VERO VR-N7500 installation

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Sammy Gill

Jun 26, 2024, 8:26:37 AM6/26/24
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Customer support of Gigaparts says power supply is: 13.8V 12 A 
Manufactyrer email says: 13.8V 20A 
and Mannual says 12V DC 

Those who have installed - please guide what I should buy for running this radio at home?

Marnoch Standen

Jun 26, 2024, 8:42:12 AM6/26/24

Hi Sammy

All radios are designed to run at 13.8 volts to get full power output (TX) and if you drop to 12v there could be a slight drop in TX power.

13.8 is the voltage that most vehicles charge the battery at.

The DC power data is in the documents measured for each band and TX level.


I would get the largest power supply you can as you will always use it for whatever radio you have, so don’t penny pinch on a power supply J




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Sammy Gill

Jun 28, 2024, 7:38:43 AM6/28/24
Thanks for sharing docs 
So far I could understand ...
1.mannual is wrong its not 12V bit 13.8V 
2. Still not clear about how many Amps ?
Please shed some light 

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Sammy Gill

Jun 28, 2024, 7:38:43 AM6/28/24
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Just wanted to be sure ... 13.8V 30A ? right? 
I saw attachment you sent where you tested with 30A 
just want to sure before I put money on anything 

Thanks for your help

Ryan W Leathers

Jul 16, 2024, 7:02:22 AM7/16/24
to Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
30 amps doesn't seem right.

My Kenwood D710 draws 13 amps.
My Yaesu FT-8900 draws 10 amps.
I used to have an Anytone AT-778UV which drew 10 amps.

The N-7500 should be similar to these radios in its power profile.  I can't imagine Bluetooth doubling or even tripling the amperage requirement.  I suspect the actual specification from Gigaparts of 12A is accurate, while the statement of 20A is absolute overkill and a way to help sell 20A power supplies. 

Marnoch Standen

Jul 16, 2024, 7:33:38 AM7/16/24
Hi Ryan

If you was to look at the Facebook messages and these together you will see the picture that Sammy was having issues on what power supply was to buy. He didn't understand voltage and current at that point.

The radio DOESN'T take 30 amps on full power.

If you look at the spreadsheet available you will see the values on each level of tx.

If you have a radio taking that power level you have an issue or RF getting into your measuring equipment..

Sammy is now sorted with the power supply he needed and is finding his way..

I trust this clears up the matter.

Min G0JMS 

Marnoch Standen

Jul 16, 2024, 9:15:58 AM7/16/24

Here is the value of power and Amps taken on the N7500.


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