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From Wade -- Where to Travel Next?

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Wade Shepard

Jan 14, 2010, 8:14:14 PM1/14/10
January 14, 2009 -- Albion, New York, USA

Where to Travel Next?

Chaya, Petra, and I should be leaving Western New York for Bangor, Maine tomorrow morning. We have begun our travels with our baby: going from Maine to Arizona, and then back across the country by car to New York, New Jersey, Brooklyn, then back to Western New York.

Petra is now five months old, we are getting into this journey. We are traveling.

Next Move?

Traveling with a baby means a new set of travel parameters.

Read, Where to Travel with a Baby

The candidates for our first journey outside of the USA with Petra are Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Indonesia, or China. February 3rd is our launch date. We are going to purchase tickets tomorrow morning. If you have any suggestions, please place a comment on

We welcome all suggestions, especially if they are not the countries listed above. Please tell us why a certain location of the world would be good to travel with a baby, or, better yet, post a response on the community forum at,

Thank you!

The next newsletter should come right before we depart for Petra's first international travels.



The prize for this contest is a copy of J Maarten Troost's Lost on Planet China if you can answer the following question:

Where did Wade and Chaya meet?

The first person to answer this question will receive the book!


New Travel Bloggers on

There are now three new bloggers on

The first is Chaya, who everyone knows already, and she is writing on Travels with Petra.This is a blog about traveling around the world pregnant and with a baby. This blog really shows the other side of the Vagabond Journey story.

Amanda also has a blog at Wayward Wanderings where she is writing about moving around the USA with the Renaissance Festival as a traveling coffee barista. She has just began her life as a hobo -- a person who travels in search of work -- and has plans of traveling soon in Central America.  

Our newest blogger is named Pearl, and she is reporting out of Australia. She is also just beginning her travels, and has plans of walking around the world. Her new blog is at Hung in the Inbalanced.

Please visit these blogs and encourage let the writers know that people are reading!

If you would like to start a free travel blog on, please get in touch!

Visit the blogs
Travels with Petra
Wayward Wanderings
Hung in the Inbalanced

New Travel Resources on Vagabond

In an attempt to publish more defacto -- on the ground -- travel information, I recently put up three new sections on Vagabond The first is a Travel Community Forum -- a place to plan your travels and assist other travelers on their journeys. The second section is a travel guide that functions on Wiki principles. You can upload your travel tips, ways to save money, and information on world wide low budget travel. Visit Wiki Vagabond. The third new section is a collection of World Travel Guides. This section is still in its infancy, but will be built up further as myself and other travelers continue to upload information to it.

Please help Vagabond grow by contributing a little information to each of these new sections. They all rely on user submitted content to grow, so we need your help!


Our money situation is stable. I worked for six months around the USA and saved up a decent cache of travel funds. is now beginning to make money, so we now have a modest check coming in every month from this project. But as the site grows so does its maintenance costs. We need to move to a new server, the site has grown beyond the capacity of its old host. To keep up it is now going to cost 10 times the amount of money that it once did.

To curb these rising costs, we began a T-shirt fund raiser. Please donate $20 an buy a Vagabond Journey shirt! To buy a t-shirt go to

Thank you.


The Vagabond Journey travelogue is still being published daily. Read the daily transmissions here,


I would also like to thank all readers for your support over the years. I could not have continued this website over the years without all of our encouragement, suggestions, and help.

I thank you.

Walk Slow,

Wade from

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