Status, dataset, and submission deadline updates

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Johannes Kiesel

Jan 20, 2023, 3:53:55 PM1/20/23
Hi all,

As we are coming closer to submission deadline there is a lot to talk
about. I'll try to keep it short ;)

Status update
We now got some more information on the SemEval workshop [1].
- Feb 28. System paper submission
- Mar 31. Notification
- Apr 21. Camera ready
- Jul 13. Workshop @ ACL-2023 (Toronto, Canada)

For those of you who are new to SemEval: Participants are highly
encouraged to submit a short description paper. It is only 5 pages ACL
style and you do not have to register for or attend the workshop. The
peer-review phase is not a barrier but intended to improve the paper.
The SemEval page [1] contains guidelines to assist you in writing the paper.

Moreover, we try to assist you further in paper writing:
- We are preparing a LaTeX template that summarizes the SemEval
guidelines specifically for our task
- We are currently preparing a dataset description paper in which you
will find all information on the dataset
- We will provide you with LaTeX code for your results (tables, maybe
plots) so that you do not need to bother with formatting the results
These should all be ready in the first days of February.

Our goal is that you can focus on describing your approach.

Dataset update
We added another small optional test dataset of 80 arguments extracted
from New York Times articles (topic: Coronavirus). This is again an
extra challenge if you want to test the robustness of your approach.
Unfortunately, we are not allowed (yet) to publish the extracted
arguments, but instead provide a program to download and extract them
[2]. However, if you use Docker submissions you do not need to bother
and can just run your approach on the new dataset. Thanks to Lea
Kawaletz from the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf for collecting
this dataset!

We also added meta-information on each argument to the dataset
repository [3] for provenance.

Deadline update
We were requested to extend the submission deadline and agreed to do so.
The new dates are:
- Jan 25. Registration closes
- Jan 27. Run submission closes

Note that we will not be able to extend the submission deadline further.
We have to publish the results on January 31st as per general SemEval
rules, and we need some time to check submissions and give you the
chance to resubmit in case something went wrong.

That is it for now.

Hope you all have a nice weekend!


Johannes Kiesel

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Bauhausstr. 9a, Room 106
99423 Weimar, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)3643 - 58 3720
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