Report Down Loads Over 3,000!

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George Plumb

Oct 22, 2014, 11:41:51 AM10/22/14
to Annette Smith, CARMEN LITZELMAN HOWE, Eben Fodor, Eric A Zencey, Geoffrey Goll, George Plumb, Gregory Wilson, Helen Wilson, James Andrews, Lisa Sammet, Lucas Snelling, Mark Powell, Tom Barefoot, Valerie Esposito, VSP Email List, Wolfger Schneider, Robert Fireovid, tom horton, Joe Bish, Dave Gardner, Jennifer, Lance Polya
Dear Authors, VSP Board and some others,
Remember when we thought if we reached 1,000 that would be great? Well, we keep plugging away and the report keeps getting more down loads. Most recently there was a paragraph in Mother Earth News about Vermont’s population work and we didn’t even ask them to do that.
I have done several presentations on the report and it now looks like I will be going to Baltimore to do a session at a conference being organized by Tom Horton who writes about the destructive growth in the Chesapeake Bay area and what it is doing to the bay itself.
I have also being trying to get other organizations to adopt our excellent definition of sustainable but without much success. It seems like a no brainer to me but so far only the Vt. Chapter of the Sierra Club has adopted it. Even groups like and Vt. Interfaith Power and Light have not be willing to do it for one reason or another. If you have any influence with any environmental type organization, educational institution, or business that has sustainability as part of its mission or work please make an effort to get them to adopt our definition, or a modified version, which is on the attached handout that we will be giving out when we do the “Hooked on Growth” movie at the Fletcher Free Library on October 29th. It is also on a separate sheet by itself. If we could just get another 3-4 more to adopt it then maybe we could reach a tipping point and others would follow suit. What could be more environmentally important in the face of climate change, the sixth great extinction, etc., than to adopt and then live in a sustainable way?
Again, deep gratitude to the authors and to the rest of you for supporting this world precedent setting report.
It is not how many people Vermont and the U.S. can contain it is how many they can sustain.

Handout for Hooked on Growth Movie ShowingEdited v3.docx
A New Definition of Sustainable.docx
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