FYI - Fwd: 3-27-10 Highway J Citizens Group Update -- WE WON AGAIN! Federal Court DENIES the WisDOT's "Motion for Reconsideration" on Highway 164 Four-Lane Expansion Project.]

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Susan De Vos

Mar 28, 2010, 12:06:11 PM3/28/10

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 3-27-10 Highway J Citizens Group, U.A. Update -- WE WON AGAIN! Federal Court DENIES the WisDOT's "Motion for Reconsideration" on Highway 164 Four-Lane Expansion Project.
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 02:38:01 -0500
From: Jeff Gonyo <>
To: Jeff Gonyo <>

Dear Friends and Neighbors:
    Back on September 24, 2009, the government defendants (U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Wisconsin Department of Transportation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) had filed a "Motion for Reconsideration" with the district court seeking to reverse our September 14, 2009 legal victory stopping the Highway 164 four-lane expansion project in both Washington and Waukesha Counties.  I now have some great news to report -- WE WON AGAIN!
    On March 23, 2010, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman DENIED the USDOT's, FHWA's, WisDOT's and ACOE's "Motion for Reconsideration" IN ITS ENTIRETY and upheld his original decision stopping the Highway 164 expansion.  For your reading interest, I am attaching a copy of Judge Adelman's decision here along with three news articles (from the March 25, 2010 West Bend Daily News, March 24, 2010 Daily Reporter and March 24, 2010 Business Journal of Milwaukee) providing more details on this amazing legal victory for the people of this area. 
    Our success here continues to inspire and encourage citizens from across the State of Wisconsin to strongly oppose several other unwanted WisDOT road expansion projects.  For example, in Waukesha County, residents are organizing to oppose the WisDOT's proposed "West Waukesha Bypass Project" which, if built, would have serious environmental impacts in this area (see the attached March 25, 2010 Daily Reporter news article entitled, "Town Residents Wary of Waukesha Bypass" for more details).  Also, residents and small business owners now are fighting the WisDOT's proposed construction of a new bypass around Hortonville which, if built, would negatively impact this community's downtown business district (see the attached March 26, 2010 Daily Reporter news article entitled, "Hortonville Hears a Bypass" for more details).  As a result of our recent court victory, people now are realizing that they can fight the WisDOT and win!
    If Judge Adelman's favorable federal court decision is preserved during the upcoming appeals process, 1) Our homes, families, communities, and natural resources in this beautiful Kettle Moraine area will be protected for many years to come, 2) Other related road expansions that would have resulted from the Highway 164 expansion also will be stopped, and 3) Wisconsin taxpayers will save billions of dollars in the long-term.  CAN WE COUNT ON YOUR IMMEDIATE SUPPORT TO MAKE ALL OF THESE GREAT THINGS HAPPEN?
    THIS LEGAL BATTLE IS NOT YET OVER!  Our attorneys (who are getting great results for all of us) have informed me that the WisDOT and other government defendants will, in all likelihood, file an appeal of Judge Adelman's district court decision with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago.  Such an appeal will take approximately nine months to a year to resolve.  Therefore, we now need to immediately raise funds to pay for the valuable legal services of our highly-experienced, successful legal team (Attorneys Charles Barr and Elizabeth Rich).  CAN WE COUNT ON YOUR SUPPORT TODAY?
    Please mail your donation checks to us at: HIGHWAY J CITIZENS GROUP, U.A., P.O. Box 152, Hubertus, WI  53033 or you can donate online at our website ( with a debit or credit card using the PayPal feature located there. 
    If you have been reading these informative e-mail updates for the past many months, but have not yet donated, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SO!  YOU are the key to our success.  We can't do it without you.
    We look forward to your much-appreciated support and will continue to keep you informed as new developments occur.  THANK YOU!
Jeff Gonyo,
Steering Committee Member for the
P.O. Box 152, Hubertus, WI  53033

3-23-10 Judge Adelman's Denial of Defendants Motion for Reconsideration [Highway 164 federal lawsuit]..pdf
3-24-10 Daily Reporter -- Highway 164 Lawsuit Survives Federal Challenge..pdf
3-25-10 West Bend Daily News -- Judge Won't Budge on Block of Highway 164 Expansion to 4 Lanes..pdf
3-24-10 Business Journal of Milwaukee -- Adelman Shoots Down Highway 164 Expansion..pdf
3-26-10 Daily Reporter -- Hortonville Hears a Bypass..pdf
3-25-10 Daily Reporter -- Town Residents Wary of Waukesha Bypass..pdf

Jim Lyne

Mar 28, 2010, 11:19:04 PM3/28/10
to Verona Road Justice Coalition

"Our success here continues to inspire and encourage citizens from
across the State of Wisconsin to strongly oppose several other
unwanted WisDOT road expansion projects."

