial, day 2), P = 0.0001 (3rd trial, day 2), P = 0.0004 (4th trial, day 2), P = 0.00003 (5th trial, day 2)). Two other groups required two days of training to improve significantly their performance (Fig 3). The mice trained with the transparent barrier improved significantly during the 4th (P = 0.002) and 5th (P = 0.00006) trial performed on the second day (Fig 3). Similarly, the mice trained with the opaque barrier improved significantly their performance during the 4th (P = 0.01) and 5th (P = 0.006) trial performed on the second day (Fig 3).

During the first detour trial (Fig 3) there were no differences between groups (F2,31 = 1.03, P = 0.37, one-way ANOVA). Significant differences appeared during the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th trial performed on the first day (F2,31 = 9.15, P = 0.0007, F2,31 = 4.58, P = 0.02, F2,31 = 4.61, P = 0.02, F2,31 = 6.90, P = 0.003 respectively). During the second day of training, the differences were not significant, although during the 2nd trial the effect of the experimental group approached the level of significance (F2,31 = 2.81, P = 0.076). A post-hoc analysis (Fisher's test) revealed that the mice tested with the transparent barrier displayed significantly longer latencies compared with the semitransparent group during the 2nd, 3rd and 6th trial performed on the first day (P = 0.0002, 0.005 and 0.005 respectively; Fig 3). The mice tested with the opaque barrier displayed significantly longer latencies compared with the semitransparent group during the 7th trial (P = 0.0008, Fig 3). The video presenting the behavior of the mice subjected to the inward detour task and examples of tracks are available in S1 File and S1 Fig.

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