Earthen Heart LLC 2024 update

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julian lauzzana

Mar 24, 2024, 6:08:05 PMMar 24
Greetings out there in VanKal Permaculture land!

I am not on Facebook, so I am not receiving updates and, if anyone is inclined to send occasional information out in this fashion I would love it, but no stress it that doesn't happen.  PJ mentioned this google groups should still be working.  I don't think anyone has used it in a while, so apologies if its a bit odd to receive an email like the old days.  Next thing you know I'll be sending you letters in the mail, knocking on your door for a cup of milk, inviting you to a barn raising!

Anyhow, some of you know about or have visited the property held by Earthen Heart LLC in Bangor, Michigan.  In fact here is a link to a video from a while back that PJ took...

Another link below is to a more recent convo with Steven Leavitt whom I met through Buckminster Fuller Institute.  "Community Homesteading as Comprehensive Eco-Social Realignment"

Much of the thoughts floating around in that talk stemmed from a blog post I did for Arcosanti in Arizona a few years back.
"Peri-Urban Agriculture at Arcosanti and Beyond"

Another, perhaps a bit nostalgic WWOFFer produced promo film is here:

I am reaching out to this network and looking for allies and partners as Earthen Heart LLC is really at a pivotal place and time right now wherein I am looking for people to participate in any number of ways to help Earthen Heart LLC continue to offer affordable sustainable housing in our area of SWMI (South West Michigan).  Maybe I can host another event with VKP if any interest / energy / momentum is created here.  Some people have been partnering on pruning, harvesting, processing; some people rent at below market rental rates and participate in the homestead activities; some may consider coming on board in ownership or property management capacity.  I am really opening to gates to community dialogue and working to be clear and yet open.  I have learned a lot and have refined some things, but largely the vision is the same.  This is clearly a challenging strategy and path I have adopted but I believe it to be at the fulcrum of so many aspects of our social-economic-spiritual-material reality - so I continue the journey.

I know many of you have your own land, responsibilities, jobs, families, etc. so it is not easy to step into new commitments.  I am cautious with that myself.  I am asking here for a consideration of how Earthen Heart LLC might eventually be transitioned into a Community Land Trust and who might be interested and able to help with more immediate stewardship of 2 properties with a total of 90 acres in South Haven and Bangor.  I am in dialogue with some amazing folks I met at a recent Biodynamic Conference at The Farmers Land Trust, Inc.  who are positioned to help Earthen Heart LLC move in this direction.

If anyone specifically is interested in the stewardship opportunity at the Bangor property please reach out directly.  My email is and cell phone # is (269) 539-7378

There is also a survey for people interested in visiting available @

Many opportunities exist here related to food, medicine, housing, processing, etc. 

I hope all your efforts in Soil and Community are rewarding and enriching.  Now more than ever we need to manifest the brighter future in Agroforestry, Regenerative Agriculture Commons, Affordale Housing, Community Gardens, Ecovillages, Potlucks, Skill Sharing, Storytelling, Drum Circles, Bonfires....  well, you probably have it all posted up on Facebook and I have been missing out ; ) 

Thanks for reading (& it's ok if you didn't).

In Community and Soil, 
Julian Lauzzana, Earthen Heart LLC

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