Their website for this story is

and their website is


On Mar 28, 11:06 am, Susan De Vos <> wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:        3-27-10 Highway J Citizens Group, U.A. Update -- WE WON AGAIN!
> Federal Court DENIES the WisDOT's "Motion for Reconsideration" on
> Highway 164 Four-Lane Expansion Project.
> Date:   Sun, 28 Mar 2010 02:38:01 -0500

> From:   Jeff Gonyo <>
> To:     Jeff Gonyo <>

> Dear Friends and Neighbors:
>     Back on September 24, 2009, the government defendants (U.S.
> Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Wisconsin
> Department of Transportation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) had filed

> a* "Motion for Reconsideration"* with the district court seeking to
> reverse our September 14, 2009 legal victory *_stopping_* the Highway

> 164 four-lane expansion project in both Washington and Waukesha

> Counties.  I now have some *_great news_* to report -- *WE WON _AGAIN_!*
>     On March 23, 2010, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman *_DENIED_* the
> USDOT's, FHWA's, WisDOT's and ACOE's "Motion for Reconsideration" *_IN
> ITS ENTIRETY_* and *_upheld his original decision_* stopping the Highway

> 164 expansion.  For your reading interest, I am attaching a copy of

> *_Judge Adelman's decision_* here along with *_three news articles_*
> (from the March 25, 2010 *_West Bend Daily News_*, March 24,
> 2010 *_Daily Reporter_* and March 24, 2010 *_Business Journal of
> Milwaukee_*) providing more details on this *_amazing legal victory_*

> for the people of this area.

>     Our success here continues to *_inspire_* and *_encourage_* citizens
> from across the State of Wisconsin to *_strongly oppose_* several other

> unwanted WisDOT road expansion projects.  For example, in Waukesha

> County, residents are organizing to oppose the WisDOT's proposed *"West
> Waukesha Bypass Project"* which, if built, would have serious

> environmental impacts in this area (see the attached March 25,

> 2010 *_Daily Reporter_* news article entitled, *"Town Residents Wary of
> Waukesha Bypass"* for more details).  Also, residents and small business
> owners now are fighting the WisDOT's proposed construction of a *_new
> bypass around Hortonville_* which, if built, would negatively impact

> this community's downtown business district (see the attached March 26,

> 2010 *_Daily Reporter_* news article entitled, *"Hortonville Hears a
> Bypass"* for more details).  As a result of our recent court victory,
> people now are realizing that they can *_fight_* the WisDOT and *_win_*!
>     If Judge Adelman's favorable federal court decision is *_preserved_*
> during the upcoming appeals process, *1)* Our homes, families,

> communities, and natural resources in this beautiful Kettle Moraine area

> will be protected for many years to come, *2)* Other related road

> expansions that would have resulted from the Highway 164 expansion also

> will be stopped, and *3)* Wisconsin taxpayers will save billions of
> dollars in the long-term.  */CAN WE COUNT ON _YOUR IMMEDIATE SUPPORT_ TO
>     */THIS LEGAL BATTLE IS _NOT_ YET OVER!/*  Our attorneys (who are
> *_getting great results_* for all of us) have informed me that the

> WisDOT and other government defendants will, in all likelihood, file an

> *_appeal_* of Judge Adelman's district court decision with the U.S.

> Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago.  Such an appeal
> will take approximately nine months to a year to resolve.  Therefore, we

> now need to *_immediately raise funds_* to pay for the *_valuable_*
> legal services of our *_highly-experienced, successful legal team_*
> (Attorneys Charles Barr and Elizabeth Rich).  */CAN WE COUNT ON _YOUR_
>     Please mail your donation checks to us at: _*HIGHWAY J CITIZENS
> GROUP, U.A., P.O. Box 152, Hubertus, WI  53033*_ or you can _*donate
> online*_ at our website *(***
> <>*)* with a debit or credit card using
> the *PayPal* feature located there.

>     If you have been reading these informative e-mail updates for the

> past many months, but have *_not_* yet donated, /*_NOW_ IS THE TIME TO
> DO SO!  _YOU_* *are the key to our success.  We can't do it without you.*/
> *//*
>     We look forward to your *_much-appreciated_* support and
> will continue to keep you informed as new developments occur.  /*THANK
> YOU!*/

> Sincerely,
> Jeff Gonyo,
> Steering Committee Member for the


> P.O. Box 152, Hubertus, WI  53033

> _Phone_: (262)-644-8334
> _E-Mail_: <>
>  PÀƒ,"eration [Highway 164 federal lawsuit]..pdf"
> 103KViewDownload
>  PÀƒ,"hallenge..pdf"
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>  `ă,’,"hallenge..pdf""ghway 164 Expansion to 4 Lanes..pdf"
> 65KViewDownload
>   Pˆ&’,"hallenge..pdf""hway 164 Expansion..pdf"
> 37KViewDownload
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>  `ă,… "..pdf"
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