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Damiano Dipopolo kicked out of HAMC in bad - Longshoremen's union

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Ace Ventura

Feb 18, 2024, 1:19:37 PMFeb 18
Damiano Dipopolo and his brother Rocco Dipopolo are both longshoremen, their kids are longshoremen, all their relatives are longshoremen, and their little gangsters from the street gang 'Battle Axe Warriors' are all longshoremen.

The Teamsters union doesn't hire anybody honest @ $ 60 per hour. It is exclusively gangster scum.


Feb 20, 2024, 7:34:45 PMFeb 20
Vào lúc 10:19:37 UTC-8 ngày Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 2, 2024, Ace Ventura đã viết:
> Damiano Dipo polo and his brother Rocco Dipopolo are both longshoremen, their kids are longshoremen, all their relatives are longshoremen, and their little gangsters from the street gang 'Battle Axe Warriors' are all longshoremen.
> The Teamsters union doesn't hire anybody honest @ $ 60 per hour. It is exclusively gangster scum.

FFS. Yes the docks have organized crime Mafia and H.A.M.C. But why are you a lazy non working bum 8 years homeless a thin grey haired idiot being critical of a cpl guys who drive forklifts? You the fraudster and thief Daryl Grant Macaskill have served more time in jail than Damiano Dipopolo has you bitter and envious twit with no family and disowned by your former crime partner Larry Buss. Damiano has 8 children and a wife what you got lowlife? Damiano for Pope no more abortions that is for sure with him running the show shame on him though for organizing the Halloween thing at his parish hey he is a full patch Hell's Angel how could he refuse if approached by the priest.

There are lots of Teamsters with no criminal records or gang ties. I know ppl that were hired at 22 just a few years ago to work the port they now can support a family of 4. I applied years ago no luck. You claiming next that Dipopolo killed Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa? That case is not solved. Battle Axe has connections to H.A. from years ago but have they ever been called a gang by VPD or RCMP or CLEU or the media. You jealous because you can't rap and they do tags saying Daryl Grant Macaskill is a diddler?

I hope your blogs get pulled down. There is no proof at all that Mr. Dipopolo is no longer H.A. Why don't you go to Franklin St in Vancouver with a sign saying Dipopolo out in bad staying at 2 in the afternoon you hyena festering nitwit.

Put all H.A. in prison 20 years pull their drivers licences and put their children with the Ministry. The govt banned the Proud Boys and they never killed or raped somebody in this country or beat up a police officer or sold weight cocaine or meth or blew up an apartment so why not ban H.A.M.C.?

Well you chronically lying convicted criminal and 8 years homeless guy none of the H.A. full patches agree with you.

You are very stupid and banned from all social media.

You claim the East End connected dude and father of 8 KTOWN Pres. is out in bad standing in your blog of lies I saw him not that long ago on Franklin St with like 10 H.A. and others around. For some reason the last 2 days (originally posted earlier this month ago) in Richmond ppl have been saying East End is all old and the New West H.A.'s of 20 years ago are all gone some were mentioned by name find that hard to believe for the record only hear this at one place. Some older ppl and obviously tougher or more violent ppl have warned them about their talk while making it clear they are not players or into it one guy flat out said the talkaholics (his word was "these young guys" ) were scared hey stay out of it shut up move on get on with your life. I have my head phones on not to hear they talk louder this is not eavesdropping. List partial no doubt of H.A.M.C. owned properties in BC. Castanet is a great news source. Dipopolo is listed as H.A. Castanet is a great news source. Oct. 10 2023 this news source listed Damiano Dipopolo as a full patch H.A.

Feb 3 2024 Damiano Dipopolo is listed as a full patch Hell's Angel.

I looked at a few of your blogs of lies and made up drivel and you post more about Damiano Dipopolo in a few years than I have in 25 years. Here you yet again state Damiano Dipopolo is a police informant " lets take this concept further. What HA has the unmitigated stones to sue a blogger for defamation via the ridiculously dirty Suzan El-Khatib? What HA LiarTard can run to the cops claiming her dopey life is in danger by a blogger with no record and instantly get her asshole sucked?

Citizens here it is ... Damiano Dipopolo is a police informant, has been for years, and is being protected by the fukkin pigs to this very day ... even at the risk of everybody else's fukkin life"

You forget to mention that the catholic alter boy Damiano Dipopolo won that lawsuit and that blogger Dennis Watson hates your guts for a variety of reasons including using his name in phony posts and emails.
The guy has 8 children he for sure is not practicing birth control unlike scores of millions of hypocrite catholics.

Kim Bolan has posted lots of accurate info about H.A. she has never claimed Dipopolo is in trouble with his H.A. buddies.

You say Dipopolo destroyed the Kelowna chapter but this article from last year quoting top law enforcement says the KTOWN crew numbers 50 from full patches to hang arounds and friends. You are brainless moron no wonder you have been homeless for 8 years straight. Those two gays you post about knowing in Surrey what they say about your H.A. claims? What about the Haney chapter t shirt guy who you posted in this ng you were in email contact with?

Anne Drennan V.P.D. hangs around some ppl she should not in public in East Van. Don't trust liars and sluts in black dresses.

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