Field Day Thanks + Lost & Found

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Mark Purington

Jun 23, 2024, 5:43:28 PM (7 days ago) Jun 23
Hi all, 

On behalf of both MARA and VARA clubs, I just wanted to extend a sincere thanks to those who came to the potluck on Friday. As usual, we had a generous assortment of side dishes and desserts. Everything from mac and cheese to sushi! The fifty or so attendees made a good job of it, and there were very few leftovers left over!

I want to give a big shout out to Mary Ann Chatelain (KO4ODH), of VARA, for her help in setting up, taking down, and keeping up with the potluck and pizza runs, and to Chris Shirkey (KA4WSI) from MARA, who barbecued 40 pounds of chicken for us... in 100 degree temps, and then manned the GOTA station throughout the weekend! Many thanks!

Lost & Found: This year we acquired a blue insulated tote bag, the dome to a plastic cake carrier, and a snowman-themed plastic bowl. If you would like to claim any of these items (or make a generous offer...), just reply to this email and I will bring them to the next VARA or MARA meetings, or make other arrangements.

Thanks again to all. Let's do it again, same time next year!

Mark - KO4OLJ
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