Re: Grant opportunity due Apr 12

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Susan De Vos

Apr 2, 2010, 1:15:25 PM4/2/10
to Jo Kelley,,, Bill McCarthy, Carol Poole, Connie Roderi, Donna Sarafin, Florenzo Cribbs, Gigi Miller, Jeffrey Glazer, Joann Kelley, Kim Zinski, Mary Mullen, Mike Marty, Nathan Franklin, ONISIM DORNEANU, Peter Schmitt, Sina Davis, Solare O'Brien, Ted Collins,, Susan De Vos
Some grants only fund capital costs, not operating costs. The kind of activity that Maria seems to be suggesting would be an operating cost.  It is worth checking out the Evjue Foundation because I think it does not fund operating costs.  Writing a proposal to them could be spending precious time fruitlessly.

UW's Memorial Library has a lot of information about grants (not that I have been successful with my attempts) that might be worth checking out -- .  I think Target has something too, and, given that it has a new store in Fitchburg, might be interested in a local issue such as yours.

You might also consider avenues that would require a fiscal sponsor.  MABA has 501(c)(3) status and could fill that role.  I do not know whether MEJO does or not.


p.s.  Please consider becoming part of the Google listserv that Jim Lyme has so graciously established.  It is much more than a list of email addresses that inevitably omits someone important.   It archives all the various email so you can refer to something sent earlier, it can list events, it makes permanently available for download or reading important documents and much more, including, I think, a web page.  (Jim knows about such things much better than I.)

Jo Kelley wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Maria Powell, who gave the Health Impact talk, is offering to write a grant for MEJO to help us educate and organize around the Verona Rd issue.  There would also be neighborhood capacity building that would help us with anything we want to accomplish in the neighborhood. The application is DUE April 12.  Is there any reason for us not to work with Maria on the appliation?  If we go for it, I'm willing to spend some time with her.  Anyone else?  Could we meet with Maria on Thurs, April 8 at 6:30?
 During her talk she mentioned us doing community-based monitoring of environmental impacts on the air, marsh, etc.  She is also willing to write grants in the near future to help us do this kind of monitoring. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maria Powell (MEJO) <>
Date: Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 8:37 AM
Subject: traffic pollution meeting followup
To: Jo Kelley <>

Hi Jo....

Thanks for inviting me to present last week and talk with the folks there about the Verona interchange issue. It was very interesting--I"m on a steep learning curve about the history of this issue and where it is going. You and others in the group (Donna, etc) did a nice job organizing the meeting. How did the meeting on Tuesday at McDonald's go?

I've been thinking since the meeting about whether I could have any role in this issue from here on and what the appropriate role might be. As I told you on the phone, MEJO has no funding right now and we are trying to figure out what direction to go next as far as projects, writing grants, etc. As I also said, I am really interested in community-based participatory research (CBPR) --working with the community to monitor pollutants in their neighborhood, etc.  I think this approach could be really helpful in the Verona Rd area on a number of levels as the interchange issue moves forward.

However, I think it would be best to do some community capacity building in the neighborhood on environmental health issues before going for a decent size CBPR grant. What do you think about the Verona Road Justice Coalition and MEJO applying for a small grant (say, $5-10,000?) with a quick turnaround time to do some communication/education/capacity building in the neighborhood on environment and health issues? MEJO would like a bit of staff time (me) for helping to organize but we could ask for funding for community leaders' work, materials, food at meetings, etc.

The Evjue Foundation grant request is out and due April 12. It's an easy proposal (2 pages) I would be willing to write it with your and other community members' input. (I attached the text only of the EPA grant I wrote a years ago to get $$ for community capacity building.)

What do you think? Can I meet with you and some of the lead community members to discuss it later this week (Fri?) or perhaps early next week?


PS--I'll respond to Connie's email a bit later today.

Jo Kelley

Susan De Vos
Madison Area Bus Advocates
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