Using more than one Remote Channel

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Stefan Moser

Jul 31, 2023, 11:39:10 AM7/31/23
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Hi all

Maybe I'm stupid, but I dont find out, how I can use the N7500 in Remote

For example if I set the following Channels:

Memory 1) 145.400 MHz -> Bound to Channel XYZ145.400,
Memory 2) 145.500 MHz -> Bound to Channel XYZ145.500
Memory 3) 145.525 MHz -> Bound to Channel XYZ145.525

Sync Radio Config and Relais Mode is activated in all in all Channels

If I connect an Android via Bluetooth to the N7500 and activate for example Channel 2 (145.500MHz) it works well. I can also use the BHM-78 via Bluetooth without any problem. While scanning I can hear the signals from all active Channels.

But if I use a second Android which is connected via 4G from a distant location and switch this for example to the Channel "XYZ145.525", then I can TX with that remote-Android on 145.525Mhz . But RX which I hear on that Remote-Android is still on 145.400 (as activated on the local Android). 
Is there any setting how I can let the remote Android hear on the same frequency as it transmits?

I really tried all possible settings but I still cant change that.

Thanks for your help
Stephan HB0SM

Stefan Moser

Jul 31, 2023, 11:46:30 AM7/31/23
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Sorry there is a typo above:

if I use a second Android which is connected via 4G from a distant location and switch this for example to the Channel "XYZ145.525", then I can TX with that remote-Android on 145.525Mhz . But RX which I hear on that Remote-Android is still on 145.500 (as activated on the local Android). 

On the remote Android I can only hear the channel which is activated on the local Android.
If I switch to other bound channels, I can only send on the other frequencies as set in that channels. 
But RX is always the frequency which is set on the local Android.

Marnoch Standen

Jul 31, 2023, 1:28:33 PM7/31/23

If I have this correctly it’s my understanding that you can go in any of the Digital Network Channels that you have pass worded and are the owner of that digital channel.

You can go in via any Vero radio N7500 with the feature via a radio which will BT to the android phone then in the network.

Or Android phone into the network.

It would use the frequency you have selected for input and output phone to phone or HH to N7500 to Android to Network the out of the network to phone then radio N7500 to HH if used.


All you are doing is using I believe is a network channel on the second phone and not the frequency as you make no mention of a second radio.. The BMH-78 is and LCD speaker microphone BT to Android phone or N7500.


I understand the controller of that digital channel password holder can change frequency remotely and you only need to bind 1 frequency and channel.


I hope I have understood your question and answered it as I think is correct.



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Stefan Moser

Aug 1, 2023, 3:46:19 PM8/1/23
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band

Dear Marnoch

Thank you for your answer! Sorry, when the description was not clear.

You wrote „I understand the controller of that digital channel password holder can change frequency remotely and you only need to bind 1 frequency and channel.“

But this is exactly what I do not understand, how I can do it. HOW can I change the RX and TX Frequency remotely from my Smartphone via Internet? 

And how can I scan through all the Memory Channels remotely?

I want to use the Vero VR N7500 when I am not in my Shack or travelling to call my local friends on 2m/70cm. 

If possible I whould also like to scan through the up to 16 programmed Channels.


Therefore  I programmed on the “Master“ Android Phone , which is near the N7500 and connected via Bluetooth about 12 Channels (Memories) with the most important Frequencies in my area.. (Simplex Frequencies and several Repeaters)

Then I bound to each Channel (Memory)  one Network Channel:

Memory 1) 145.400 MHz -> Bound to Network Channel XYZ145.400,

Memory 2) 145.500 MHz -> Bound to Network Channel XYZ145.500

Memory 3) 145.525 MHz -> Bound to Network Channel XYZ145.525

Memory 4) …..

 All Channels are working well on my "Master-Android", which is connected via Bluetooth to the N-7500 and via WiFi to the Internet.

On my Smartphone (Android) which I will take with me, I connected all my Network Channels, according to the example list above.


My understanding oft the Function oft the Network Channels was, that when I connect my Smartphone for example to my Internet Channel 2 “XYZ145.500“ then I will be able to RX and TX on this Frequency. But this did only work for TX, but not for RX.


When on the “Master-Phone“ for example Memory Channel 1 was active (above 145.400 MHz) and I connected my Smartphone to Network Channel 3 (above 145.525 MHz), then I was able to TX via Smartphone -> (Internet) ->  Master Android -> (Bluetooth) ->  N7500 on  145.525 MHz.

But I did not hear the answers on 145.525MHz, because the Master was still active listening on Channel 1 (145.400MHz)  and sent me all Signals from 145.400 MHz (Channel 1).


 ==> How can I change (without TEAMVIEWER etc) the Channel from where all RX Signals will be transmitted back to my Smartphone?

 ==> Why does it not listen on the same Channel where it transmitts?

Now I found a way around:

I connect all my Network Channels parallel and listen to all oft them parallel.

When the Master Android is in SCAN Mode and scans all Channels, it sends mostly the RX Signals from all Channels to me (if the SCAN is not blocked due to a Signal on the wrong Channel ). This way I can TX and mostly also RX on the same Channel. But this works only, if the scanner does not stop on another Channel due to another Signal


    ==> Is there a better way how I can remotely chose RX and TX Frequency?

    ==> And how can I use the SCAN Function remotely?



If I only use one Android Phone without remote via Internet, the software works well. I only miss the T-Call Function (1750 Hz) which I need to open some of our Repeaters.

Also the BHM-78 works great. It even has a T-Call function which works well. The only problem ist to stop the SCAN Function. When the N7500 is in SCAN Mode and I want to answer to one Channel I have first to jump through all the menues on the  BHM-78 to stop the scanning manually and then set the correct Channel, before I can answer. All other Radios are stopping the SCAN automatically when I press the PTT.


Thanks a lot for your help

73, Stephan

Marnoch Standen

Aug 1, 2023, 5:34:41 PM8/1/23

I think you are trying to do something that is beyond what the radio and network is designed for… Best would be to get your friends to call you on a network channel and you can have several network channels monitoring…


This is something I have never tried and not sure if it’s possible.

Stefan Moser

Aug 10, 2023, 6:02:49 PM8/10/23
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Thank you for your answer

For me it simply makes no sense why I can remotely TX to HF on any of the 16 Frequencies which are stored in the (bound) Memory Channels, 
but RX only on the Frequeny of the one Channel which was localy set active.This looks more like a Software Bug for me. 
(or there is a trick to change the RX Channel)

There is a workaround when I change the active Channel on the local Android via TEAMVIEWER. Unfortunately this is not very userfriendly.
And TEAMVIEWER is not running very stable on my Android Device. Often it does not connect.

==>I will try it the next few days and weeks. Maybe I can find a better way.

73, Stephan

Marnoch Standen

Aug 10, 2023, 6:19:16 PM8/10/23

The radio is 2/70 not HF… so where are you getting HF from?


It designed to be possible to put a network channel to a VHF or UHF channel and the person who is the controller of the channel (owner) may or could change the frequency of the input and output would follow… I only test on 1 channel on the same frequency.


You may have found flaw in the system.

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