2009 International VMJP Contest(For China-National-Day)rules+sign-ups

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Sep 7, 2009, 12:33:28 PM9/7/09
to Vantage Master

1. Who win 2 out of three duels will be the victor. Whether it will be
a round match or elimination game depends on the number of players,
not determined yet. If it is elimination game, I, zamil, won’t join
the contest.

2. Lv30 Masters with all common magic and natials. Thinking time is

3. Available master lists:
1) First choose 5 masters
2) Confirm each other’s 5 masters
3) Eliminate each other’s 2 masters out of the 5
4) The remaining 3 masters will be your available masters. You can
only choose master from the three.

4. The 1st round will be played at “礼文末期迷宫”
The one who sign up ahead of his opponent can choose one from the
following two:
1) Choose master and color first, and opponent choose master afterward
2) Let opponent choose master and color first, and then you choose
master afterward
The loser of the 1st round can choose one from the following two:
1) Choose map and master for 2nd round first, and opponent choose
master afterward
2) Let opponent choose map and master for 2nd round first, and then
you choose master afterward
This rule is also applied for 3rd round. In other words, the loser
of 2nd round can choose one from the upper two

5. You can choose maps for the 2nd and 3rd round ONLY from the
following: “礼文末期迷宫”, “宗谷环状岬”,” 十胜阴阳纹”,” 胆振大玉台”,” 桧山乙部平野”

6. The following acts are strictly abandoned:
1) Disconnecting during the game on purpose
2) Bothering opponent during the game on purpose
3) Not showing up in time without a good reason
The violator will be withdrawn from the contest.

7. You can sign up the contest and write game reports at either b2
forum(http://vm.yikuu.com) or Google forum(http://groups.google.com/
Video-report is the most recommended.

8. Additional rule: The one who moves later can’t summon completely
the same natials as your opponent’s for the first seven moves.

9. In most cases, the winner(who wins at least 2 out of the 3) should
write the game report. If the loser can provide better report
(ex:video), then it’s welcome. If your opponent doesn’t show up in
time, please explain this situation in report.

10. The deadline for signing up the contest is 9/20. The contest will
start at 10/1.

11. Sign-up form:
1) Nickname
2) Possible ways of communication
3) Any other things you want to say


Sep 7, 2009, 12:38:24 PM9/7/09
to Vantage Master
Anyone who wants to sign up please reply this message.


Sep 8, 2009, 11:03:01 AM9/8/09
to Vantage Master
1) yu_neria
2) irc.2ch.net #VM
3) previous registration(http://b2.yikuu.com/bbs/viewthread.php?


Sep 8, 2009, 11:58:22 AM9/8/09
to Vantage Master
There are some players who doesn't agree with "十胜阴阳纹" in contest.
They're afraid that it will be too long a duel, and this map is much
better for high-magic-power master.
Any suggestion about a better map to replace "十胜阴阳纹"?

Sep 9, 2009, 6:39:48 AM9/9/09
to Vantage Master
1) 恭
2) qq:157410124
3) ………………


Sep 9, 2009, 7:49:28 AM9/9/09
to Vantage Master
On behalf of Ttaro-

1) Ttaro-
2) irc.2ch.net #VM
3) I am a little busy, but glad to participate in this competition.
Thank you!


Sep 9, 2009, 7:57:23 AM9/9/09
to Vantage Master
Please clarify the following if I'm understanding the rule correctly
or not.
1) All specific magic are not prohibited.
2) Make new available master list for new opponent.
3) Use same color for 3 rounds.


Sep 9, 2009, 7:59:04 AM9/9/09
to Vantage Master
4) It is possible to use same master for 3 rounds.


Sep 9, 2009, 11:36:08 AM9/9/09
to Vantage Master
1) All specific magic are not prohibited?

All magics are accepted.

2) Make new available master list for new opponent?

Yes. You'll confront various types of player, so you don't have to use
the same master list all the way.

3) Use same color for 3 rounds?

Yes. But if two players both agree to exchange color at 2nd or 3rd
round, it is ok.

4) It is possible to use same master for 3 rounds?

Yes, if the player would like to.


Sep 9, 2009, 11:50:16 AM9/9/09
to Vantage Master
By the way, this is the first time I held a contest. I have no
experience. This rule is not completely determined yet. It could be
modified. So don't be reserved to give any suggestions.

I myself think the 4th rule is good, but the 3rd rule still has a
little problem. Even 2 of the 5 will be eliminated, There will be many
"Dora", "fakuto", "suketuna", something like that, be added into the
list to be eliminated on purpose, There's less fun if this happen. I'm
still thinking a way to prevent this.


Sep 11, 2009, 3:32:50 AM9/11/09
to Vantage Master
1) Bernka
2) QQ:61983433
3) Speak English is too hard for me. >.<


Sep 11, 2009, 10:50:35 AM9/11/09
to Vantage Master
1)  zamil
2)  QQ:814997659 irc.2ch.net #VM MSN: zami...@hotmail.com
3)  If the number of player is less then 10, then it will be a "round
match", and i'll play. If it is "elimination game", as a referee of
the contest, I can't join.


Sep 14, 2009, 9:05:05 AM9/14/09
to Vantage Master
1) TB
2) irc.2ch.net #VM
3) I am slow because it relies on the machine translation and am
Moreover, I do not understand English, in the environment for which
"Copy & paste" cannot be used.
Example) Chat in VMJP.
Message has been deleted


Sep 14, 2009, 12:14:58 PM9/14/09
to Vantage Master
Announcement: "十胜阴阳纹" is deleted from the available map list for 2nd
and 3rd round.
Additional remark: The main purpose of this contest is to provide a
chance of communication of VMJP. Champion will be rewarded nothing but
fame. "No winners, but Vmers".

By the way, glad to see you join, TMN. So far there are 8
participants. All are good players. The strength difference between
each players is not large. I'm sure the contest will be very splendid.


Sep 19, 2009, 8:54:01 AM9/19/09
to Vantage Master
1) Ttaro-
2) irc.2ch.net #VM


Sep 20, 2009, 5:54:03 AM9/20/09
to Vantage Master
2)msn:rayn...@hotmail.com qq:19273939


Sep 28, 2009, 12:03:17 PM9/28/09
to Vantage Master
1) 暖脚袋
2) QQ 164860719
3) 为了惩罚叛徒圣者而诞生的我也参赛了


Sep 30, 2009, 10:51:03 AM9/30/09
to Vantage Master

1) KRoNiC
2) MSN : kroni...@hotmail.com
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