Fw: "Most Important Film Ever Made" to Be Shown at UVM Dec. 1 at 7:00 pm

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Nov 28, 2011, 4:26:20 PM11/28/11
to VSP Email List
For those of you who live in the Burlington area and do not receive Bill’s daily emails I thought you might like to know about this.
It is great that the Gund Institute is sponsoring the showing. If any of you do go I will be interested in knowing how many people attended and what people thought of it.
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 8:16 PM
Subject: "Most Important Film Ever Made" to Be Shown at UVM Dec. 1 at 7:00 pm

"Most Important Film Ever Made" to Be Shown at UVM

Documentary Challenges Policy & Perceptions as World Population Passes 7 Billion


Thursday December 1st, 7 pm
Sponsored by Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont
Location: Fleming Museum FLEMIN 101
61 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, VT 05405

The provocative documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which held its world premiere November 2 in Washington DC, will be shown at the University of Vermont on December 1 at 7:00 pm.  World population passed 7 billion on October 31.


After viewing a pre-release screener of the film, Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich wrote, "This could be the most important film ever made.  It tackles the three lethal taboos that threaten our civilization, those against discussing overpopulation, overconsumption, and the nonsensical idea that economic growth itself is a net benefit even in rich countries and can and must continue forever."


GrowthBusters delivers a full-frontal assault on the "taboos, myths and greedy growth profiteers that keep us speeding toward a cliff," says filmmaker Dave Gardner. "Population growth is not inevitable, but it won't stop until we acknowledge its role in the major crises we face." "The scale of the human presence on Earth has reached unprecedented proportions," ecological footprint pioneer William Rees states in the film. "We've outgrown the planet.


Gardner interviewed psychologists, physicists, ecologists, sociologists and economists to research and create GrowthBusters. It features interviews with experts like Population Media Center's Bill Ryerson, former World Bank senior economist Herman Daly and former presidential advisors Gus Speth and Robert Solow.


GrowthBusters examines the beliefs, attitudes and propaganda causing us to ignore evidence perpetual growth is not possible or desirable. Gardner calls "Worship of Growth Everlasting the most powerful and widespread religion in the world."


Gardner takes on presidents and prime ministers, economists, news media and wealthy capitalists who keep us hooked on growth. Sociologist Juliet Schor and environmental leader Bill McKibben discuss how our relentless drive to earn, spend and consume is not making us happier.


While the news sounds depressing, the film is actually humorous at times and hopeful. It profiles "Growthbusters in Action," groups and individuals pioneering new value systems and ways of life that don't depend on growth, and they seem quite happy.


Once you see this film, you'll never again view the world the same way. The film is available to order now. Gardner emphasizes the film's distribution and effectiveness depend entirely on grass roots supporters the world over ordering the film and organizing house parties and community screenings.


Gardner has dedicated the film to Al Bartlett, University of Colorado professor emeritus of physics, who has dedicated his life to educating people about the power of exponential growth.


Trailer: http://vimeo.com/30647439

Photos & Video: www.growthbusters.org/media-and-bloggers

Buy Film: http://www.growthbusters.org/about-2/buy-the-film/

Screening/Premiere Info: http://www.growthbusters.org/about-2/screenings/screening-event-schedule/




Best wishes,



William N. Ryerson


Population Media Center and Population Institute

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True sustainability will only be achieved with population stabilization.
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