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Vault 1.17.4, 1.16.8, and 1.15.14 released!

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Luciano Di Lalla

Aug 29, 2024, 3:26:09 PM8/29/24
to Vault

Hi all,

The Vault team is announcing the release of 1.17.4, as well as Vault Enterprise 1.16.8 and 1.15.14.

The Community Edition binary can be downloaded at [1]. Enterprise binaries are available to customers as well.

As a reminder, if you believe you have found a security issue in Vault, please responsibly disclose by emailing and do not use the public issue tracker. Our security policy and our PGP key can be found at [2].

The major features and improvements in these releases are:

  • Client Count Estimation Improvements: Historically, Vault has provided an estimate of clients counts in the course of the current month. When showing counts attributed to specific mounts or namespaces, Vault was showing all client activity in the current month, and not just estimated new clients. With these releases, Vault will show estimated counts of only new clients in the current month in the API, CLI and UI. There may be some lingering discrepancies between the API, CLI, and UI, as there are more improvements coming with Vault 1.18.

  • Client Count Estimation Visibility: Vault will now indicate more clearly when it is returning estimated client counts. These indicators will be visible in the API, CLI, and UI.

  • Client Count Query Defaults: The default query period for client counts is now the beginning of the billing period to the current date, instead of the end of the previous month. This change affects only the API & CLI.

See the Changelog at [3] for the full list of improvements and bug fixes.

See the Feature Deprecation Notice and Plans page [8] for our upcoming feature deprecation plans.

Community [6] and Enterprise [7] Docker images will be available soon.



See [4] for general upgrade instructions and [5] for upgrade instructions and known issues.

As always, we recommend upgrading and testing this release in an isolated environment. If you experience any non-security issues, please report them on the Vault GitHub issue tracker or post to the Vault Discuss Forum at [9].

Sincerely, The Vault Team










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