APRS Packets transmit upon PTT release?

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Joe Shoemaker

Jun 8, 2024, 8:29:40 PM6/8/24
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Hi Team, 

I'd like to open with how amazing this group is, and the information here has been outstanding!  I understand that if in dual mode, there is a chance that APRS packets could be sent on the wrong frequency.  When I select single channel (Not APRS) and release my PTT, a packet can be heard on the RX side. It doesn't matter how long the transmission is, a packet is sent. 

I have been doing some troubleshooting and the only way I can stop this annoying packet sound is to enter the settings and turn off Identification information and Location; Essentially turning off APRS all together.

I checked my firmware and I am running the most recent version.

Am I missing something?  I am new to APRS, and I know enough, to know I don't know enough...

Also, do we have any idea of a Apple CarPlay is on the horizon?  That would be super cool!



Marnoch Standen

Jun 8, 2024, 8:34:22 PM6/8/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com
If you read the documents on the radio and settings you will find that you need to set APRS tx to the aprs memory channels.
If you don't it can and will tx on the other channel you have open.

Just set the tx for the APRS channel within settings... It's at the top of the page.  

Min G0JMS 

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Joe Shoemaker

Jun 9, 2024, 10:06:02 AM6/9/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com
Hi Min,

Thanks for your reply! I have this set the APRS channel and even tried changing it from one saved channel to another to see if that would help with no avail. 

Any other suggestions? 




Marnoch Standen

Jun 9, 2024, 10:09:23 AM6/9/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com

You have to have the radio connected and on General settings set the APRS channel to your APRS memory channel.. I use 16 as its out of the way....
Let me know if the iOS can do this as my old iPhone is not suitable now.  

Min G0JMS 👍

Joe Shoemaker

Jun 10, 2024, 4:46:12 PM6/10/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com
Hi Min,

I tried this, and even changed from stored channel 16 to channel 1, then back again. It's not like a full data packet, but some data transmits once I release the PTT.  I'll try to record a short video of what is going on and share it later.

Thanks again for all the support! 



On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 4:34 PM Marnoch Standen <marnoch...@gmail.com> wrote:

Marnoch Standen

Jun 10, 2024, 4:56:35 PM6/10/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com
Hi Joe

If it's send data after a PPT release it's the location ID data that you need to turn off. It's a feature that tells other users their position and distance. Good features if you have HH and the radio. It's in the ID section and all 3 need to be off, a resent update turned them back on as default.
The documents I did detail this feature and to turn it off.

APRS is a timed feature and not PTT operated.
Beacon times are adjusted in the ID section and for testing you do it down to seconds.
The very early versions of firmware did mistakenly tx on the last band used... I know as I kept opening the local repeater 😕🤭.
It was resolved by the selection of the channel in the screen shot I sent. 

Please read the documents and testing I did on APRS..

Min G0JMS 

Eric Bull

Jun 10, 2024, 8:54:51 PM6/10/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com
Make sure this is turned off.

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 3.54.05 PM.png

Joe Shoemaker

Jun 11, 2024, 9:48:15 PM6/11/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for all the help, team!  

To make sure I understand, If I am going to beacon my location, and have set up my APRS configured correctly and specified a specific APRS channel (IE CH16), I will have a data packet sent every time I release my PTT, no matter what channel I am on? 

Is there a way that I can beacon my location without having that data packet sent every time I release my PTT on other frequencies? 

Thanks for all the guidance, I greatly appreciate it!



Marnoch Standen

Jun 11, 2024, 9:56:22 PM6/11/24
to Vero...@googlegroups.com
Hi Joe

There are 2 things radio ID and APRS.
The ID is nothing to do with APRS and I suggest you turn it off. As it a data position only for Vero type radios.
You turn this off in the ID section of the app... Top 3 I'd buttons off.

APRS has its own page except for it's beacon times which is on the ID Page beacon for rf and Igate network. 

Hope this clears it up for you and it will stop the buzz sound at the end of a tx. 

Min Standen G0JMS

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