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Fwd: Permaculture Positions with CSD

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Joshua Shultz

Oct 27, 2015, 3:27:52 PM10/27/15
to, Bryan Mets, Bill Wilson, Wisconsin Permaculture

See forwarded job description.  This is the place that I used to work in The Bahamas and they are looking for a permaculturist to manage their site.  The job description requires a PDC and a college degree and I thought their might be some adventurous people around that might be interested.  Check it out!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Cortina <>
Date: Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 8:35 AM
Subject: Permaculture Positions with CSD
To: Joshua Shultz <>
Cc: Aaron Shultz <>

Brother Josh
It's been a while, trust all is well with you.  AA can kept me abreast with some of your work.  I always find it entertaining how we beer lovers find a way to legitimize our consumption.  

AA mentioned that you would be able to put some feelers out for our Permaculture position here at CSD.  I haven't had any luck locating any applicants that fit our description: the main constraints is that we want a an applicant with a college degree, so would love any help you can provide in that arena.

Attached is the job description.  If you know of any interested parties please pass this along to them or forward me their contact info.  

Thanks for the help.  Talk to you soon.

Mike Cortina
Center for Sustainable Development
The Island School and Cape Eleuthera Institute

US +1 609-423-0774 x6027
BA +1 242-334-8552 x6027
Skype: mike.cortina

Joshua Shultz
Cedar Creek Permaculture Farm, LLC - Owner
WMU Gibbs House - Permaculture Program Coordinator
2105 Pifer Rd.
Delton, MI 49046

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
— Mahatma Gandhi
CSD Job Description - Permaculture.pdf
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