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`ack Logger` is finding me no usages of it
anywhere in vertx-examples.git. Perhaps an example that combines a few
of the more typical use cases that potential adopters might be coming
from; e.g., authjdbc and templating and sessions to pick a few
arbitrarily that I'm interested in - with logging as an excuse to show
how the combination can fit together in a correct way. Contributors might extend this example with angular, or vertxbus, or rest examples although pretty soon you'll end up with an opinion.Agreed!
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On Feb 11, 2016 7:28 PM, "Jonathan Doughty" <jwd...@gmail.com> wrote:
The problem I have is "Where do I go from here?" at the bottom of the README - the examples are all useful and I can get them to run individually. But how do I now combine them into a complete application in a vert.x 3.x way? Vert.x may be un-opinionated and "we don't tell you a correct way to write an application. Instead we give you a lot of useful bricks and let you create your app the way you want to" is admirable. But an example opinion, a collection of bricks to say "this is one, not the, way" I think would help.
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On 11/02/16 17:41, Arkady Bron wrote:
On Feb 11, 2016 7:28 PM, "Jonathan Doughty" <jwd...@gmail.com> wrote:
The problem I have is "Where do I go from here?" at the bottom of the README - the examples are all useful and I can get them to run individually. But how do I now combine them into a complete application in a vert.x 3.x way? Vert.x may be un-opinionated and "we don't tell you a correct way to write an application. Instead we give you a lot of useful bricks and let you create your app the way you want to" is admirable. But an example opinion, a collection of bricks to say "this is one, not the, way" I think would help.
This really depends on what type of application you want to write? Is it a web application? If so, what kind of web application? Server side rendered or client side rendered? If client side, what are you using? Angular? Something else?
Maybe you want to write a REST API? Or perhaps a websockets based application? Or maybe a combination of the two?
Maybe it's not a web application but a network utility you want to write? Maybe a chat server? Maybe a network client? Perhaps a web server? Perhaps a real time game?
You'll find examples of all of those in the examples repo. There are an innumerable number of ways to write a Vert.x application and that's because Vert.x is _not_ a framework, but it's a _toolkit_.
On 11/02/16 18:20, Tim Fox wrote:
On 11/02/16 17:41, Arkady Bron wrote:
On Feb 11, 2016 7:28 PM, "Jonathan Doughty" <jwd...@gmail.com> wrote:
The problem I have is "Where do I go from here?" at the bottom of the README - the examples are all useful and I can get them to run individually. But how do I now combine them into a complete application in a vert.x 3.x way? Vert.x may be un-opinionated and "we don't tell you a correct way to write an application. Instead we give you a lot of useful bricks and let you create your app the way you want to" is admirable. But an example opinion, a collection of bricks to say "this is one, not the, way" I think would help.
This really depends on what type of application you want to write? Is it a web application? If so, what kind of web application? Server side rendered or client side rendered? If client side, what are you using? Angular? Something else?
Maybe you want to write a REST API? Or perhaps a websockets based application? Or maybe a combination of the two?
Maybe it's not a web application but a network utility you want to write? Maybe a chat server? Maybe a network client? Perhaps a web server? Perhaps a real time game?
You'll find examples of all of those in the examples repo. There are an innumerable number of ways to write a Vert.x application and that's because Vert.x is _not_ a framework, but it's a _toolkit_.
Vert.x forces you to think about the right architecture for your application as it does not prescribe one. This should give you a much better understanding of your requirements and lead you to a solution that works better for your business case than a "one size fits all" framework approach where you leave the architectural reasoning at the door.
Of course this means, as a developer, you have to think more for yourself, and not just "fill in the blanks" as you do with most rigid frameworks. but I think this is a good thing for developers :)
The problem I have is "Where do I go from here?" at the bottom of the README - the examples are all useful and I can get them to run individually. But how do I now combine them into a complete application in a vert.x 3.x way? Vert.x may be un-opinionated and "we don't tell you a correct way to write an application. Instead we give you a lot of useful bricks and let you create your app the way you want to" is admirable. But an example opinion, a collection of bricks to say "this is one, not the, way" I think would help.
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On 12/02/16 09:16, qsys wrote:
Op donderdag 11 februari 2016 18:28:26 UTC+1 schreef Jonathan Doughty:The problem I have is "Where do I go from here?" at the bottom of the README - the examples are all useful and I can get them to run individually. But how do I now combine them into a complete application in a vert.x 3.x way? Vert.x may be un-opinionated and "we don't tell you a correct way to write an application. Instead we give you a lot of useful bricks and let you create your app the way you want to" is admirable. But an example opinion, a collection of bricks to say "this is one, not the, way" I think would help.
Now, that's rather a very difficult issue, since it all really depends a lot on the type of application you're writing. Giving an example of, let's say, a blog-like web application might make people think it's mainly for blogs, or for straight forward web apps. It's not, it's much more versatile. So, suppose there's an example of a web application, some day somebody might take a look, see the example and think: this is not what I'm looking for, since he's looking for something to do some nightly concurrent batch-processing. However, we've had rather good experiences with the latter - not nightly, but still, batch processing. Or a swing, or JavaFX application? Or just as a process where log-messages are piped to (and your vert.x application processes them)? ...?
Your best option to me seems to be:
1. post on this list what you want to do and possibly what you considered so far and what you're struggling with. This is way more interesting than giving an 'example' that will be (mis)used as a kind of template in the end (which might result in all kinds of opinions about vert.x that are wrong).
2. put yourself in a wait for answers and think loop - you'll probably get a few opinions :). This is the fun loop: you only need a screen once in a while to check for new answers. After a while, something must happen, so decide, check if your 'design' still fits your needs and environment and finally, implement (or go back to wait for answers, or even step 1.).
Just a general thought: since there are now and than similar questions: there are already basic examples for each component, but no examples of how you can put them together. I might agree tons of examples, of different scenario's, might help people out. Or, if you will, a kind of 'vert.x architectural examples' could be helpful. It would, in my opnion, only be useful if there are, let's say > 50 'conceptual' examples (of how linking components together). However, that would take tons of time as well :)
+1. We've wanted to create some kind of "blueprints" library of "real" applications that illustrate a selection of the archetypal apps you might want to create with Vert.x. But it's a lot of work.
The problem Vert.x has always had is resourcing - we've never had the luxury of large full-time teams to work on these things that JavaEE and Spring has had - so these kinds of tasks naturally get prioritised away.