Regarding stored groups, I'm attaching screenshots from my iPhone and an android tablet (I couldn't figure out how to take actual screenshots of that, so... sorry... I took pictures with my iPhone).
On the iphone, select "Channel & Groups". That takes you to the screen labeled "Channel Groups". The groups listed there (I have 3) are all stored locally on the phone. However, if you tap the little icon on the right, it will push that group to the radio. When you do that, you get the "upload to device" screen, and it asks you to choose "Channel Group 1" through "Channel Group 12". You can copy whichever phone group (eg, "Home") to whichever radio group (eg, "Channel Group 5") you want. As far as I can tell, there is NO WAY to choose which Radio Channel Group is active from within the iOS app. All I can do is push a Phone Group into Channel Group 1, at which point it becomes active.
Now switch over to the android tablet. If you hit "Switch Device Region", you will see "1. Channel Group" through "12. Channel Group". These are the same 12 channel groups reference above, and they are stored on the radio. In my case, they were uploaded to the radio from my phone. On this screen, you can choose which one is active.
I want to reiterate: I programmed ALL THREE GROUPS on my phone. I have not programed any channel groups on the tablet ever. AND YET, when I'm using the tablet, I can use ALL THREE GROUPS on the radio. That's just not possible unless those three groups were stored on the radio itself. I can ALSO switch channel groups from the stupid little bluetooth walkie wireless controller. It's buried deep in the menus.
- you can store groups on your phone/tablet (and name them)
- you can store groups on the radio (Channel Group X)
- you can push groups from phone/tablet to radio (iOS & Android)
- you can pull the active group from the radio to your phone/tablet (iOS & Android)
- you can select which radio group is active (Android and bluetooth handheld, but NOT iOS)
Like so many others, I think it's a crying shame that this radio is so excellent in many ways, but so INFURIATINGLY difficult to use. I mean, here we are arguing about how to do something as basic and loading different channel groups.