We are excited to let you know the Issued building permits dataset was refreshed today with enhancements.
Here are the highlights:
§ includes elapsed time from when a permit application received a permit number through to when the permit was first issued
§ a new grouping field, PermitCategory, that focuses on higher volume, lower complexity project scopes
§ a new Report by month tab – a summary of the number of permits issued by year-month and the median elapsed time for those permits for each of the groupings within the new PermitCategory field
Explore the Issued building permits dataset at: https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/issued-building-permits
See the new Report by month tab at: https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/issued-building-permits/custom
Additional information from dataset change log at: https://opendata.vancouver.ca/explore/dataset/open-data-change-log/log/?disjunctive.datasets&sort=logdate&refine.datasetids=issued-building-permits
As a reminder, your use of the data available from the Open Data program is governed by the Open Government Licence – Vancouver (https://opendata.vancouver.ca/pages/licence).
By downloading the data, you are agreeing to be bound by this licence.
From the Open Data Team
Email: open...@vancouver.ca
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanopendata