Listing Offline Clients in Velociraptor

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Harmon Nine

Dec 6, 2023, 6:05:28 PM12/6/23
Apologies if this was already posted.

I was wondering how to list velociraptor clients that are offline using the velociraptor api. 
The "clients()" function appears only to list those clients that are online,
but the velociraptor webpage at "https://localhost:8889/app/index.html#/search/*" lists both online and offline clients.
Is there a function, like "clients()", that can list both online and offline clients?
-- Harmon

Harmon Nine

Dec 11, 2023, 5:15:34 PM12/11/23
to velociraptor-discuss
"clients()" does list *all* clients, offline and online.  The problem I was having has to do with the interface to Velociraptor from python.
What is boils down to is that once you start receiving rows from Velociraptor in response to the "client()" function call, you cannot assume you'll get
all of the rows in a single "response.Response".  You need to keep checking for rows until you receive a "response.Response" with 0 rows.

-- Harmon
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